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Regarding for nth term in Count and Say sequence.

    11 février 2021 à 8:37:05

    Hello Everyone, I am 1 year of experience in C++ and I have faced an interview on Facebook. The interviewer asked me, Can you explain how to find the nth term in Count and say sequence. Can anyone suggest me the syntax of this pattern or suggest me some tips for my upcoming second round of interview in Facebook.

    Edité par AnkitDixit 11 février 2021 à 8:41:54

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      16 février 2021 à 17:24:35

      Here is the program:

      #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      using namespace std;
      // Returns n'th term in look-and-say sequence
      string countnndSay(int n)
      // Base cases
      if (n == 1)      return "1";
      if (n == 2)      return "11";
      // Find n'th term by generating all terms from 3 to
      // n-1.  Every term is generated using previous term
      string str = "11"; // Initialize previous term
      for (int i = 3; i<=n; i++)
      // In below for loop, previous character
      // is processed in current iteration. That
      // is why a dummy character is added to make
      // sure that loop runs one extra iteration.
      str += '$';
      int len = str.length();
      int cnt = 1; // Initialize count of matching chars
      string  tmp = ""; // Initialize i'th term in series
      // Process previous term to find the next term
      for (int j = 1; j < len; j++)
      // If current character does't match
      if (str[j] != str[j-1])
      // Append count of str[j-1] to temp
      tmp += cnt + '0';
      // Append str[j-1]
      tmp += str[j-1];
      // Reset count
      cnt = 1;
      //  If matches, then increment count of matching
      // characters
      else cnt++;
      // Update str
      str = tmp;
      return str;
      // Driver program
      int main()
      int N = 3;
      cout << countnndSay(N) << endl;
      return 0;
      To know more interview question like this visit here.
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      Regarding for nth term in Count and Say sequence.

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