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Code arduino Erreur

    13 janvier 2013 à 17:57:58

    Salut a tous ! 

    Je suis nouveaux sur ce Forum , je m'appelle Dylan et j'ai 17 ans. Je suis en Terminale.

    Aujourd'hui je vais avoir besoin de votre aide ! car mon professeur de technologie nous a annoncer que nous allons realiser un robot comme projet. Ensuite il a dit que si on voulait ( ceux qui etait interesse) pouvaient realiser un robot chez eux et ensuite le ramener a l'ecole pour recevoir une note !! Donc j'ai jusqu'en Avril pour finir mon robot que j'ai deja commence.Mon robot n'est pas encore finis. C'est en fait une plateforme qui possede 2 servomoteurs 360* a l'arriere et une roue folle a l'avant. Dessus sera visse un bras robotique avec une pince au bout (total 5 moteurs + 2 servomoteurs) . Tout ceci sera pilote VIA Bluetooth par mon ordianteur (Clavier) Mais malheureusement je fais du sur place , d'un cote avec le code de la pince que je n'arrive pas a trouver l'erreur et l'autre avec le module Bluetooth et les servomoteurs toujours pas acheter. 

    Est ce que quelqu'un pourrais m'eclairer pour mon code qui ne fonctionne pas ? j'ai une erreur dans processing , mais ou ca ?

    Je vous remerci d'avance esperant avoir des reponses rapidement.

    Bonne soiree a tous !

    code Arduino :

       // set the output pins
    // 14-18 are actually analog pins 0-4
    int baseMotorEnablePin = 2;
    int baseMotorPin1 = 3;                             
    int baseMotorPin2 = 4;                           
    int shoulderMotorEnablePin = 5;
    int shoulderMotorPin1 = 6;                             
    int shoulderMotorPin2 = 7; 
    int elbowMotorEnablePin = 11;
    int elbowMotorPin1 = 12;                             
    int elbowMotorPin2 = 13;                           
    int wristMotorEnablePin = A0;
    int wristMotorPin1 = A1;                             
    int wristMotorPin2 = A2;
    int handMotorEnablePin = 8;
    int handMotorPin1 = 9;
    int handMotorPin2 = 10;
    int LedBlanche = 52;
    // set a variable to store the byte sent from the serial port
    int incomingByte;
    void setup() {
      // set the SN754410 pins as outputs:
      pinMode(baseMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(baseMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(baseMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(baseMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
      pinMode(shoulderMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(shoulderMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(shoulderMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(shoulderMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
      pinMode(elbowMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(elbowMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(elbowMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(elbowMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
      pinMode(wristMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(wristMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(wristMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(wristMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
      pinMode(handMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(handMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(handMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(handMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
      pinMode(LedBlanche, OUTPUT);
      // start sending data at 9600 baud rate
    void loop() {
      // check that there's something in the serial buffer
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        // read the byte and store it in our variable 
        // the byte sent is actually an ascii value
        incomingByte =;
        // note the upper casing of each letter!
        // each letter turns a motor different way.
        if (incomingByte == 'Q') {
        digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);    
        if (incomingByte == 'W') {
        digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, HIGH);   
        digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);    
        if (incomingByte == 'E') {
        digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);   
        if (incomingByte == 'R') {
        digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, HIGH);   
        digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);    
        if (incomingByte == 'A') {
        digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);    
        if (incomingByte == 'S') {
        digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, HIGH);   
        digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);    
        if (incomingByte == 'D') {
        digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, HIGH);  
        if (incomingByte == 'F') {
        digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, HIGH);   
        digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, HIGH); 
        if (incomingByte == 'Z') {
        digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);    
        if (incomingByte == 'X') {
        digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, HIGH);   
        digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);  
        // if a O is sent make sure the motors are turned off
        if (incomingByte == 'O') {
        digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, LOW);  
        digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, LOW); 
        digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, LOW);  
        digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, LOW); 
        digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(LedBlanche, LOW);  

    Code proceesing : 

    // Language: Arduino
    // RobotArmControl.pde
    // by Sam Thongrong Feb 26, 2012
    // rev.02 
    // control commands array:
    // {GripOut, GripIn, WristUp, WristDown, ElbowUp, ElbowDown,
    // ShoulderUp, shoulderDown, BaseCW, BaseCCW, LightOn, LightOff, Stop};
    int controls[13] = { 0x47, 0x67, 0x57, 0x77, 0x45, 0x65, 
                       0x53, 0x73, 0x42, 0x62, 0x4c, 0x6c, 0x58 };
    // Base
    int baseEnablePin = 3;
    int basePin1      = 16;
    int basePin2      = 17;
    // Shoulder
    int shoulderEnablePin = 14;
    int shoulderPin1      = 2;
    int shoulderPin2      = 4;
    // Elbow
    int elbowEnablePin = 6;
    int elbowPin1      = 7;
    int elbowPin2      = 15;
    // Wrist
    int wristEnablePin = 11;
    int wristPin1      = 8;
    int wristPin2      = 12;
    int gripEnablePin = 10;
    int gripPin1      = 9;
    int gripPin2      = 5; 
    int ledPin = 13;
    // set a variable to store the byte sent from the serial port
    int incomingByte;
    void setup() {
      // set light LED 
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
      // set the SN754410 pins as outputs:
      pinMode(basePin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(basePin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(baseEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(shoulderPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(shoulderPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(shoulderEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(elbowPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(elbowPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(elbowEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(wristPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(wristPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(wristEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(gripPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(gripPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(gripEnablePin, OUTPUT);
      // start sending data at 115200 baud rate
      // I set my Xbee Baud Rate at 115200 bps,
      // change the Baud Rate according to your XBee
    void loop() {
        // check that there's something in the serial buffer
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        // read the byte and store it in our variable 
        // the byte sent is actually an ascii value
        incomingByte =;
        // note the upper casing of each letter!
        // each letter turns a motor different way.
        //===== Grip
        // Grip in
        if (incomingByte == controls[0]) {
        // Grip Out
        if (incomingByte == controls[1]) {  
        if (incomingByte == controls[2]) {
        //digitalWrite(wristPin1, LOW);   
        //digitalWrite(wristPin2, HIGH);  
        if (incomingByte == controls[3]) {    
        //===== Elbow
        // Elbow Up
        if (incomingByte == controls[4]) {
        // Elbow Down
        if (incomingByte == controls[5]) {
        //===== Shoulder
        // Shoulder Up
        if (incomingByte == controls[6]) {
        // Shoulder Down
        if (incomingByte == controls[7]) { 
        //===== Base
        // Base Right
        if (incomingByte == controls[8]) {
        // Base Left
        if (incomingByte == controls[9]) {
        // Light ON
        if (incomingByte == controls[10]) {
          digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
        // Light OFF
        if (incomingByte == controls[11]) {
          digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
        // if a O is sent make sure the motors are turned off
        if (incomingByte == controls[12]) {
    void gripIn() {
        digitalWrite(gripEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(gripPin1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(gripPin2, HIGH);
    void gripOut() {
        digitalWrite(gripEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(gripPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(gripPin1, HIGH);
    void wristUp() {
        digitalWrite(wristEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(wristPin1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(wristPin2, HIGH);
    void wristDown() {
        digitalWrite(wristEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(wristPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(wristPin1, HIGH);
    void elbowUp() {
        digitalWrite(elbowEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(elbowPin1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(elbowPin2, HIGH);
    void elbowDown() {
        digitalWrite(elbowEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(elbowPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(elbowPin1, HIGH);
    void shoulderUp() {
        digitalWrite(shoulderEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(shoulderPin1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(shoulderPin2, HIGH);
    void shoulderDown() {
        digitalWrite(shoulderEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(shoulderPin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(shoulderPin1, HIGH);
    void baseRight() {
        digitalWrite(baseEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(basePin1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(basePin2, HIGH);
    void baseLeft() {
        digitalWrite(baseEnablePin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(basePin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(basePin1, HIGH);
    void allStop() {
        digitalWrite(baseEnablePin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(basePin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(basePin2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(shoulderEnablePin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(shoulderPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(shoulderPin2, LOW); 
        digitalWrite(elbowEnablePin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(elbowPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(elbowPin2, LOW);  
        digitalWrite(wristEnablePin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(wristPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(wristPin2, LOW); 
        digitalWrite(gripEnablePin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(gripPin1, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(gripPin2, LOW); 

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      13 janvier 2013 à 18:35:50

      Donne nous le message d'erreur de processing. Si on ne connais pas l'erreur, on ne pourra pas t'aider.
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        13 janvier 2013 à 19:07:40

        Oupss pardon ...

        error inside Serial.Write()

        Stable Library
        Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
        Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
        Stable Library
        Native lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
        Java lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
        at processing.serial.Serial.write(Unknown Source)
        at sketch_121202a.sendCommands(
        at sketch_121202a.draw(
        at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(
        at processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D.requestDraw(
        Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error inside Serial.write()
        at processing.serial.Serial.errorMessage(Unknown Source)
        at processing.serial.Serial.write(Unknown Source)
        at sketch_121202a.sendCommands(
        at sketch_121202a.draw(
        at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(
        at processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D.requestDraw(

        je pense que l'erreur vient de ma liaison série avec le bras. Car il est ecris : 

        at processing.serial.Serial.write(Unknown Source)" 

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          13 janvier 2013 à 19:46:59

          Déjà il n'y a pas la même vitesse définie dans le Serial.begin() du code arduino et celui du code Processing.

          Ensuite le code processing n'en est pas un. Comment peut tu faire des digitalWrite sur un PC ? De plus il faut selectionner le port COM sur processing :

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            13 janvier 2013 à 20:15:43

            Au mon Dieu quelle honte ..... je suis vraiment idiot , je me suis tromper de code.  C'est celui que j'avais tester il y'a 4 mois et qui ne marche pas. Je suis vraiment desole. 

            les bons codes sont ceux la :


            /* controls each motor in an Edge Robotic Arm using data sent from
            a Processing Sketch

            // set the output pins
            // 14-18 are actually analog pins 0-4
            int baseMotorEnablePin = 2;
            int baseMotorPin1 = 3;
            int baseMotorPin2 = 4;
            int shoulderMotorEnablePin = 14;
            int shoulderMotorPin1 = 15;
            int shoulderMotorPin2 = 16;
            int elbowMotorEnablePin = 8;
            int elbowMotorPin1 = 9;
            int elbowMotorPin2 = 10;
            int wristMotorEnablePin = 5;
            int wristMotorPin1 = 6;
            int wristMotorPin2 = 7;
            int handMotorEnablePin = 11;
            int handMotorPin1 = 17;
            int handMotorPin2 = 18;
            // set a variable to store the byte sent from the serial port
            int incomingByte;

            void setup() {
            // set the SN754410 pins as outputs:
            pinMode(baseMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(baseMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(baseMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
            digitalWrite(baseMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
            pinMode(shoulderMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(shoulderMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(shoulderMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
            digitalWrite(shoulderMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
            pinMode(elbowMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(elbowMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(elbowMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
            digitalWrite(elbowMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
            pinMode(wristMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(wristMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(wristMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
            digitalWrite(wristMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
            pinMode(handMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(handMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(handMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
            digitalWrite(handMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
            // start sending data at 9600 baud rate

            void loop() {
            // check that there's something in the serial buffer
            if (Serial.available() > 0) {
            // read the byte and store it in our variable
            // the byte sent is actually an ascii value
            incomingByte =;
            // note the upper casing of each letter!
            // each letter turns a motor different way.
            if (incomingByte == 'Q') {
            digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, HIGH);
            if (incomingByte == 'W') {
            digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, LOW);
            if (incomingByte == 'E') {
            digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, HIGH);
            if (incomingByte == 'R') {
            digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, LOW);
            if (incomingByte == 'A') {
            digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, HIGH);
            if (incomingByte == 'S') {
            digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, LOW);
            if (incomingByte == 'D') {
            digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, HIGH);
            if (incomingByte == 'F') {
            digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, LOW);
            if (incomingByte == 'Z') {
            digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, HIGH);
            if (incomingByte == 'X') {
            digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, LOW);
            // if a O is sent make sure the motors are turned off
            if (incomingByte == 'O') {
            digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, LOW);
            digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, LOW);
            digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, LOW);
            digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, LOW);
            digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, LOW);


            Processing sketch that send a ascii byte character to Arduino which
            then subsquentally controls a motor


            // load the serial library for Processing
            import processing.serial.*;
            // instance of the serial class
            Serial port;
            // values to store X, Y for each button
            int M1LX, M1RX, M2LX, M2RX, M3LX, M3RX, M4LX, M4RX, M5LX, M5RX;
            int M1LY, M1RY, M2LY, M2RY, M3LY, M3RY, M4LY, M4RY, M5LY, M5RY;
            // stores the width/height of the box
            int boxSize = 64;
            // 2 new instances of my arrow class
            // also set an array of coordinates for each arrow
            arrow myRightArrow;
            arrow myLeftArrow;
            // set the font
            PFont myFont;

            void setup() {
            // screen size of the program
            size(145, 455);
            // set the coordinates of each button box
            // base motor M1LX = Motor 1 Left X etc..
            M1LX = 5;
            M1LY = 25;
            M1RX = 75;
            M1RY = 25;
            // shoulder motor
            M2LX = 5;
            M2LY = 115;
            M2RX = 75;
            M2RY = 115;
            // elbow motor
            M3LX = 5;
            M3LY = 205;
            M3RX = 75;
            M3RY = 205;
            // wrist motor
            M4LX = 5;
            M4LY = 295;
            M4RX = 75;
            M4RY = 295;
            // hand motor
            M5LX = 5;
            M5LY = 385;
            M5RX = 75;
            M5RY = 385;

            // List all the available serial ports in the output pane.
            // You will need to choose the port that the Arduino board is
            // connected to from this list. The first port in the list is
            // port #0 and the third port in the list is port #2.
            // set the font to use
            myFont = createFont("verdana", 12);
            // Open the port that the Arduino board is connected to (in this case #0)
            // Make sure to open the port at the same speed Arduino is using (9600bps)
            port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600);
            // create the base arrow
            myRightArrow = new arrow(rightArrowxpoints,rightArrowypoints,7);
            myLeftArrow = new arrow(leftArrowxpoints,leftArrowypoints,7);

            void draw()
            // draw each box/ button with a label above each
            text("Base Motor (Q/W)", 5, 5, 200, 75);
            text("Shoulder Motor (E/R)", 5, 95, 200, 75);
            text("Elbow Motor (A/S)", 5, 185, 200, 75);
            text("Wrist Motor (D/F)", 5, 275, 200, 75);
            text("Hand Motor (Z/X)", 5, 365, 200, 75);

            // start looking to see whats pressed and send a value
            // over the serial port
            if(keyPressed) {
            if (key == 'q' || key == 'Q') {
            if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {
            if (key == 'e' || key == 'E') {
            if (key == 'r' || key == 'R') {
            if (key == 'a' || key == 'A') {
            if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
            if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') {
            if (key == 'f' || key == 'F') {
            if (key == 'z' || key == 'Z') {
            if (key == 'x' || key == 'X') {
            // if no key is pressed check to see if the mouse button is pressed
            else if (mousePressed == true) {
            // check to see if the mouse is inside each box/ button if so send the value
            if (mouseX > M1LX-boxSize && mouseX < M1LX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M1LY-boxSize && mouseY < M1LY+boxSize) {
            else if(mouseX > M1RX-boxSize && mouseX < M1RX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M1RY-boxSize && mouseY < M1RY+boxSize) {
            else if(mouseX > M2LX-boxSize && mouseX < M2LX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M2LY-boxSize && mouseY < M2LY+boxSize) {
            else if(mouseX > M2RX-boxSize && mouseX < M2RX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M2RY-boxSize && mouseY < M2RY+boxSize) {
            else if(mouseX > M3LX-boxSize && mouseX < M3LX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M3LY-boxSize && mouseY < M3LY+boxSize) {
            else if(mouseX > M3RX-boxSize && mouseX < M3RX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M3RY-boxSize && mouseY < M3RY+boxSize) {
            else if (mouseX > M4LX-boxSize && mouseX < M4LX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M4LY-boxSize && mouseY < M4LY+boxSize) {
            else if(mouseX > M4RX-boxSize && mouseX < M4RX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M4RY-boxSize && mouseY < M4RY+boxSize) {
            else if (mouseX > M5LX-boxSize && mouseX < M5LX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M5LY-boxSize && mouseY < M5LY+boxSize) {
            else if(mouseX > M5RX-boxSize && mouseX < M5RX+boxSize &&
            mouseY > M5RY-boxSize && mouseY < M5RY+boxSize) {
            else {
            // if the mouse is pressed but not with in a box make sure nothings moving
            } else {
            // no key or mouse press then make sure nothings moving.

            // draw the buttons

            class arrow extends java.awt.Polygon {
            /* our class is basically an instance of java.awt.Polygons and this class expects and array of X points, Y points and the number of
            points in our shape. The variable names also have to be direct references to what this class expects, so xpoints, ypoints and npoints are all
            set/defined in the java class.
            public arrow(int[] xpoints,int[] ypoints, int npoints) {
            // super invokes the java.awt.Polygon class

            // supply offsets to draw the arrow, means I don't need to set points for each one
            void drawArrow(int xOffset, int yOffset){
            rect(xOffset-5, yOffset-5, boxSize, boxSize);
            for(int i=0;i<npoints;i++){

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              14 janvier 2013 à 7:35:18

              je viens de re-tester les 2 codes ci-dessus , mais rien ne se passe ! c'est a dire pas d'erreur ET ne fonctionne pas ?!

              C'est tres bizarre car le cablage est parfait je l'ai refait ce matin etape par etape pour etre sur de ne rien oublier. 

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                14 janvier 2013 à 16:57:17

                (met une balise code pour ton message précédent pour que ca soit lisible)
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                Retrouvez moi sur mon blog et ma chaine Youtube !

                  15 janvier 2013 à 22:14:22

                  les bons codes sont ceux la :


                  // set the output pins
                  // 14-18 are actually analog pins 0-4
                  int baseMotorEnablePin = 2;
                  int baseMotorPin1 = 3; 
                  int baseMotorPin2 = 4; 
                  int shoulderMotorEnablePin = 14;
                  int shoulderMotorPin1 = 15; 
                  int shoulderMotorPin2 = 16; 
                  int elbowMotorEnablePin = 8;
                  int elbowMotorPin1 = 9; 
                  int elbowMotorPin2 = 10; 
                  int wristMotorEnablePin = 5;
                  int wristMotorPin1 = 6; 
                  int wristMotorPin2 = 7; 
                  int handMotorEnablePin = 11;
                  int handMotorPin1 = 17; 
                  int handMotorPin2 = 18; 
                  // set a variable to store the byte sent from the serial port
                  int incomingByte;
                  void setup() {
                  // set the SN754410 pins as outputs:
                  pinMode(baseMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(baseMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(baseMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
                  digitalWrite(baseMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
                  pinMode(shoulderMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(shoulderMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(shoulderMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
                  digitalWrite(shoulderMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
                  pinMode(elbowMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(elbowMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(elbowMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
                  digitalWrite(elbowMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
                  pinMode(wristMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(wristMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(wristMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
                  digitalWrite(wristMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
                  pinMode(handMotorPin1, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(handMotorPin2, OUTPUT);
                  pinMode(handMotorEnablePin, OUTPUT);
                  digitalWrite(handMotorEnablePin, HIGH);
                  // start sending data at 9600 baud rate
                  void loop() {
                  // check that there's something in the serial buffer
                  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
                  // read the byte and store it in our variable 
                  // the byte sent is actually an ascii value
                  incomingByte =;
                  // note the upper casing of each letter!
                  // each letter turns a motor different way.
                  if (incomingByte == 'Q') {
                  digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, HIGH); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'W') {
                  digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, HIGH); 
                  digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'E') {
                  digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, HIGH); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'R') {
                  digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, HIGH); 
                  digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'A') {
                  digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, HIGH); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'S') {
                  digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, HIGH); 
                  digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'D') {
                  digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, HIGH); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'F') {
                  digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, HIGH); 
                  digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'Z') {
                  digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, HIGH); 
                  if (incomingByte == 'X') {
                  digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, HIGH); 
                  digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  // if a O is sent make sure the motors are turned off
                  if (incomingByte == 'O') {
                  digitalWrite(baseMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(baseMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(shoulderMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(elbowMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(wristMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(wristMotorPin2, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(handMotorPin1, LOW); 
                  digitalWrite(handMotorPin2, LOW); 


                  // load the serial library for Processing
                  import processing.serial.*; 
                  // instance of the serial class
                  Serial port;
                  // values to store X, Y for each button
                  int M1LX, M1RX, M2LX, M2RX, M3LX, M3RX, M4LX, M4RX, M5LX, M5RX;
                  int M1LY, M1RY, M2LY, M2RY, M3LY, M3RY, M4LY, M4RY, M5LY, M5RY;
                  // stores the width/height of the box
                  int boxSize = 64;
                  // 2 new instances of my arrow class
                  // also set an array of coordinates for each arrow
                  arrow myRightArrow;
                  arrow myLeftArrow;
                  // set the font
                  PFont myFont;
                  void setup() {
                  // screen size of the program
                  size(145, 455);
                  // set the coordinates of each button box
                  // base motor M1LX = Motor 1 Left X etc..
                  M1LX = 5;
                  M1LY = 25;
                  M1RX = 75;
                  M1RY = 25; 
                  // shoulder motor
                  M2LX = 5;
                  M2LY = 115;
                  M2RX = 75;
                  M2RY = 115;
                  // elbow motor
                  M3LX = 5;
                  M3LY = 205;
                  M3RX = 75;
                  M3RY = 205;
                  // wrist motor
                  M4LX = 5;
                  M4LY = 295;
                  M4RX = 75;
                  M4RY = 295;
                  // hand motor
                  M5LX = 5;
                  M5LY = 385;
                  M5RX = 75;
                  M5RY = 385;
                  // List all the available serial ports in the output pane. 
                  // You will need to choose the port that the Arduino board is 
                  // connected to from this list. The first port in the list is 
                  // port #0 and the third port in the list is port #2. 
                  // set the font to use
                  myFont = createFont("verdana", 12);
                  // Open the port that the Arduino board is connected to (in this case #0) 
                  // Make sure to open the port at the same speed Arduino is using (9600bps)
                  port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600); 
                  // create the base arrow
                  myRightArrow = new arrow(rightArrowxpoints,rightArrowypoints,7);
                  myLeftArrow = new arrow(leftArrowxpoints,leftArrowypoints,7);
                  void draw() 
                  // draw each box/ button with a label above each 
                  text("Base Motor (Q/W)", 5, 5, 200, 75); 
                  text("Shoulder Motor (E/R)", 5, 95, 200, 75);
                  text("Elbow Motor (A/S)", 5, 185, 200, 75);
                  text("Wrist Motor (D/F)", 5, 275, 200, 75); 
                  text("Hand Motor (Z/X)", 5, 365, 200, 75);
                  // start looking to see whats pressed and send a value
                  // over the serial port
                  if(keyPressed) {
                  if (key == 'q' || key == 'Q') {
                  if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {
                  if (key == 'e' || key == 'E') {
                  if (key == 'r' || key == 'R') {
                  if (key == 'a' || key == 'A') {
                  if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
                  if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') {
                  if (key == 'f' || key == 'F') {
                  if (key == 'z' || key == 'Z') {
                  if (key == 'x' || key == 'X') {
                  // if no key is pressed check to see if the mouse button is pressed
                  else if (mousePressed == true) {
                  // check to see if the mouse is inside each box/ button if so send the value
                  if (mouseX > M1LX-boxSize && mouseX < M1LX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M1LY-boxSize && mouseY < M1LY+boxSize) {
                  else if(mouseX > M1RX-boxSize && mouseX < M1RX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M1RY-boxSize && mouseY < M1RY+boxSize) {
                  else if(mouseX > M2LX-boxSize && mouseX < M2LX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M2LY-boxSize && mouseY < M2LY+boxSize) {
                  else if(mouseX > M2RX-boxSize && mouseX < M2RX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M2RY-boxSize && mouseY < M2RY+boxSize) {
                  else if(mouseX > M3LX-boxSize && mouseX < M3LX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M3LY-boxSize && mouseY < M3LY+boxSize) {
                  else if(mouseX > M3RX-boxSize && mouseX < M3RX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M3RY-boxSize && mouseY < M3RY+boxSize) {
                  else if (mouseX > M4LX-boxSize && mouseX < M4LX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M4LY-boxSize && mouseY < M4LY+boxSize) {
                  else if(mouseX > M4RX-boxSize && mouseX < M4RX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M4RY-boxSize && mouseY < M4RY+boxSize) {
                  else if (mouseX > M5LX-boxSize && mouseX < M5LX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M5LY-boxSize && mouseY < M5LY+boxSize) {
                  else if(mouseX > M5RX-boxSize && mouseX < M5RX+boxSize && 
                  mouseY > M5RY-boxSize && mouseY < M5RY+boxSize) {
                  else {
                  // if the mouse is pressed but not with in a box make sure nothings moving
                  } else {
                  // no key or mouse press then make sure nothings moving.
                  // draw the buttons
                  class arrow extends java.awt.Polygon { 
                  /* our class is basically an instance of java.awt.Polygons and this class expects and array of X points, Y points and the number of 
                  points in our shape. The variable names also have to be direct references to what this class expects, so xpoints, ypoints and npoints are all
                  set/defined in the java class.
                  public arrow(int[] xpoints,int[] ypoints, int npoints) {
                  // super invokes the java.awt.Polygon class
                  // supply offsets to draw the arrow, means I don't need to set points for each one
                  void drawArrow(int xOffset, int yOffset){
                  rect(xOffset-5, yOffset-5, boxSize, boxSize);
                  for(int i=0;i<npoints;i++){
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                    18 janvier 2013 à 9:23:17

                    As-tu vérifié que Processing comminuquer avec le bon port COM ?
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                      20 janvier 2013 à 8:11:54

                      Oui Oui puisque quand je lance le code processing , dans le rectangle noir en dessous il est ecrit qu'il se connecte au COM3. Ma carte Arduino est connecter au Com3.
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                      Code arduino Erreur

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