je souhaite intégrer du python dans une page html cependant je sais que le language HTML n'accpete que javascript comme language à l'intérieur de la page. Je voudrais savoir si c'est possible de convertir des codes, complexes, de python à js.
import pygame as p
import sys
from import *
from import *
DIMENSION = 8 # dimension board 8*8
MOVE_LOG_PANEL_WIDTH = 220 # dimension log panel
MAX_FPS = 15 # for animation
color1 = p.Color("Tan")
color2 = p.Color("Sienna")
color3 = p.Color("PapayaWhip")
color4 = p.Color("CornflowerBlue")
color5 = p.Color("light grey")
color6 = p.Color("dim grey")
board_colors = [color5, color6] # Default colors
class Main():
def __init__(self):
self.menu_active = True # Add variable for activate/deactivate the menu
self.screen = p.display.set_mode((BOARD_WIDTH + 0, BOARD_HEIGHT))
def show_menu(self):
p.display.set_caption("ChessItium AI Game")
game_state = GameState()
board = game_state.board
self.lastMove = None
playerOne = True # If human playing white then will be True
playerTwo = False # Same as above but for black
# Load the chessboard background image
background_image = p.image.load("chess/assets/chess_menu_game.png").convert()
# Define colors
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GRAY = (200, 200, 200)
# Define button properties
# Create font object
font = p.font.Font("./chess/assets/Merriweather-Bold.ttf", 40)
while self.menu_active:
for event in p.event.get():
if event.type == p.QUIT:
# Blit the background image onto the screen
self.screen.blit(background_image, (0, 0))
# Calculs of verticals positions of buttons
first_button_y = (BOARD_HEIGHT - (BUTTON_HEIGHT * 4 + BUTTON_SPACING * 3)) // 2
black_button_y = first_button_y
white_button_y = black_button_y + BUTTON_HEIGHT + BUTTON_SPACING
button_pvp_y = white_button_y + BUTTON_HEIGHT + BUTTON_SPACING
# Draw buttons
black_button = p.draw.rect(self.screen, BLACK, (BUTTON_X, black_button_y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT))
white_button = p.draw.rect(self.screen, WHITE, (BUTTON_X, white_button_y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT))
button_pvp = p.draw.rect(self.screen, p.Color('gray'), (BUTTON_X, button_pvp_y, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT))
# Draw buttons labels
black_text = font.render("AI", True, WHITE)
black_text_rect = black_text.get_rect(center=(BUTTON_X + BUTTON_WIDTH // 2, black_button_y + BUTTON_HEIGHT // 2))
self.screen.blit(black_text, black_text_rect)
white_text = font.render("AI", True, BLACK)
white_text_rect = white_text.get_rect(center=(BUTTON_X + BUTTON_WIDTH // 2, white_button_y + BUTTON_HEIGHT // 2))
self.screen.blit(white_text, white_text_rect)
black_text_pvp = font.render("PVP", True, p.Color('dim gray'))
black_text_rect_pvp = black_text_pvp.get_rect(center=(BUTTON_X + BUTTON_WIDTH // 2, button_pvp_y + BUTTON_HEIGHT // 2))
self.screen.blit(black_text_pvp, black_text_rect_pvp)
# Draw the title
title_text_shadow = font.render("Play PVP or with an AI", True, BLACK)
title_text = font.render("Play PVP or with an AI", True, WHITE)
title_text_rect = title_text.get_rect(center=(BOARD_WIDTH // 2, 50))
title_text_shadow_rect = title_text_shadow.get_rect(center=(BOARD_WIDTH // 2 + 2, 52))
self.screen.blit(title_text_shadow, title_text_shadow_rect)
self.screen.blit(title_text, title_text_rect)
# Check if buttons are clicked
mouse_pos = p.mouse.get_pos()
if black_button.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
if p.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
# Black button clicked
# start the game black (reverse the board)
# playerOne : False & playerTwo : True
self.main_game(playerOne=False, playerTwo=True)
if white_button.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
if p.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
# White button clicked
# start the game
# playerOne : True & playerTwo : False
self.main_game(playerOne=True, playerTwo=False)
if button_pvp.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
if p.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
# Button PVP clicked
# start the game
# playerOne : True & playerTwo : True
self.main_game(playerOne=True, playerTwo=True)
# Update the display
def load_images(self):
pieces = ['wp', 'wR', 'wN', 'wB', 'wK', 'wQ', 'bp', 'bR', 'bN', 'bB', 'bK', 'bQ',]
for piece in pieces:
IMAGES[piece] = p.transform.scale(p.image.load("chess/assets/pieces/" + piece + ".png"), (SQSIZE, SQSIZE))
User input & update the board :
def main_game(self, playerOne, playerTwo):
self.menu_active = False
self.screen = p.display.set_mode((BOARD_WIDTH + MOVE_LOG_PANEL_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT))
self.load_images() # Only once, before the wile loop
clock = p.time.Clock()
moveLogFont = p.font.SysFont("Arial", 21, False, False)
game_state = GameState()
validMoves = game_state.get_valid_moves()
moveMade = False # flag var when move is made
animate = False # flag var when should animate move
running = True
sqSelected = () # square select & keep track last click
playerClicks = [] # all clicks player
gameOver = False
moveUndone = False
menu = self.show_menu()
color_state = 0 # Actual state of colors
while running:
humanTurn = (game_state.whiteToMove and playerOne) or (not game_state.whiteToMove and playerTwo)
for e in p.event.get():
if e.type == p.QUIT:
running = False
# Mouse Use
elif e.type == p.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if not gameOver:
location = p.mouse.get_pos() # (x,y) location of mouse
row = location[1] // SQSIZE
col = location[0] // SQSIZE
if sqSelected == (row, col) or col >= 8: # user click same square twice (= undo action) or click log panel
sqSelected = () # deselect
playerClicks = [] # clear player clicks
sqSelected = (row, col)
if len(playerClicks) == 2 and humanTurn:
move = Move(playerClicks[0], playerClicks[1], game_state.board)
for i in range(len(validMoves)):
if move == validMoves[i]:
moveMade = True
animate = True
sqSelected = () # reset user clicks
playerClicks = []
if not moveMade:
playerClicks = [sqSelected]
# Keys Use
elif e.type == p.KEYDOWN:
if e.key == p.K_z:
# undo press Z
moveMade = True
animate = False
gameOver = False
moveUndone = True
if e.key == p.K_r:
# restart press R
game_state = GameState()
game_state.whiteToMove = True
validMoves = game_state.get_valid_moves()
sqSelected = ()
playerClicks = []
moveMade = False
animate = False
gameOver = False
moveUndone = False
self.lastMove = None
if e.key == p.K_m:
# restart press M
self.menu_active = True
self.screen = p.display.set_mode((BOARD_WIDTH + 0, BOARD_HEIGHT))
if e.key == p.K_a:
global board_colors
color_state = (color_state + 1) % 3 # Change state of colors
if color_state == 0:
board_colors = [color5, color6]
elif color_state == 1:
board_colors = [color1, color2]
board_colors = [color3, color4]
# AI Move
if not gameOver and not humanTurn and not moveUndone:
AIMove = AI.findBestMove(game_state, validMoves)
if AIMove is None:
AIMove = AI.findRandomMove(validMoves)
moveMade = True
animate = True
if moveMade:
if animate:
self.animateMove(game_state.moveLog[-1], self.screen, game_state.board, clock)
validMoves = game_state.get_valid_moves()
moveMade = False
animate = False
moveUndone = False
# Set the last move to the latest move made
self.lastMove = game_state.moveLog[-1] if game_state.moveLog else None
self.draw_game_state(self.screen, game_state, validMoves, sqSelected, moveLogFont)
# GameOver Text
if game_state.checkmate or game_state.stalemate:
gameOver = True
text = 'Stalemate' if game_state.stalemate else 'Black wins by checkmate' if game_state.whiteToMove \
else 'White wins by checkmate'
self.drawEndGameText(self.screen, text)
Graphic Part :
def draw_game_state(self, screen, game_state, validMoves, sqSelected, moveLogFont):
self.draw_board(self.screen) # draw squares on board
self.highlightSquares(screen, game_state, validMoves, sqSelected)
self.draw_pieces(screen, game_state.board) # draw pieces on board
self.drawMoveLog(screen, game_state, moveLogFont)
def draw_board(self, screen):
for r in range(DIMENSION):
for c in range(DIMENSION):
color = board_colors[((r+c) % 2)]
p.draw.rect(screen, color, p.Rect(c * SQSIZE, r * SQSIZE, SQSIZE, SQSIZE))
""" Highlight square selected and moves for piece """
def highlightSquares(self, screen, game_state, validMoves, sqSelected):
if sqSelected != ():
r, c = sqSelected
# sqSelected is a piece that can be moved
if game_state.board[r][c][0] == ('w' if game_state.whiteToMove else 'b'):
s = p.Surface((SQSIZE, SQSIZE))
s.set_alpha(100) # transparency value
s.fill(p.Color('blue')) # choice color
self.screen.blit(s, (c * SQSIZE, r * SQSIZE))
# highlight move from that square
s.fill(p.Color('green')) # choice color
for move in validMoves:
if move.initialRow == r and move.initialCol == c:
self.screen.blit(s, (move.finalCol * SQSIZE, move.finalRow * SQSIZE))
if self.lastMove is not None: # Highlight the last move
s = p.Surface((SQSIZE, SQSIZE))
s.set_alpha(100) # transparency value
s.fill(p.Color('yellow')) # choice color
self.screen.blit(s, (self.lastMove.initialCol * SQSIZE, self.lastMove.initialRow * SQSIZE))
self.screen.blit(s, (self.lastMove.finalCol * SQSIZE, self.lastMove.finalRow * SQSIZE))
if game_state.inCheck:
kingRow, kingCol = game_state.whiteKingLocation if game_state.whiteToMove else game_state.blackKingLocation
s = p.Surface((SQSIZE, SQSIZE))
s.set_alpha(100) # transparency value
s.fill(p.Color('red')) # choice color
self.screen.blit(s, (kingCol * SQSIZE, kingRow * SQSIZE))
def draw_pieces(self, screen, board):
for r in range(DIMENSION):
for c in range(DIMENSION):
piece = board[r][c]
if piece != "--": # not an empty square
screen.blit(IMAGES[piece], p.Rect(c * SQSIZE, r * SQSIZE, SQSIZE, SQSIZE))
def drawMoveLog(self, screen, game_state, font):
p.draw.rect(self.screen, p.Color('black'), moveLogRect)
moveLog = game_state.moveLog
moveTexts = []
for i in range(0, len(moveLog), 2):
moveStr = str(i//2 + 1) + ". " + str(moveLog[i]) + " "
if i + 1 < len(moveLog): # make sure black made a move
moveStr += str(moveLog[i+1]) + " "
movesPerRow = 2
padding = 5
textY = padding
lineSpacingY = 4
for i in range(0, len(moveTexts), movesPerRow):
text = ""
for j in range(movesPerRow):
if i + j < len(moveTexts):
text += moveTexts[i+j]
textObject = font.render(text, True, p.Color('white'))
textLocation = moveLogRect.move(padding, textY)
self.screen.blit(textObject, textLocation)
textY += textObject.get_height() + lineSpacingY
""" Animating a move """
def animateMove(self, move, screen, board, clock):
global board_colors
dR = move.finalRow - move.initialRow
dC = move.finalCol - move.initialCol
framesPerSquare = 5 # frames to move one square
frameCount = (abs(dR) + abs(dC)) * framesPerSquare
for frame in range(frameCount + 1):
r, c = (move.initialRow + dR * frame / frameCount, move.initialCol + dC * frame / frameCount)
self.draw_pieces(self.screen, board)
# erase piece moved from ending square
color = board_colors[(move.finalRow + move.finalCol) % 2]
finalSquare = p.Rect(move.finalCol * SQSIZE, move.finalRow * SQSIZE, SQSIZE, SQSIZE)
p.draw.rect(self.screen, color, finalSquare)
# draw captured piece
if move.pieceCaptured != "--":
if move.enPassant:
enPassantRow = move.finalRow + 1 if move.pieceCaptured[0] == 'b' else move.finalRow - 1
finalSquare = p.Rect(move.finalCol * SQSIZE, enPassantRow * SQSIZE, SQSIZE, SQSIZE)
self.screen.blit(IMAGES[move.pieceCaptured], finalSquare)
# draw moving piece
self.screen.blit(IMAGES[move.pieceMoved], p.Rect(c * SQSIZE, r * SQSIZE, SQSIZE, SQSIZE))
clock.tick(80) # frame per second
def drawEndGameText(self, screen, text):
font = p.font.SysFont("Helvitca", 55, True, False)
textObject = font.render(text, 0, p.Color('black'))
# center text
textLocation = p.Rect(0, 0, BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT).move(BOARD_WIDTH/2 - textObject.get_width()/2, BOARD_HEIGHT/2 - textObject.get_height()/2)
self.screen.blit(textObject, textLocation)
textObject = font.render(text, 5, p.Color("green"))
self.screen.blit(textObject, textLocation.move(3, 2))
voici une des pages de mon code python que je souhaite intégrer à ma page web.