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Display make compiler output for a Java compiled

    24 septembre 2021 à 8:26:09

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to get NeoVim to compile a simple Java program. The program itself has no ideas but I am not able to exactly output the compiled program. I have check this program on Interviewbit java compiler.

    I have this in my config:

    autocmd Filetype java set makeprg=javac\ %            
    set errorformat=%A%f:%l:\ %m,%-Z%p^,%-C%.%#           
    map <F9> :make<Return>:copen<Return>                  
    map <F10> :cprevious<Return>                          
    map <F11> :cnext<Return>

    Can anyone suggest me? I am able to see errors and compile but don't know how to see the output directly in NeoVim. Any way I can do so because I couldn't figure it out nor could find any useful information online.

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    Display make compiler output for a Java compiled

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