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Erreurs de compilation

Le compilateur ne trouve pas la desription de ma classe.

Sujet résolu
    6 novembre 2023 à 13:52:51

    Salut, j'ai essayé de voir si je n'avais pas inclus le fichier scene.hpp ailleurs comme mon précédent problème ou j'avais inclus grid dans components mais apparemment non.

    J'ai une classe scene que voici :

    #include "grid.hpp"
    #include "../renderComponentManager.h"
    #include "../entityManager.h"
    #include "systems.hpp"
    namespace odfaeg {
        namespace graphics {
            namespace ecs {
                class ODFAEG_GRAPHICS_API Scene : public SceneManager {
                    public :
                        /** \fn Map(RenderComponentManager* frcm, std::string name, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int cellDepth);
                        *   \brief constructor
                        *   \param frcm : the component manager used to manage components.
                        *   \param name : the name of the map.
                        *   \param cellWidth : the width of the cells.
                        *   \param cellHeight : the height of the cells.
                        *   \param cellDepth : the depth of the cells.
                        Scene(RenderComponentManager* frcm, std::string name, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int cellDepth);
                        Grid *gridMap; /**> The grid used to store the entities.*/
                        * \fn int getId()
                        * \brief get the id of the map.
                        * \return the id.
                        int getId();
                        * \fn getVersion()
                        * \brief get the version of the map.
                        * \return the version.
                        int getVersion();
                        * \fn std::string getName()
                        * \brief get the name of the map.
                        * \return the name.
                        std::string getName();
                        * \fn void setVersion(int version);
                        * \brief set the version of the map.
                        * \param version : the version.
                        void setVersion(int version);
                        * \fn void setName(std::string name);
                        * \brief set the name of the map.
                        * \param std::string name : the name.
                        void setName (std::string name);
                        * \fn void setName(std::string name);
                        * \brief set the name of the map.
                        * \param std::string name : the name.
                        void setId (int id);
                        * \fn getCompImage(const void* resource)
                        * \brief get the number of time that the given resource is used on the map.
                        * \param resource : the resource.
                        * \return how many times the resource is used.
                        int getCompImage(const void* resource);
                        * \fn math::Vec3f getPosition()
                        * \brief get the position of a map.
                        * \return the position of the map.
                        math::Vec3f getPosition();
                        * \fn int getWidth();
                        * \brief get the width of the map.
                        * \return the width of the map.
                        int getWidth();
                        * \fn int getHeight();
                        * \brief get the height of the map.
                        * \return the height of the map.
                        int getHeight();
                        * \fn bool addEntity(Entity *entity);
                        * \brief add an entity into the map.
                        * \param entity : the entity to add.
                        * \return if the entity has been successfully added.
                        bool addEntity(ComponentMapping& componentMapping, EntityId entity);
                        * \fn bool removeEntity(Entity *entity);
                        * \brief remove an entity from the map.
                        * \param entity : the entity to remove.
                        * \return if the entity has been successfully removed.
                        bool removeEntity (ComponentMapping& componentMapping, EntityId entity);
                        bool deleteEntity(ComponentMapping& componentMapping, EntityId entity);
                        * \fn int getNbCasesPerRow ();
                        * \brief get the number of cases per row.
                        * \return the number of cells per row.
                        int getNbCasesPerRow ();
                        * \fn void rotateEntity(Entity *entity, int angle);
                        * \brief rotate an entity and replace it to the grid.
                        * \param entity : the entity.
                        * \param angle : the angle.
                        void rotateEntity(EntityId entity, int angle);
                        * \fn void scaleEntity(Entity *entity, int angle);
                        * \brief scale an entity and replace it to the grid.
                        * \param entity : the entity.
                        * \param sx : the x factor.
                        * \param sy : the y factor.
                        void scaleEntity(EntityId entity, float sx, float sy, float sz);
                        * \fn void moveEntity(Entity *entity, float dx, float dy, float dz);
                        * \brief move an entity and replace it to the grid.
                        * \param dx : the x translation.
                        * \param dy : the y translation.
                        * \param dz : the z translation.
                        void moveEntity(EntityId entity, float dx, float dy, float dz);
                        * \fn  void checkVisibleEntities();
                        * \brief check the entities which are visible. (Which are in the field of view of the camera)
                        void checkVisibleEntities(EntityFactory& factory, ComponentMapping& mapping);
                        * \fn  Entity* getEntity(int id);
                        * \brief get an entity from its id.
                        * \return entity : the entity.
                        EntityId getEntity(std::string name);
                        * \fn  std::vector<CellMap<Entity>*> getCasesMap();
                        * \brief get every cells of the grid.
                        * \return the cells of the grid.
                        std::vector<Cell*> getCasesMap();
                        template <typename Archive>
                        void serialize(Archive& ar) {
                            /*if (!ar.isInputArchive()) {
                                BaseChangementMatrix bcm = getBaseChangementMatrix();
                                std::vector<Entity*> entities = getRootEntities("*");
                                std::vector<Entity*> internalEntities;
                                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
                                    if (!entities[i]->isExternal()) {
                                std::vector<CellMap*> cells = getCasesMap();
                                unsigned int nb = 0;
                                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
                                    if (cells[i] != nullptr) {
                                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
                                    if (cells[i] != nullptr) {
                                        math::Vec3f center = cells[i]->getCenter();
                                        bool isPassable = cells[i]->isPassable();
                            } else {
                                gridMap = new GridMap(cellWidth, cellHeight, cellDepth);
                                BaseChangementMatrix bcm;
                                //std::cout<<"read bcm"<<std::endl;
                                //std::cout<<"bcm read"<<std::endl;
                                std::vector<Entity*> entities;
                                //std::cout<<"read entities"<<std::endl;
                                //std::cout<<"size : "<<entities.size()<<std::endl;
                                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
                                    //std::cout<<"add entity"<<std::endl;
                                unsigned int size;
                                //std::cout<<"cases maps : "<<std::endl;
                                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                                    math::Vec3f center;
                                    //std::cout<<"center : "<<center<<std::endl;
                                    bool isPassable;
                                    //std::cout<<"passable : "<<isPassable<<std::endl;
                                    CellMap* cell = getGridCellAt(center);
                                    if (cell != nullptr) {
                        void setRenderComponentManager(RenderComponentManager* rcm);
                        * \fn std::vector<Entity*> getEntities(std::string type)
                        * \brief get the entities of the given types.
                        * \param std::string type : the types.
                        * \return the entities.
                        std::vector<EntityId> getEntities(ComponentMapping& componentMapping, std::string type);
                        std::vector<EntityId> getRootEntities(ComponentMapping& componentMapping,std::string type);
                        std::vector<EntityId> getChildrenEntities(ComponentMapping& componentMapping,std::string type);
                        * \fn std::vector<Entity*> getVisibleEntities(std::string type)
                        * \brief get the visible entities of the given types.
                        * \param std::string type : the types.
                        * \return the visible entities.
                        std::vector<EntityId> getVisibleEntities (std::string type, EntityFactory& factory, ComponentMapping& componentMapping);
                        * \fn std::vector<Entity*> getEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox bx, std::string types)
                        * \brief get the entities of the given types which are into the given box.
                        * \param BoundingBox bx : the bounding box of the entity.
                        * \param std::string type : the types.
                        * \return the entities.
                        std::vector<EntityId> getEntitiesInBox (ComponentMapping& componentMapping, physic::BoundingBox bx, std::string types);
                        * \fn math::Vec3f getCoordinatesAt(math::Vec3f p)
                        * \brief get coordinates at a given point.
                        * \param math::Vec3f point : the point.
                        * \return the coordinates.
                        math::Vec3f getCoordinatesAt(math::Vec3f p);
                        * \fn CellMap<Entity>* getGridCellAt(math::Vec3f p)
                        * \brief get the cell at a given point.
                        * \param math::Vec3f point : the point.
                        * \return the cell.
                        Cell* getGridCellAt(math::Vec3f p);
                        * \fn std::vector<CellMap<Entity>>* getGridCellAt(math::Vec3f p)
                        * \brief get the cells which are in the given box.
                        * \param BoundingBox bx: the box.
                        * \return the cells.
                        std::vector<Cell*> getCasesInBox (physic::BoundingBox bx);
                        * \fn bool collide (Entity *entity)
                        * \brief check if an entity collide with another one.
                        * \param Entity* entity : the entity.
                        * \return if an entity collide with another.
                        bool collide(EntityId entity);
                        bool collide(EntityId entity, math::Vec3f position);
                        bool collide(EntityId entity, math::Ray ray);
                        void generate_labyrinthe(ComponentMapping& mapping, std::vector<EntityId> tGround, std::vector<EntityId> walls, math::Vec2f tileSize, physic::BoundingBox &box, bool terrain3D, EntityFactory& factory);
                        /** \fn generate_map(std::vector<Tile*> tGround, std::vector<Tile*> walls, BoundingBox &box)
                        *   \brief generate a map in the given zone, which the given tiles for the ground and the given tiles for the walls.
                        *   \param std::vector<Tile*> tGround : the tiles used for the ground.
                        *   \param std::vector<Tile*> walls : the tiles used for the walls. (The walls are placed to the edges of the map)
                        void generate_map(ComponentMapping& mapping, std::vector<EntityId> tGround, std::vector<EntityId> walls, math::Vec2f tileSize, physic::BoundingBox &box, bool terrain3D, EntityFactory& factory);
                        *   \fn void getChildren (Entity *entity, std::vector<Entity*> &entities, std::string type);
                        *   \brief get the children of a kind of types from an entity.
                        *   \param entity : the entity.
                        *   \param entities : the children entities.
                        *   \param type : the types.
                        void getChildren (ComponentMapping& componentMapping, EntityId entity, std::vector<EntityId> &entities, std::string type);
                        void drawOnComponents(std::string expression, int layer, sf::BlendMode mode = sf::BlendAlpha);
                        * \fn void drawOnComponents(Drawable& drawable, int layer, RenderStates states = RenderStates::Default);
                        * \brief draw a drawable object onto a component.
                        * \param layer : the layer of the component on which to draw the entities.
                        * \param states : the render states.
                        void drawOnComponents(Drawable& drawable, int layer, RenderStates states = RenderStates::Default);
                        * \fn BaseChangementMatrix getBaseChangementMatrix();
                        * \brief get the base changement matrix of the map.
                        * \return the base changement matrix.
                        BaseChangementMatrix getBaseChangementMatrix();
                        * \fn std::vector<math::Vec3f> getPath(Entity* entity, math::Vec3f finalPos);
                        * \brief get the path between an entity and a position.
                        * \return the path between an entity and a position.
                        std::vector<math::Vec3f> getPath(EntityId entity, math::Vec3f finalPos);
                        void setBaseChangementMatrix(BaseChangementMatrix bm);
                        int getCellWidth();
                        int getCellHeight();
                    private :
                        * \fn void increaseComptImg (const void* resource);
                        * \brief increase the counter for the given resource.
                        * \param resource : the resource.
                        void increaseComptImg (const void* resource);
                        * \fn void decreaseComptImg (const void* resource);
                        * \brief decrease the counter for the given resource.
                        * \param resource : the resource.
                        void decreaseComptImg (const void* resource);
                        * \fn void removeComptImg (const void* resource);
                        * \brief remove the counter for the given resource.
                        * \param resource : the resource.
                        void removeComptImg (const void* resource);
                        std::string name; /**> the name of the map.*/
                        int id, version; /**> the version of the map.*/
                        Scene (const Scene &other); /**> A map is not copiable.*/
                        Scene operator= (const Scene &other); /**> A map is not affectable.*/
                        std::map<const void*, int> compImages; /**> Store a pointer to a resource and how many times his resource is used on the map.*/
                        std::vector<std::vector<Entity*>> visibleEntities;
                        RenderComponentManager* frcm; /**> The component manager.*/
                        float diagSize;
                        int cellWidth, cellHeight, cellDepth;

    Le problème il me dit qu'il ne trouve pas ma clase Grid et ni mes autres classes SceneManager et RenderComponentManager et dans le .cpp il me dit qu'il ne trouve pas la classe Scene.

    In file included from /home/laurent/gitODFAEG/ODFAEG/src/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/scene.cpp:1:
    /home/laurent/gitODFAEG/ODFAEG/src/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/../../../../include/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/scene.hpp: At global scope:
    /home/laurent/gitODFAEG/ODFAEG/src/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/../../../../include/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/scene.hpp:10:67: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
       10 |             class ODFAEG_GRAPHICS_API Scene : public SceneManager {
          |                                                                   ^
    /home/laurent/gitODFAEG/ODFAEG/src/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/../../../../include/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/scene.hpp:23:49: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
       23 |                     Scene(RenderComponentManager* frcm, std::string name, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int cellDepth);
          |                          ~                      ^
          |                                                 )
    /home/laurent/gitODFAEG/ODFAEG/src/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/../../../../include/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/scene.hpp:24:21: error: ‘Grid’ does not name a type
       24 |                     Grid *gridMap; /**> The grid used to store the entities.*/
          |                     ^~~~
    /home/laurent/gitODFAEG/ODFAEG/src/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/../../../../include/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/scene.hpp:92:36: error: ‘ComponentMapping’ has not been declared
       92 |                     bool addEntity(ComponentMapping& componentMapping, EntityId entity);
          |                                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    /home/laurent/gitODFAEG/ODFAEG/src/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/../../../../include/odfaeg/Graphics/ECS/scene.hpp:92:72: error: ‘EntityId’ has not been declared
       92 |                     bool addEntity(ComponentMapping& componentMapping, EntityId entity);

    Pourquoi ?


    EDIT : erf si je met graphics au lieu de graphic dans le nom de namespace ça va pas aller...

    Edité par OmbreNoire 6 novembre 2023 à 14:00:43

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    Erreurs de compilation

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