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Fill_The_Void: Issue

Need help!

    30 juillet 2021 à 20:00:01

    In this project, I have given a set of Tetrominoes, and I have to find a way to assemble them in the smallest possible square. Here is a glance at the way I am solving this problem using C language.\

      • Validating the input :
    • Moving the Tetrimino to the top-most left-most positions to find the suitable solution
    • Checking every line to check if there is only “.” and “#” character
    • If the number of '#' is greater than 4 exit
    • Check if there are missed lines between the Tetriminoes
    • Checking every piece against a list of valid Tetriminoes
    • Each array stores a total of 16 parameters (whether a “#” or “.” )
    • Before storing the valid block into my linked list, first I shift the block to the top-left corner
    • If the list doesn’t match any of the given (valid) lists, then return an error and quit simply
    • If we validated the Tetrominoes, we can then put them into a linked list\
      • Storing the arrays into a linked list: Then I will store the arrays into a linked a list\
    1. – How can I fill it using a recursive backtracking algorithm?

    • In our problem it’s kind of easy to express the problem recursively I’m going to give an example for this: Say we have two pieces:
      . . . .
      . # # .
      . # # .
      . . . .
      . . . .
      # # # .
      . . . #
      . . . .
      When my program first started, the first piece is filled in the top left like this:
      A A . .
      A A . .
      . . . .
      . . . .
      Still won’t fit? So I will keep shifting the piece through each possible space(left, right, up, down) on the square till it will fit.
    • The keys to backtracking here are the choice I make, which is shifting the first Tetriminoe, once I express that I recurse in that decision, if the decision doesn’t work I come back and I undo it and make another choice, we explore, we undo, we made another choice.
    • To figure out the efficient solution, we have to find the smallest square to start with, which is: starting size = number of Teteriminoes * 2
    • I tried to code the whole code without any mistake. But it doesn't work, here my C code:
    • #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <unistd.h>
      #include <string.h>
      #include <stdbool.h>
      #include "Fill_the_void.h"
      //create a new node
      t_tet* create(char data)
          t_tet* new_node = (t_tet*)malloc(sizeof(t_tet));
          if(new_node = NULL)  
              printf("Error creating a new node");
          new_node->data = data;
          new_node->next = NULL;
          return new_node;
      //Push an element into the stack
      t_node* push(t_node* head, char data)
          t_node* new_node = (t_node*)malloc(sizeof(new_node));
          if(new_node == NULL)
          new_node->data = data;
          new_node->next = head;
          head = new_node;
          return head;
      //Count the elements of the linked list
      int count(t_tet* head)
          t_tet* temp = head;
          int c = 0;
          while(temp != NULL)
              temp = temp->next;
          return c;
      //Add a new node at the end of the linked list
      t_tet* append(t_tet* head, char data)
          t_tet* temp = head;
          while(temp->next != NULL)
              temp = temp->next;
          t_tet* new_node = create(data);
          temp->next = new_node;
          return head;
      //Create a linked of tetriminos 
      t_tet* create_list(char block)
          t_tet* head = NULL;
          for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
              head = append(head, block);
          return head;
      //Convert linked list to array
      char* listTo_array(t_tet* head)
          int len = count(head);
          char* arr = malloc(len * sizeof(char));
          int index = 0;
          t_tet* curr = head;
          while (curr != NULL) {
              arr[index++] = curr->data;
              curr = curr->next;
          return arr;
      //Moving the Tetrimino the to the top-most left position
      void moving_Tetrimino(char array[])
          int k = 0;
          for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(*array); i++)
              if(array[i] > 0)
                  k = i;
          for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(*array); i++)
              array[i] = array[i-k-1];
      int counting_tetriminos(t_tet *tet)
          int k = 0;
          t_tet *temp;
          temp = tet;
          while(temp != NULL)
              temp = temp->next;
          return k;
      int counting_blocks(char *character)
          int k = 0;
              return 0;
              if (*character == '#')
          return k;
      int check_char(char *character)
              return 0;
              if (*character != 0  && *character != '#')
                  return 0;
          return 1;
      //Compare two arrays
      _Bool compare_arrays(char array[])
          for(int i = 1; i < sizeof(*array); i++)
              if(array[i] =! I_1[i] || array[i] != I_2[i] || array[i] != O[i] || array[i] != T_2[i] || array[i] != T_3[i] || array[i] != T_4[i] || array[i] != L_1[i] || array[i] != L_2[i] || array[i] != L_3[i] || array[i] != L_4[i] || array[i] != Z_1[i] || array[i] != Z_2[i])
                  return false;
              return true;
      int check_tetrimino(char array[])
          if(compare_arrays(array) == 1)
              return 1;
          return 0;
      //Find the assignment location
      int assign_loc(char array[], int s, int j)
          s = array_size;
          int i = j; 
          while(i < array_size)
              if(array[i] == 0)
                  return j;
      //A function to assign a block to an empty space
      t_node* assign_tet(t_node* stack, char array_1[], char array_2[], int i)
          int j = 0;
          while(j != i)
              stack = push(stack, array_1[j]);
          stack = push(stack, '#');
          return stack;
      //Recursive function to check if the assignment does work or not, if so return the solution
      t_node* recur_assign(char array_1[], char array_2[], int k)
          k = assign_loc(array_1, array_size, 0);
          t_node* stack = NULL;
          stack = assign_tet(stack, array_1, array_2, k);
          return recur_assign(array_1, array_2, assign_loc(array_1, array_size, k));
      //Check if the assignment is valid
      _Bool check_assign(char array_1[], char array_2[])
          int j = 0;
          char* array = malloc(16 * sizeof(char));
          while(j < array_size)
              if(array_1[j] == '#')
                  array[j] == 0;
              if(array_1[j] == 0)
                  if(counting_blocks(array) <= 4)
                      array[j] == '#';
                      array[j] == 0;
          if(compare_arrays(array) && array == array_2)
              return true;
              return false;
      //Create a function to shift a Tetrimino
      void shift_left(char array[])
          if(array[0] == array[4] == array[8] == array[12] == '#')
          for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
              array[i-1] = array[i];
      void shift_right(char array[])
          if(array[3] == array[7] == array[11] == array[15] == '#')
          for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
              array[i] = array[i+1];
      void shift_up(char array[])
          if(array[0] == array[1] == array[2] == array[3] == '#')
          for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
              array[i] = array[i-4];
      void shift_down(char array[])
          if(array[12] == array[13] == array[14] == array[15] == '#')
          for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
              array[i] = array[i+4];
      //Return the solution
      t_node* solve(char array_1[], char array_2[], int k)
          t_node* stack = NULL;
              stack = recur_assign(array_1, array_2, k);
              stack = solve(array_1, array_2, k);
              stack = solve(array_1, array_2, k);
              stack = solve(array_1, array_2, k);
              stack = solve(array_1, array_2, k);
          return stack;
      //Print solution
      void display(t_node* stack)
          int k = 0;
          if(stack == NULL)
          t_node* temp = stack;
          printf("Stack : ");
          while(temp != NULL)
              printf("%d  ", temp->data);
              if(k > 4)
                  k = 0;
              temp = temp->next;
      //Free list
      void liberer(t_tet* L)
          while(L != NULL)
              t_tet* temp = L;
              L = L->next;
      //Read line
      char* readline(char *in) 
          char *cptr;
          if (cptr = fgets(in, 10, stdin))
          while(*cptr == ' ' || *cptr == '\t')
          return cptr;
              return 0;
      //Check if it is an empty line
      int check_line(char* ptr)
          ptr = readline(ptr);
          while(*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t' || *ptr=='\n' || *ptr=='\r')
              return 1;
          return 0;
      int main (int argc, char **argv) 
          char* arr_1 = malloc(16 * sizeof(char));
          char* arr_2 = malloc(16 * sizeof(char));
          t_tet* list = NULL;
          if (argc != 2)
              printf("usage: %s is provided,filename is not provided", argv[0]); 
              FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); 
              if ( file == 0 ) 
                  printf("Could not open file\n"); 
                  char x; 
                  while((x = fgetc(file)) != EOF) 
                      printf("%c", x); 
                      list = create_list(x);
                      if(x == ' ');
                          arr_1 = listTo_array(list);
                  list = create_list(x);
                  arr_2 = listTo_array(list);
          t_node* sol = solve(arr_1, arr_2, 0);
      And this is the file.h:
    • #ifndef Fill_the_void
      #define Fill_the_void
      int const array_size = 16;
      struct s_tet
          char data;
          struct s_tet *next;
      typedef struct s_tet t_tet;
      struct s_node
          char data;
          struct s_node* next;
      typedef struct s_node t_node;
      t_node* push(t_node* head, char data);
      t_tet* create(char data);
      int count(t_tet* head);
      t_tet* append(t_tet* head, char data);
      int count(t_tet* head);
      t_tet* create_list(char block);
      char* listTo_array(t_tet* head);
      void moving_Tetrimino(char *array);
      int counting_tetriminos(t_tet* tet);
      int counting_blocks(char *character);
      int check_char(char *character);
      _Bool compare_arrays(char *array);
      int check_tetrimino(char *array);
      int assign_loc(char *array, int s, int j);
      t_node* assign_tet(t_node* stack, char *array_1, char *array_2, int i);
      t_node* recur_assign(char *array_1, char *array_2, int k);
      _Bool check_assign(char *array_1, char *array_2);
      t_node* solve(char *array_1, char *array_2, int k);
      void display(t_node* stack);
      //char* readline(char *in);
      //int check_line(char *ptr);
      # define I_1 (char[16]) {'#',0,0,0,'#',0,0,0,'#',0,0,0,'#',0,0,0}
      # define I_2 (char[16]) {'#','#','#','#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define O (char[16]) {'#','#',0,0,'#','#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define T_1 (char[16]) {'#','#','#',0,0,'#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define T_2 (char[16]) {'#',0,0,0,'#','#',0,0,'#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define T_3 (char[16]) {0,'#',0,0,'#','#',0,0,0,'#',0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define T_4 (char[16]) {0,'#',0,0,'#','#','#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define L_1 (char[16]) {'#','#','#',0,'#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define L_2 (char[16]) {'#','#',0,0,0,'#',0,0,0,'#',0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define L_3 (char[16]) {'#',0,0,0,'#',0,0,0,'#','#',0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define L_4 (char[16]) {0,0,0,'#','#','#','#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define Z_1 (char[16]) {0,'#',0,0,'#','#',0,0,'#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      # define Z_2 (char[16]) {'#','#',0,0,0,'#','#',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
      and finally here is the Tetrminoes.txt that I choose to start with: 
    • ....
      I stack with problem for too long and I would really appreciate it a lot for any kind of help. Sorry if this was a bit long for you. Thaaaankss!!
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    Fill_The_Void: Issue

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