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Hammer editor: problème de compilation

erreur que je ne comprends pas

    22 juin 2021 à 8:34:04


    Je suis débutant dans le mapping, j'aimerais beaucoup apprendre à mapper en particulier pour le jeu: Black mesa, je ne sais pas si certains connaissent ce jeu, il s'agit du 1er Half Life qui fonctionne sur le moteur de half life 2. Mais depuis hier, je bloque sur un point litigeux: la compilation:  quand je lance la compilation, il me dit ce message d'erreur:

    The command failed.

    ** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bin\vvis.exe"
    ** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms" "C:\Users\Damien\Desktop\essai"

    application returned code: 1

    Voici en particulier tout le journal de compilation (je ne sais pas si c'est nécessaire):

    ** Executing...
    ** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bin\vbsp.exe"
    ** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms" "C:\Users\Damien\Desktop\essai.vmf"
    Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Apr 26 2021)
    16 threads
    materialPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms\materials
    Loading C:\Users\Damien\Desktop\essai.vmf
    fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
    ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
    **** leaked ****

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 224.0 -8.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    Leaf 1 contents:
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 224.0 32.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 32.0 288.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 32.0 520.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    Leaf 1 contents:
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 256.0 288.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 256.0 520.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    Leaf 1 contents:
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 480.0 256.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (0.0 480.0 520.0)
    Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
    Leaf 1 contents:
    viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
    This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
    Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
    Candidate brush IDs:

    *** Suppressing further FindPortalSide errors.... ***
    Processing areas...done (0)
    Building Faces...done (0)
    done (0)
    Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
     ! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
    Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
     ! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
    Finding displacement neighbors...
    Finding lightmap sample positions...
    Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
    Building Physics collision data...
    done (0) (2281 bytes)
    Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
    Compacting texture/material tables...
    Reduced 11 texinfos to 8
    Reduced 1 texdatas to 1 (13 bytes to 13)
    Writing C:\Users\Damien\Desktop\essai.bsp
    Wrote ZIP buffer, estimated size 105865, actual size 105651
    0 seconds elapsed
    ** Executing...
    ** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bin\vvis.exe"
    ** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms" "C:\Users\Damien\Desktop\essai"
    Valve Software - vvis.exe (Apr 26 2021)
    16 threads
    reading c:\users\Damien\desktop\essai.bsp
    reading c:\users\Damien\desktop\essai.prt
    LoadPortals: couldn't read c:\users\Damien\desktop\essai.prt

    The command failed.

    ** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bin\vvis.exe"
    ** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms" "C:\Users\Damien\Desktop\essai"

    Application returned code: 1

    Bon, j'ai compris qu'il y a une fuite dans ma map mais pas moyen de comprendre ou est cette fuite, c'est la seule chose que j'ai compris dans tout ce "charabia" désolé de le dire comme ça mais je sais que c'est pas anodin cette erreur ainsi que tout ce texte, j'ai déjà chercher de l'aide mais tout est en anglais (normal) et quand bien même je cherche en français, je n'arrive pas à comprendre.

    Voilà, je suis déçu je voulais apprendre à mapper mais pas moyen de comprendre cette erreur persistante, je viens ici en déséspoir de cause.

    Je vous remercie infiniment pour votre aide.

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      4 juillet 2021 à 15:29:02

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      Hammer editor: problème de compilation

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