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How can I manipulate parser arguments?

    18 novembre 2020 à 10:19:20


    please find the code below:

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        global_command = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        subparser = global_command.add_subparsers(
        dest='subparser_name', help='...')
    #we add parser for the partionner and the arguments
    partionner_command = subparser.add_parser('partitioned_edf',  help ='adding parser')
    partionner_command.add_argument('file', help='input file', type=argparse.FileType('r'))
    partionner_command.add_argument('h', help='heuristic')
    partionner_command.add_argument('ff|wf|bf|nf', help='first fit')
    partionner_command.add_argument('s', help='sort')
    partionner_command.add_argument('du|iu', help='decreasing utilization')
    partionner_command.add_argument('l', help='limits')
    partionner_command.add_argument('limit', type= int, help='positive integer,the time step limit for simulation')
    partionner_command.add_argument('m', help='the number of identical cores')
    partionner_command.add_argument('cores', type= int, help='positive integer, the number of identical cores')
    #namespace takes the arguments
    namespace = global_command.parse_args()
    if namespace.subparser_name is None:
        from sys import stderr
    elif namespace.subparser_name == 'partitioned_edf':

    After that elif I want to make cases depending on the third argument:

    (if we have ff, wf, bf or nf in the console).

    Edité par PassantPassant1 18 novembre 2020 à 10:22:29

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    How can I manipulate parser arguments?

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