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How to have a log file per user in an application

    21 décembre 2021 à 12:00:26

    I am developing a python app flask which is called by an another app via URL : https://host name:port/arg1=mdp &arg2=user -->hostname is my iis web server where i deployed the app. I would like to have a log per user --> when the user run the app it should normally create his own log and write in it, but unfortunately the mainthread write in all the logs of all users . I have tried : lock thread, multilogging, semaphore, socketio, calling with start-newthread -->No success :( Thanks for help

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      9 mai 2023 à 8:41:07 - Message modéré pour le motif suivant : Toute forme de publicité est interdite

      How to have a log file per user in an application

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