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How to optimize HTML code?

How to optimize HTML code? Make the site more conducive to SEO

    10 janvier 2020 à 7:59:18

    Hello everyone! I am a seoer and I have been working in SEO for 3 years. Recently, many friends asked me how can I optimize a website to make it more friendly to search engines? I want to solicit more ideas and exchange ideas to promote common progress.
    This website is called by friends for analysis, and everyone is welcome to point out optimization ideas.
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    Homelody ist ein deutscher Hersteller von Sanitärprodukten, die sich der Bereitstellung hochwertiger Badprodukte widmen, darunter Küchenarmaturen, Badarmaturen, Badduschsysteme und Duschköpfe für Badaccessoires.

      22 janvier 2020 à 8:00:57

      I don't know if you already found the answer by now, but Openclassroom has two courses in english about SEO that you can recommend to your friends:

      1. Drive Traffic to Your Website With Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

      2.Ensure Your Website Meets Technical SEO Requirements

      I hope it helps.

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      How to optimize HTML code?

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