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HTML5 CSS3 Course - Your questions

    27 juillet 2020 à 9:03:19


    Edité par lorrio 19 avril 2021 à 20:53:02

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      30 juin 2022 à 12:40:04

      I'm having some issues with the code, can someone help me resolve it.

      <!DOCTYPE html>



      <meta=charset="utf-8" />

      <script src="MyCV.js"></script>

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="MyCV.css" type="text/css" charset="utf-8" />








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      <h1><span class="wda">&nbsp;Wilfrid Fabarez&nbsp;</span></h1><br />

      <h3>Travailleur social en reconversion d&eacuteveloppement web</h3>

      <p> <a href="Pics/MyFace.jpg"><img src="Pics/MyMiniFace.jpg" class="MyFace" alt="Wilfrid Fabarez" Title="This is how I look ^^"/></a></p>


      <h2><strong>Mon experience</strong></h2>


      <li><strong>F&eacute;v. 2014 - Pr&eacute;sent :<br />

      Moniteur &eacute;ducateur en foyer d&apos;h&eacute;bergement</strong><br />

      Protection Social de Vaugirard - 92240 Malakoff

      </li><br /> etc...etc...

      and for the css file :




      By Clavendys


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        29 juillet 2022 à 12:14:44

        I actually own a fonts website called AboutFonts and sometimes there's an issue with the featured image. Can anyone can help me this issue.
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        HTML5 CSS3 Course - Your questions

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