hi... im good in programming and algorithms i have learned some programming languages . all i need is a guide what should i learn to be a programmer(a full guide ) .. thak you
Writing correct english (and whatever language) is a skill you should improve.
A major part of the work is communicating with people (reading and writing books, tutorial, reports and specifications, giving presentations, talking to them during meetings etc.).
The point is, the OP self-evaluates as a good programmer knowing several languages. Well, that's a start. But in this case his question is surprising.
Could we suggest to put aside all tutorials, books and wiki pages, and use this precious knowledge to spend a lot of time on personal projects - not exercises ?
So, first step of the guide: choose a project you want to spend some time on (say, a few months). Second step : do it.
thank you every one for answering my question .... you guys gives me an idea about programming paradigms and i choose to learn object oriented programming i think i prefer doing it ... so wich object oriented programming language should i start to learn i mean the popular language that it will help me next time when i get a job and can you please give all the levels of this language ..... thank you very much
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Architecte logiciel - Software craftsmanship convaincu.