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JavaScript easier w JQuery - CodePen Free vs Pro?

Do you make the Activity with CodePen Pro?

    12 juillet 2019 à 20:13:22

    Good day,

    in the course "Make JavaScript easier with jQuery" I tried the Activity, but my code is not working at all. I think that there is a restriction in the CodePen FREE account.

    Can you try the code of the teacher Emily Reese and say if it's working or not?

    When I try to change her 
    to my Free CodePen JS, it's not working:

    The two JS-s are identical, but mine is Free account and it gives me the error:
    "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403."

    Thank you for your help!

    Edité par MilenAtanasov 12 juillet 2019 à 20:15:35

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      12 juillet 2019 à 21:40:24


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      JavaScript easier w JQuery - CodePen Free vs Pro?

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