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Jeu d'échec méthode IsValidMove

Déplacement du 'Bishop'

    21 janvier 2019 à 20:39:05


    Je dois réaliser un Jeu d'echec en Java (non graphique). 

    Pour cela j'ai pour le moment 3 classes : 

    - Chess : classe contenant une méthode main permettant uniquement, dans un premier temps, de tester les méthodes de la classe Piece

    package tp1;
     * A chess game. Contains a main methods to play chess.
     * @author Pascale Launay
    public class Chess
         * Chess playing program.
         * @param args none
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // check args and print a help message if needed
            if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("-h")) {
            // play chess
            Chess chess = new Chess();
         * Play a chess game
        private void playChess()
            // make a piece
            Piece piece = makePiece();
            // move the piece
            // print the piece
            System.out.println("The piece: " + piece.getName()+" "+ piece.getPieceColor()+
            		", position => "+"("+piece.getX()+","+piece.getY()+")");
         * Ask the user for the piece properties and create a piece
         * @return a new piece
        private Piece makePiece()
            // ask for the piece properties
            System.out.print("Give the piece name (PAWN, ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN, KING): ");
            String name = Keyboard.readLine();
            System.out.print("Give the piece color (black, white): ");
            String color = Keyboard.readLine();
            //System.out.print("Give the x position of the piece : ");
            //int x = Keyboard.readInt();
            //System.out.print("Give the y position of the piece : ");
            //int y = Keyboard.readInt();
            // create and return the piece
            return new Piece(name, color, 2, 5);
         * Ask the user for the movement properties and move a piece
         * @param piece the piece to be moved
        private void movePiece(Piece piece)
            // ask for the movement properties
            System.out.print("Give the piece x movement: ");
            int dx = Keyboard.readInt();
            System.out.print("Give the piece y movement: ");
            int dy = Keyboard.readInt();
            // move the piece
            piece.move(dx, dy);
         * Print a help message and exit
        private static void usage()
            System.out.println("Usage: java Chess");
            System.out.println("   my first chess game");

    - Keyboard : classe offrant des méthodes pour réaliser des saisies au clavier. 

    package tp1;

     * A utility class allowing to read form keyboard.
     * @author Pascale Launay
    public class Keyboard
         * standard input (keyboard)
        private static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
         * Reads an line from the keyboard
         * @return the line entered by the user
        public static String readLine()
            String line = "";
            try {
                line = Keyboard.stdin.readLine();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Keyboard input error.");
            return line;
         * Reads an integer from the keyboard
         * @return the integer value entered by the user
        public static int readInt()
            int nb = 0;
            try {
                nb = Integer.parseInt(Keyboard.stdin.readLine());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Keyboard input error.");
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                System.err.println("Keyboard input : number format exception.");
            return nb;

    - Piece : classe représentant une pièce du jeu d’échecs

    package tp1;
     * A chess piece. Represented by a location in the chessboard (x,y),
     * a name and a color.
     * @author Pascale Launay
    public class Piece
         * The piece name: PAWN, ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN, KING.
        private String name;
         * The piece color: black, white.
        private String color;
         * The piece position : x,y
        private int x, y;
         * Constructs a piece with given name and color.
         * @param name the piece name: PAWN, ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN, KING.
         * @param color the piece color: black, white.
        public Piece(String name, String color)
   = name;
            this.color = color;
         * Constructs a piece with given name, color, x and y (position).
         * @param name the piece name: PAWN, ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN, KING.
         * @param color the piece color: black, white.
         * @param x position
         * @param y position
        public Piece(String name, String color, int x, int y)
   = name;
            this.color = color;
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
         * Retrieve name piece
         * @return the name of a piece 
    	public String getName(){
    		return name;
         * Retrieve piece color
         * @return the name of a piece 
    	public String getPieceColor(){
    		return color;
         * Retrieve x position
         * @return the position x of a piece 
    	public int getX(){
    		return x;
         * Retrieve y position
         * @return the position y of a piece 
    	public int getY(){
    		return y;
         * Moves the piece.
         * @param dx the horizontal movement.
         * @param dy the vertical movement.
        public void move(int dx, int dy)
            // TODO
         * Gives a string representation of the piece in the form "name color".
         * @return a string representation of the piece.
        public String toString()
            return + " " + this.color+ " "+ this.x + " "+this.y ;
         * Gives a boolean to know if a movement is valid or not
         * @return a boolean, false : no valid movement, true : valid movement
        public boolean isValidMove(int dx, int dy){
        	/**if ((this.x + dx)<0 || (this.x + dx)>7){
        		return false;	
        	if(((this.y + dy)<0 || (this.y + dy)>7)){
        		return false;	
        	if (name.equals("QUEEN")){
        		if (dx - x == dy - y){ //La diagonale
        			return true;
        		if (dx == x){
        			return true;
        		if (dy == y){
        			return true;
        		return false;		
        	if (name.equals("ROOK")){
        		if (dx == x){
        			return true;
        		if (dy == y){
        			return true;
        		return false;		
        	if (name.equals("BISHOP")){
        		if (dx - x == dy - y){ //La diagonale
        			return true;
        	if (name.equals("KNIGHT")){
        	return true;

    Je suis actuellement en train de travailler sur la méthode IsValidMove

      public boolean isValidMove(int dx, int dy){
        	/**if ((this.x + dx)<0 || (this.x + dx)>7){
        		return false;	
        	if(((this.y + dy)<0 || (this.y + dy)>7)){
        		return false;	
        	if (name.equals("QUEEN")){
        		if (dx - x == dy - y){ //La diagonale
        			return true;
        		if (dx == x){
        			return true;
        		if (dy == y){
        			return true;
        		return false;		
        	if (name.equals("ROOK")){
        		if (dx == x){
        			return true;
        		if (dy == y){
        			return true;
        		return false;		
        	if (name.equals("BISHOP")){
        		if (dx - x == dy - y){ //La diagonale
        			return true;
        	if (name.equals("KNIGHT")){
        	return true;

    Et je me questionnais par rapport au "Bishop". La définition de son déplacement est la suivante : "Le Fou se déplace sur les diagonales de la couleur où il a été posé. Il peut avancer du nombre de cases souhaité par le joueur dans la limite du plateau, mais ne saute pas au-dessus des pièces. Valeur estimée : 2. "

    Je voulais ainsi savoir comment faire pour indiquer qu'il se déplace sur les diagonales de la couleur où il a été posé

    J'imagine quelque chose du genre : 

    if this.color.equals(white){

    (dx - x == dy - y)  => true


    if this.color.equals(black){

    (dx - x == dy - y) => true


    Mais il manque la partie indiquant qu'il n'avance que sur des cases blanche...

    Merci d'avance pour votre aide !


    Edité par darmikouraichia 21 janvier 2019 à 20:39:48

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    Jeu d'échec méthode IsValidMove

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