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[jQuery] myLightBox

    13 août 2010 à 14:54:05


    Durant quelques temps, j'étais à la rechercher d'une lightbox qui me permettrait de réaliser ce dont j'avais besoin mais malheureusement, rien ne m'a convenu alors j'ai réaliser mon propre script.
    Je ne viens pas vous présenter mon projet car il y a encore quelques erreurs que j'aimerai corriger.

    A ce stade, je me retrouve un peu perdu je l'avoue...

    Voici mon code :
    (function($) {
        $.fn.myLightBox = function(settings){
            settings = $.extend({
                 * Effects configuration
                slideType:          'fade',                         // @type string - @property horizontal or vertical or fade
                backgroundColor:    '#000',                         // @type int    - @property #RGB (hexadecimal color value)
                backgroundOpacity:  0.7,                            // @type int    - @property value between 0 and 1
                containerColor:     '#FFF',                         // @type int    - @property #RGB (hexadecimal color value)
                containerTextColor: '#777',                         // @type int    - @property #RGB (hexadecimal color value)
                borderSize:         10,                             // @type int    - @property more than 0
                animationSpeed:     500,                            // @type int    - @property more than 0
                 * Image configuration
                url:                '',                             // @type string - @property url to the image
                alt:                '',                             // @type string - @property alternative text to the image
                imageNumber:        1,                              // @type int    - @property number of image
                theImage:           0,                              // @type int    - @property the first left side to display (start at 0)
                 * Icon configuration
                imgLoading:         'images/myLightBoxLoading.gif',  // @type string - @property url to image
                imgNext:            'images/myLightBoxNext.gif',     // @type string - @property url to image
                imgPrev:            'images/myLightBoxPrev.gif',     // @type string - @property url to image
                imgClose:           'images/myLightBoxClose.gif',    // @type string - @property url to image
                 * Text configuration
                txtPart:            'Part',                         // @type string - @property Value to display "Part" x of x
                txtOf:              'of',                           // @type string - @property Value to display Part x "of" x
                errorMessage:       'An error occured'
             * Initialize the lightbox
            function _initialize() {
                // We verify that everything is correct...
                // ...otherwise tell it ti him
             * Verify some mistakes
             * (Not much made, I prefer test before)
            function _verify_settings() {
                var returnValue = true;
                if(settings.theImage >= settings.imageNumber)
                    settings.theImage = 0;
                if(settings.imageNumber <= 0)
                    settings.imageNumber = 1;
                if(settings.url == '')
                    returnValue = false;
                if(settings.alt == '')
                    returnValue = false;
                return returnValue;
             * Beggin the lighbox creation
             * (objectClicked will be used when I'll know
             * how to call it form a event choosen
             * by the user)
            function _start(objectClicked) {
             * Beggining of the image loading
            function _setUpImage(){
                var image = new Image();
                image.onload = function(){
                    _setLightBoxImage(image.width, image.height);
                    _resizeMyLightBox(image.width, image.height);
                    image.onload = function(){};
                image.src = settings.url;
             * Create the div of the image
            function _setLightBoxImage(width, height) {
                    'background-image' : 'url(' + settings.url + ')',
                    'background-position': width - (settings.theImage * width / settings.imageNumber) + 'px',
                    width: width / settings.imageNumber,
             * Resize the lightbox
             * using the image size
            function _resizeMyLightBox(imgWidth, imgHeight) {
                width = imgWidth / settings.imageNumber;
                height = imgHeight;
                top = (_getPageSize()[1] - imgHeight) / 2 - 40;
                    width: width,
                    height: height + 40,
                    top: top
                }, settings.animationSpeed
                 , function(){
             * Display the image
             * (Such as the descriptive
             * of the bottom)
            function _showImage() {
                        'background-color': settings.containerColor,
                        'padding-top': (settings.borderSize + 2),
                        'color': settings.containerTextColor
             * Let the user navigate in the image
            function _setNavigation(width) {
                                'outline': 'none'
                            if(settings.theImage > 0)
                                    'background': 'url(' + settings.imgPrev + ') left 15% no-repeat'
                            'background': 'url()'
                            if(settings.theImage > 0) {
                                    'background-position': width - (--settings.theImage * width / settings.imageNumber) + 'px'
                                }, settings.animationSpeed);
                                $('#currentPart').text(settings.theImage + 1);
                                'outline': 'none'
                            if((settings.theImage + 1 ) < settings.imageNumber)
                                     'background': 'url(' + settings.imgNext + ') right 15% no-repeat'
                            'background': 'url()'
                        if((settings.theImage + 1 ) < settings.imageNumber) {
                                'background-position': width - (++settings.theImage * width / settings.imageNumber) + 'px'
                            }, settings.animationSpeed);
                            $('#currentPart').text(settings.theImage + 1);
             * Create the lightbox div
            function _setUp() {
                $('body').append('<div id="myLightBox-overlay"></div><div id="myLightBox-container"><div id="myLightBox-container-insideContent"><div id="myLightBox-image"><a href="#" id="myLightBox-nav-prev"></a><a href="#" id="myLightBox-nav-next"></a></div><div id="myLightBox-bottomBox"><div id="myLightBox-altText">' + settings.txtPart + ' <span id="currentPart">' + (settings.theImage + 1) + '</span> ' + settings.txtOf + ' ' + settings.imageNumber +  ' - ' + settings.alt + '</div><div id="myLightBox-closeButton"><img src="' + settings.imgClose + '"</div></div><div id="myLightBox-loader"><img src="' + settings.imgLoading + '" /></div></div></div>');
                var pageSize = _getPageSize();
                 * Create the lightbox overlay
                    width: pageSize[0],
                    height: pageSize[1],
                    backgroundColor: settings.backgroundColor,
                    opacity:    settings.backgroundOpacity
                 * Create the lightbox container
                    'background-color': settings.containerColor,
                    'border': settings.borderSize + 'px solid ' + settings.containerColor,
                    top: ( ( pageSize[1] - 250 ) / 2 )
                 * Assign the lightbox destruction ways
    //            $('#myLightBox-container').click(function(){
    //                 _destroy();
    //            });
                 * Resizable lightbox
                 * Doesn't work very well
                    var pageSize = _getPageSize();
                        width:  pageSize[0],
                        height: pageSize[1]
                    $('#myLightBox-container-insideContent').css('top', ((pageSize[1] - 250) / 2));
             * Fade out and detroy the lightbox
            function _destroy() {
                $('embed, object, select').show();
             * Get the inner window size
            function _getPageSize() {
                var pageHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height();
                var pageWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : $(window).width();
                return new Array(pageWidth, pageHeight);
             * Let the user initialize by clicking

    Voilà ce que j'ai réussit à faire mais je bloque sur plusieurs points :
    - Le redimmensionnement de la lightbox lors du redimmensionnement de la fenetre.
    - L'appel de la function, j'aimerai faire $('#div').click(function(){}); mais je ne trouve pas comment faire
    - Et je pense qu'il y a pas mal de choses à refaire aussi :p

    Merci d'avance pour votre aide ;)
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    [jQuery] myLightBox

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