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links between pages

Sujet résolu
    20 novembre 2014 à 11:39:29

    I know a web page is a compilation of many pages but if we have to link them all it will takes quite a long time!!! how doe for e.g works?? that way? have you had to create every page and link them?
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      23 novembre 2014 à 11:27:55

      Hello Philippe, 

      I don't understand very well your question but I'm going to try to answer it the best I can.

      As you said, a website is a compilation of many pages. Sometimes, a website can be built with a few pages like a professional website presenting a small company. You will have the front page, the "About Us" page and maybe the "contact" page. All these pages are linked manually, the developer put in the code HTML like that:

      <a href="contact.html">Contact</a>

      But for a website like OpenClassrooms which contains a lot of pages, a forum etc, the links are generated automatically by a language called PHP. It is like a robot doing all the work for you. If we had to add manually all the links, it would be way to long! So everything is created by the little robot PHP, the pages, the posts forum, the member pages etc..

      Edité par El_Matella 23 novembre 2014 à 11:28:31

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      Apprenti développeur web -
        23 novembre 2014 à 23:13:58

        It's Okay!! Thank you El-matella that's what I wanted to know :) But still, does it mean for huge websites conception we'll anyways need PHP? or Html5 and CSS would be enough?
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          24 novembre 2014 à 3:01:06

          Yes, for huge website, PHP is highly recommended, imagine if a human was behind his computer creating manually every page of this forum every time a user would post something :)

          However, if your website is strictly static and only YOU are editing the pages, whatever his amount of visitors, HTML5 and CSS will be enough..

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          Apprenti développeur web -
            16 décembre 2014 à 15:03:17

            Oh wow..Imlpossible for sure :)

            Got it ; and thanks a lot.

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            links between pages

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