American courts still have work to do! The public across the Atlantic seems indeed very picky, and sees with a very bad eye the release on the market of a product that has, even in small proportion, a manufacturing defect that prevents the correct use. Thus, Apple has already paid the public who had recently sued because of his iPod nano, visibly too fragile to be put in all pockets. California air tools 10020c Today, Microsoft is once again talking about him and his Xbox 360, but not really good, since a player, overwhelmed by the repeated crashes of his console, decided to sue the American manufacturer in justice ...
The box X is very hot ...
Robert Byers, American player, had decided to make a small pleasure for November 22 by offering an Xbox 360 on the day of its entry into the United States. Happy buyer among the first, he came home impatiently to test the beast ... and realize that his console, after a few moments of play, could not help but plant inevitably. Analyzing the problem in every way to try to solve it, he then realized that some parts of the console were too hot for normal operation, including the power supply and the central processor, apparently responsible for the breakdowns of the console . He then realized that, like him, other players had problems with overheating and crashes with their console.
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Microsoft attaqué pour les plantages de sa Xbox 36
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