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positionement titre et image float


    12 octobre 2018 à 6:59:46

    bonjour une personne très aimable pourrait m aider svp pour le reposionnement de l image et du titre en haut de page  merci  DEPUIS 3h du matin je galère encore et encore ^^

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            <title> CV Rabid Rabbit </title>
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                <h2>International Business Analyst</h2>
                    <a href="img/elias.jpg"><img src="img/" class="elias" alt="moi"/> </a> 
            <section class="first">
            <h3 id="PE" class="titretest">Professional experience</h3>
                    <li> <em> June - September 2014 </em> <strong>International Business Developer </strong> for <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit TradeTracker France Website !"> TradeTracker France</a>
                                <li>Competitive <span class="test">intelligence study</span> reporting of market practices (affiliate marketing)</li>
                                <li>Weekly report on performances</li>
                                <li>Development of sales, communication and reporting supports</li>
                                <li>Contracts negotiations in French / English - personal ROI : >400%</li>
                    <li> <em> 2008-2013 </em> Student Jobs
                                <li>Market Research Analyst for <a href="" title="Visit also this one if you like :)" target="_blank"> Pub'n'Drive</a></li>
                                <li>Checkout assistant for Intermarché </li>
                                <li>Temporary work for the French contract agencies Adecco and Leader Interim</li>
            <section class="second">
            <h3 id="education">Education</h3>
                <li><em> 2014 - 2015 </em>  Master's degree (2nd year)<strong> “Intelligence, Strategy, and International Competitiveness" </strong> University of Lille</li>
                        <span class="definition">"International market intelligence, lobbying methods, crisis management, surveillance techniques, information cycle
                        , human network management, international financing and negotiation <br/>
                        <a href="" title="I know how to use tooltips !" target="_blank">Openclassrooms</a> MOOCs : <em>Manage databases with MySQL, Build your website with HTML5 and CSS3</em></span>
                <li><em> 2013 - 2014 </em> ""Master's degree (1st year)<strong> “International Economics and Management" </strong> University of Lille</li>
                        <span class="definition"> Risks assessment, financial engineering, international competitiveness, international law, strategic marketing</span>
                <li> <em> 2010 - 2013 </em> Bachelor Degree <strong>“Applied Foreign Languages”</strong> University of Orleans </li>
                        <span class="definition">International marketing, logistic, communication, cross-cultural management, Common law, European law, financial
                        accounting, business English and Spanish</span>
            <section class="third">
            <h3 id="skills">Skills</h3>
                    <li> Languages </li>
                    <li> French : Mothertongue </li>
                    <li> English : Proficient </li>
                    <li> Spanish : Limited professional skills </li>
                    <li> Russian and Portuguese : Beginner </li>
                    <li> Informatics </li>
                    MS Office, Salesforce, Google Analytics, Scoop-it, Alertinfo, Netvibes, C, HTML5
                    <li> Work samples </li>
                        <li><a href="Sample/Sample_1.rar" title="Download the report">Report on the lobbying strategy of Google</a></li>
                        <li><a href="Sample/Sample_2.rar" title="Download the report">Report on the Islamist movements in Maghreb</a></li>
                        <li><a href="Sample/Sample_3.rar" title="Download the report">Country-Risk analysis of Indonesia</a></li>
                        <li><a href="Sample/Sample_4.rar" title="Download the report">Competitive Intelligence Study of Sweden</a></li>
                    <li> Hobbies & activities </li>
                    Martial Arts, guitar, volley ball, jogging and swimming
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    Edité par Anonyme 12 octobre 2018 à 7:08:04

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      12 octobre 2018 à 7:04:15


      Majuscules abusives

      L'écriture en majuscules est considérée comme une parole criée et diminue autant la lisibilité du texte que sa compréhension. Les majuscules abusives sont donc interdites aussi bien dans les titres que dans les messages.

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      Pas d'aide concernant le code par MP, le forum est là pour ça :)

        12 octobre 2018 à 7:08:19

        ok c est compris :)
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        positionement titre et image float

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