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Problème irrésolu dans un jeu type "Morpion"

    26 novembre 2019 à 19:23:47

    Bonsoir, je suis en première et actuellement sur un projet scolaire dont le but est de réaliser un jeu "Morpion". Avec mon groupe, on a bien avancé, voire quasiment terminé, mais la partie qui détecte si la partie est terminée ou non ne fonctionne pas donc je voulais avoir des avis, merci d'avance.

    PS : les commentaires sont en anglais parce que je travaille avec une anglophone.

    import random
    import sys
    #grid declaration
    line1 =["00","01","02"]
    line2 =["10","11","12"]
    line3 =["20","21","22"]
    grid=[line1, line2, line3]
    #function to show the grid
    def showGrid() :
        print(line1[0], line1[1], line1[2])
        print(line2[0], line2[1] ,line2[2])
        print(line3[0], line3[1], line3[2])
    gameFinished = False
    #function with the whole game
    def turn() :
    #The player choose what case he wants to play
        playerChoice=input("What case do you want to play ( you'll play the crosses) : ")
    #For loops, one for each line, to put the "X" at the chosen spot
        for case in line1:
            if case == playerChoice:
                line1[n] = "X"
        for case in line2:
            if case == playerChoice:
                line2[o] = "X"
        for case in line3:
            if case == playerChoice:
                line3[p] = "X"
    #The "A.I." choose randomly a case among the "aiGrid" list
        aiGrid=["00", "01", "02", "10", "11", "12", "20", "21", "22"]
        played = False
        while played == False:
            aiChoice= random.choice(aiGrid)
            if grid[int(aiChoice[0])][int(aiChoice[1])] != "O" and grid[int(aiChoice[0])][int(aiChoice[1])] != "X":
                grid[int(aiChoice[0])][int(aiChoice[1])] = "O"
                played = True
                played = False
        return playerChoice
    #function to detect if the player wins
    def playerWin(playerChoice):
    #We analyse all the situations where the player can win, so there are nine
        if (playerChoice==grid[0][0]) and (playerChoice==grid[0][1]) and (playerChoice==grid[0][2]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
        if (playerChoice==grid[1][0]) and (playerChoice==grid[1][1]) and (playerChoice==grid[1][2]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
        if (playerChoice==grid[2][0]) and (playerChoice==grid[2][1]) and (playerChoice==grid[2][2]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
        if (playerChoice==grid[0][0]) and (playerChoice==grid[1][1]) and (playerChoice==grid[2][2]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
        if (playerChoice==grid[0][2]) and (playerChoice==grid[1][1]) and (playerChoice==grid[2][0]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
        if (playerChoice==grid[0][0]) and (playerChoice==grid[1][0]) and (playerChoice==grid[2][0]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
        if (playerChoice==grid[0][1]) and (playerChoice==grid[1][1]) and (playerChoice==grid[2][1]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
        if (playerChoice==grid[0][2]) and (playerChoice==grid[1][2]) and (playerChoice==grid[2][2]):
            print("Bravo ! Vous avez gagné !")
            gameFinished == True
    def aiWin(playerChoice):
    #Still nine situations, but here we use " == "O" " because we don't have a variable like "playerChoice"
        if grid[int(line1[0][0])][int(line1[0][1])] == "O" and grid[int(line2[1][0])][int(line2[1][1])] == "O" and grid[int(line3[2][0])][int(line3[2][1])] == "O":
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
        if grid[int(line1[0][0])][int(line1[0][1])] == "O" and grid[int(line2[0][0])][int(line2[0][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line3[0][0])][int(line3[0][1])] == "O" :
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
        if grid[int(line1[1][0])][int(line1[1][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line2[1][0])][int(line2[1][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line3[1][0])][int(line3[1][1])] == "O" :
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
        if grid[int(line1[2][0])][int(line1[2][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line2[2][0])][int(line2[2][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line3[2][0])][int(line3[2][1])] == "O" :
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
        if grid[int(line1[2][0])][int(line1[2][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line2[1][0])][int(line2[1][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line3[0][0])][int(line3[0][1])] == "O" :
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
        if grid[int(line1[0][0])][int(line1[0][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line1[1][0])][int(line1[1][1])] == "O"  and grid[int(line1[2][0])][int(line1[2][1])] == "O" :
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
        if grid[int(line2[0][0])][int(line2[0][1])] == "O" and grid[int(line2[1][0])][int(line2[1][1])] == "O" and grid[int(line2[2][0])][int(line2[2][1])] == "O":
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
        if grid[int(line3[0][0])][int(line3[0][1])] == "O" and grid[int(line3[1][0])][int(line3[1][1])] == "O" and grid[int(line3[2][0])][int(line3[2][1])] == "O":
            print("Dommage ! Vous avez perdu")
            gameFinished == True
    while gameFinished == False:

    Edité par *Moréo* 26 novembre 2019 à 19:25:47

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      27 novembre 2019 à 9:06:09

      Il y a top de if, essaye de réduire ;)
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        27 novembre 2019 à 10:23:08

        Genre plus que 3 if, avec des or dans les conditions ?
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          27 novembre 2019 à 10:26:51

          Mais j'vois pas trop comment, étant donné que chaque if a des conditions différentes

          Edité par *Moréo* 27 novembre 2019 à 10:29:41

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            27 novembre 2019 à 10:39:41

            Un truc comme ça :

            # lignes et colonnes
            for i in range(3):
                if all(playerChoice == grid[i][j] for j in range(3)) or all(
                    playerChoice == grid[j][i] for j in range(3)
                    gameFinished = True
            # diagonales
            if (
                not gameFinished
                and all(playerChoice == grid[i][i] for i in range(3))
                or all(playerChoice == grid[i][2 - i] for i in range(3))
                gameFinished = True
            if gameFinished:
                print("Bravo !")

            au passage tes "gameFinished == True" ne servent à rien.

            tout comme implémenter quasiment la même fonction deux fois

            Edité par thelinekioubeur 27 novembre 2019 à 10:44:07

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              27 novembre 2019 à 11:02:11

              Bon bah soit j'edit mon post ( meme si du coup j'vois pas bien l'interet ), je disais donc que j'ai appliqué tes boucles for tout en rajoutant une deuxieme gameFinished pour le match nul plus tard, et j'ai aussi appliqué les conseils de mon prof, mais ça marche toujours pas, donc je voulais des avis

              PS : pourquoi thelinekioubeur il a le droit de poster lui :c

              import random
              import sys
              #grid declaration
              line1 =["00","01","02"]
              line2 =["10","11","12"]
              line3 =["20","21","22"]
              grid=[line1, line2, line3]
              #function to show the grid
              def showGrid() :
                  print(line1[0], line1[1], line1[2])
                  print(line2[0], line2[1] ,line2[2])
                  print(line3[0], line3[1], line3[2])
              #function with the whole game
              def turn() :
              #The player choose what case he wants to play
                  playerChoice=input("What case do you want to play ( you'll play the crosses) : ")
              #Three loops, one for each line, to put the "X" at the chosen spot
                  for case in line1:
                      if case == playerChoice:
                          line1[n] = "X"
                  for case in line2:
                      if case == playerChoice:
                          line2[o] = "X"
                  for case in line3:
                      if case == playerChoice:
                          line3[p] = "X"
              #The "A.I." choose randomly a case among the "aiGrid" list
                  aiGrid=["00", "01", "02", "10", "11", "12", "20", "21", "22"]
                  played = False
                  while played == False:
                      aiChoice= random.choice(aiGrid)
                      if grid[int(aiChoice[0])][int(aiChoice[1])] != "O" and grid[int(aiChoice[0])][int(aiChoice[1])] != "X":
                          grid[int(aiChoice[0])][int(aiChoice[1])] = "O"
                          played = True
                          played = False
              #function to detect if the player wins
              def playerWin(gameFinished):
              # lignes et colonnes
                  for i in range(3):
                      if all("X" == grid[i][j] for j in range(3)) or all(
                          "X" == grid[j][i] for j in range(3)
                          gameFinished = True
                  # diagonales
                      if (
                          not gameFinished
                          and all("X" == grid[i][i] for i in range(3))
                          or all("X" == grid[i][2 - i] for i in range(3))):
                          gameFinished = True
                  return gameFinished
              def aiWin(gameFinished1):
                  #lignes et colonnes
                  for i in range(3):
                      if all("O" == grid[i][j] for j in range(3)) or all(
                          "O" == grid[j][i] for j in range(3)
                          gameFinished = True
                  # diagonales
                      if (
                          not gameFinished1
                          and all("O" == grid[i][i] for i in range(3))
                          or all("O" == grid[i][2 - i] for i in range(3))
                          gameFinished1 = True
                      if gameFinished1:
                  return gameFinished1
              #Main loop
              while gameFinished == False or gameFinished1 == False:

              Edité par *Moréo* 27 novembre 2019 à 20:53:21

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                27 novembre 2019 à 19:49:34 - Message modéré pour le motif suivant : banni pour multi-comptes

                  27 novembre 2019 à 19:54:34

                  Tu pouvais éditer ton post ...

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                    27 novembre 2019 à 19:59:05

                    MoréoNomdefamille a écrit:

                    Bon, vu que je peux poster que toutes les 24h à la suite, j'ai fait un autre compte

                    Bonjour, NON le multi compte n'est  pas autorisé selon les règles du site. Merci d'attendre 24H avant de poster deux messages consécutif ou éditer votre précédant message.

                    Je bannis le compte  MoréoNomdefamille

                    Liens conseillés

                    Edité par AbcAbc6 27 novembre 2019 à 20:05:29

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                    Problème irrésolu dans un jeu type "Morpion"

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