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I would like to have some sights about the following assignment.

    10 août 2020 à 10:54:22

    You are given the following ontology fragment

    ex:wearsRing rdfs:domain ex:Being . <!-- Beings can wear ... -->

    ex:wearsRing rdfs:range ex:Ring . <!-- ... rings -->

    ex:hasRingPower rdfs:domain ex:Ring . <!-- ... rings can have ... -->

    ex:hasRingPower rdfs:range ex:Power . <!-- powers (e.g., invisibility)-->

    ex:hasRingMagicPower rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:hasRingPower .

    Complete this ontology by modeling the following natural language statement in Turtle syntax (if marked with *), or RDF/XML syntax (when marked with), or both (when marked with *,). In addition, indicate for each statements whether it can be made using only RDF and RDFS, andwhere do you really need OWL.

    1. Magic rings are a special type of rings [*,].

    2. To be a magic ring, a ring has to have at least two magical powers [*]. (Use property ex:hasRingMagicPower to indicate that a ring has a magical power.)

    3. Every ring that is not a magic ring is a boring ring [*]

    4. The One Ring is a magic ring, Frodo wears The One Ring [].

    5. Only humans and hobbits can wear magic rings []. (Use the property ex:wearsMagicRing to link beings to the magic rings that they wear.)

    6. A being is a ring bearer if it wears least one magic ring [*]. (Use ex:wearsRing, to linkbeings to rings.)

    7. A wizard is defined as begin a human and a ring bearer, i.e., every human ring bearer is awizard, and every wizard is a human ring bearer [*].

    8. To be a cool wizard, all of the rings a person wears must be magic rings []. (Use the propertyproperty ex:wearsRing as before.)

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      13 août 2020 à 3:54:30

      The English part of the forum is mostly dead so few people come here. The ones that come will not do your job for you. If you are stuck on something, show what you have done and maybe people who know what you're talking about will help.

      But throwing a subject like you do here won't bring you anything.

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        13 août 2020 à 9:19:49

        ok merci beaucoup pour ce que tu viens de dire
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        RDFS and OWL

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