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[REACT REDUX FORM] Object(...) is not a function

TypeError: Object(...) is not a function

    18 avril 2019 à 23:10:46

    Bonjour à tous,

    j'ai suivi le tuto de la page suivante : pour mettre en place un redux form. Cependant j'ai l'erreur suivante :

    TypeError: Object(...) is not a function
      113 | };
    114 |
    115 | function ConnectFunction(props) {
    > 116 | var _useMemo = useMemo(function () {
    | ^ 117 | // Distinguish between actual "data" props that were passed to the wrapper component,
    118 | // and values needed to control behavior (forwarded refs, alternate context instances).
    119 | // To maintain the wrapperProps object reference, memoize this destructuring.

    Je vous donne mon code :


    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import './App.css';
    import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
    import store from './Redux/store.js';
    import AlbumForm from './Components/Form/AlbumForm';
    class App extends Component {
      render() {
        return (
          <Provider store={store}>
            <AlbumForm />
    export default App;


    import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
    import { combineForms, createForms } from 'react-redux-form';
    const initialAlbumFormState = {
       name: '',
    const store = createStore(combineForms({
         album: initialAlbumFormState,
    export default store;


    import React from 'react';
    import { connect } from 'react-redux';
    import { Control, Form, Errors, reduxForm } from 'react-redux-form';
    class AlbumForm extends React.Component {
      handleSubmit(album) {
      render() {
        return (
            onSubmit={(album) => this.handleSubmit(album)}
            <label htmlFor="">Name:</label>
                required: (val) => !!val.length,
                minLength: (val) => val.length > 3,
                required: 'Name is required.',
                minLength: 'Name must be more than 3 characters.',
            <button type="submit">
              Finish registration!
    export default AlbumForm;

    dans ce dernier fichier si je fais :

    render() {
      return <p>Test</p>

    je n'ai aucun problème.

    Quelqu'un aurait une idée ?

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      21 avril 2019 à 11:35:24

      Personne ne saurait me dire ? Ou m'aiguiller vers un tuto qui fonctionne ?
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        3 juin 2019 à 15:14:09

        I was getting the same error - 

        I just downgraded my redux version -  "react-redux": "^6.0.0",

        Its working for me now.

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        [REACT REDUX FORM] Object(...) is not a function

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