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RuneScape Bank Placeholders & Improvements Beta

    17 septembre 2019 à 11:57:14

    The almost-final version of the RS Bank Placeholders update is on its way. With a new Bank Placeholders and Improvements Beta released this Tuesday, the full update is proposed to the end of this month.

    Join in Bank Placeholders and Improvements Beta

    According to the latest official news post, a new RuneScape Bank Placeholders and Improvements Beta starts on September 17th, 2019. This is the final version of the Bank Placeholders update. The exact release date will be announced by the RuneScape channels.

    Learn RuneScape Bank Placeholders & other features

    RuneScape Bank refines several aspects of the bank, including adding placeholders, improving the search engine and being more user friendly. Here are some of the features with the bank rework:
    1. Bank Placeholders. RuneScape Bank Placeholders allows you to save a placeholder for an item in your bank. You can keep your bank organized with a specific layout.
    2. Sorting options. You are able to get your money out of your account, you need to have a lot of money, a lot of money.
    3. Tab changes. You can have up to 15 bank tabs instead of 9, and give each tab an icon from a range of icons and rename each tab.
    4. Default number to move. If you activate this, you can withdraw it by clicking on it.

    Feedback on RuneScape Bank Bookmark and Share Beta is encouraged. Every week you are able to enjoy the new game updates on our site - RSorder.

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    RuneScape Bank Placeholders & Improvements Beta

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