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WIFI causing computers to be hacked?

    11 avril 2018 à 11:39:00

    It is said that hackers will now use a camouflaged WIFI device. Once your device is automatically connected to the WIFI it will be stolen personal information and bank account.

    I wonder if there is a way to stop this? Because many phones are automatically connected. Maybe when we were drinking coffee or reading a book, the cell phone was hijacked.

    I've heard that there's a device called a WIFI jammer that shuts off WIFI signals. Does this mean that you can secure your own smart devices with this device?

    I see relevant information on this website, but I don't know much about it.


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      11 avril 2018 à 22:35:22

      This type of piracy has existed for quite some time. Even before the Internet appeared.
      Since then, modems and other devices (dealing with Internet links + connected devices) have been equipped with programs, systems quite effective against "small" piracy. But obviously, this does not exclude data theft. This is why it is strongly recommended to install a good anti-virus.
      And for the anecdote: Google steals more personal data from you than anyone else.
      On the other hand, you don't risk having your bank account stolen just because of an Internet flaw (or else, the hacker must be very, very strong, and have excellent reasons to do so).
      As for the WIFI jamming devices, they are not available for everybody, indeed, they are used most regularly in large cinemas, theater, ... in order not to disturb the spectators.
      In conclusion: be sufficiently careful, and take a good anti-virus.
      PS: Sorry for the disgusting formatting of the text, the site has some flaws these days...
      J'avais envie d'un peu d'anglais aujourd'hui.

      Edité par vanaur 11 avril 2018 à 22:36:20

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        WIFI causing computers to be hacked?

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