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Last updated on 4/1/22

Build Accessible Forms

The first interactions we’ll look at closely are forms.

Forms are used all over the web (they are pretty much as common as images).

You use forms to:

  • Register and log in to your favorite sites.

  • Research information, such as articles or cooking recipes.

  • Create content using admin spaces.

  • Send private messages directly from a site.

  • Sign up for newsletters and notifications.

Forms are used in many contexts, so they must be accessible, understandable, and usable to as many people as possible.

Let’s look at:

  • How to build an accessible form.

  • How to indicate the type of information expected in the different fields.

  • How to give feedback to users.

Structure Your Form

To create an accessible form, you need to do the following:

  • Consider different interaction modalities. Touch targets such as buttons should be big enough to see and operate, and the controls should be usable with a keyboard without having to rely on a mouse. 

  • Programmatically label all inputs. It will make forms understandable for people who rely on assistive technologies. 

  • Provide clear instructions and error messages. It will make the forms more usable for everyone!

  • Ensure that color is used in a way that doesn’t exclude users. Indicating which fields are incorrect by highlighting them in red won’t help those who are color blind.  

Create the Skeleton of Your Form

Let’s start with the following form template:

<form method="post" action="treatment.php">
        <legend>Your contact information</legend> <!-- Title of the fieldset -->
        <label for="last name">What is your last name?</label>
        <input type="text" name="last name" id="last name" />
        <label for="first name">What is your first name?</label>
        <input type="text" name="first name" id="first name" />
        <label for="email">What is your email?</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" id="email" />
        <legend>Your wish</legend> <!-- Title of the fieldset -->
            Make a wish that you would like to see come true:
            <input type="radio" name="wish" value="rich" id="rich" /> <label for="rich">To be rich</label>
            <input type="radio" name="wish" value="famous" id="famous" /> <label for="famous">To be famous</label>
            <input type="radio" name="wish" value="intelligent" id="intelligent" /> <label for="intelligent">To be <strong>even</strong> more intelligent</label>
            <input type="radio" name="wish" value="other" id="other" /> <label for="other">Other...</label>
            <label for="precisions">If "Other", please explain:</label>
            <textarea name="precisions" id="precisions" cols="40" rows="4"></textarea>

This form already contains elements that make it accessible. Note the use of the following:

  • label tags, which are connected to the associated input through the for  and  id  attributes.

  • fieldset  and  legend tags, which are used to group elements of the form (in this case, the contact information).

  • Placeholder text, which provides a visual hint of what type of data is required.

This form provides a good foundation to ensure accessibility to a number of users, but we can go further to make it even more accessible. 😁

Provide Instructions Regarding the Expected Data

To enhance the accessibility of the form, let’s include some additional information to make it more clear.

Use ARIA Attributes

Labels allow you to provide basic information about the nature and type of information you expect in a field. You can go further by adding an aria-describedby attribute by providing additional instructions or associating inputs with errors.

For example, for the date input, you can use the  aria-describedby  and  id  attributes to provide additional information about the format. The screen reader or braille display will first announce the label, and then the content that the aria-describedby attribute points to.

<label for="birth-date">Date of birth:</label>
<input type="text" name="birth-date" id="birth-date" aria-describedby="birth-date-format" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY" />
<span id="birth-date-format" class="hidden">MM/DD/YYYY</span>
Hidden Labels

The  label  tag is compatible with most browsers and assistive technologies. However, in some mockups and the example below, there is no label visible on the screen.

Even though a label isn’t visible, you still need one to describe the purpose of the input to assistive technology users. You can create one and then hide it using CSS.

<div role="group" aria-labelledby="contact information">
    <p id="contact information">Your contact information</p> <!-- The group made with divs and ARIA attributes -->

    <label class="hidden" for="last name">What is your last name?</label>
    <input type="text" name="last name" id="last name" />
.hidden {
    height: 1px;
    left: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    top: -10000px;
    width: 1px;

In the example above, we link the  input  tag to a  label  tag that we hide visually using the CSS  .hidden  class.

Use ARIA Attributes to Group the Controls

You might have noticed that thefieldset  tag is used to group elements together. There is, however, another method that takes advantage of ARIA attributes instead.

You can use the ARIA  role = group  attribute to group form elements and add an  aria-labelledby attribute to label this group of elements. 

Because HTML solutions tend to be better supported, the  fieldset  and  legend  approach is preferred. The choice of method depends on the development context (i.e., if you use a framework or not). 

<div role="group" aria-labelledby="contact information">
    <p id="contact information">Your contact information</p> <!-- The group made with divs and ARIA attributes -->

    <label for="last name">What is your last name?</label>
    <input type="text" name="last name" id="last name" />

    <label for="first name">What is your first name?</label>
    <input type="text" name="first name" id="first name" />

    <label for="email">What is your email?</label>
    <input type="email" name="email" id="email" />


In the example above, we group inputs with a common theme. Although we’re using a  div, we’re indicating that these inputs are related using ARIA attributes.

Validate the Data and Provide Feedback

When a user submits a form, it may be filled out incorrectly and fail validation. In this case, you should indicate which fields contain errors and why.

ARIA attributes offer an excellent solution for forms: some can indicate your inputs’ condition when properly used.

Indicate That a Field Is Required Using HTML Attributes

Often, one or more form fields are mandatory such as the email field when subscribing to a newsletter.  

You can indicate that a field is mandatory using these attributes:

  • required  - this HTML5 attribute lets all of your users know that the field is required.

  • aria-required=true - informs assistive technology users that this field is required.

Indicate That a Field is Invalid Using ARIA

Once a user has submitted a form containing errors, you can indicate that one or more fields are invalid using the aria-invalid  attribute.

This attribute can have a value of  true  or  false . It can also indicate more specifically that the error is grammatical or related to spelling, with the values  grammar  and  spelling, respectively.

Allow the Validation of a Form With a Submit Button

Before continuing, a short note on the validation of forms.

You can use either a  button  or an  input  tag to submit a form. The input will need to have the  type = submit  attribute to indicate that this tag allows the submission of a form. 

Once the form is submitted, the data will be validated on the server-side. If these do not meet expectations, you will often have to display an error message on the front end.

Here is an example of an error message:

<div class="col-md-3 mb-3">
    <label for="validationCustom05">Postal code</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="validationCustom05" required>
    <div class="invalid-feedback">
        Please provide a valid postal code

You don't have to do much with HTML for these error messages - just play with CSS and the  display  property.

Associate Inputs With Errors

Remember how we used the  aria-describedby  attribute to associate an input with some additional information? You can also use this attribute to link inputs to error messages. The  aria-describedby  attribute can point to the  id  of the error message.

<div class="col-md-3 mb-3">
    <label for="validationCustom05">Postal code</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="validationCustom05" required aria-describedby="feedback-message">
    <div class="invalid-feedback" id="feedback-message">
        Please provide a valid postal code

This attribute can point to multiple values to be associated with both instructions and error messages when they appear. All you have to do is separate the ID values it references with a space.

Tonight in Gotham: Investigate an Accessible Form

Our "Tonight in Gotham" project has a form element: the search bar in the page header. Take a moment to investigate it on your own and see how many accessibility practices you can identify before scrolling down.

Page header with a logo, a navigation menu and a search bar
The website's search bar
Page header with a logo, a navigation menu and a search bar containing the cursor as well as a magnifying glass icon
The search bar with the cursor in the field

As you can see, this form integrates several of the practices that we covered in the chapter:

  • It has a focus and hover state to give visual feedback.

  • The text label is only visible for assistive technologies, thanks to the  sr-only  class, which has rules that visually hide the label. 

  • The input is also visually labeled with the search icon and uses SVG. It's hidden from assistive technologies using the  aria-hidden="true"  attribute and allows assistive technology users to skip this content since they already know this information from the label.  

Also, a  form  tag encloses the form indicating that a form is present allowing assistive technology users to navigate to it quickly.

Finally, it has the ARIA  role="search"  attribute. This indicates that the function of this form is to search content.

Let’s Recap!

  • As with other elements of a web page, forms require accessibility practices, such as the proper use of HTML tags.

  • The label, even if it is not visible on the screen, must be linked to an input field. Each element of the form must have an associated  label  tag.

  • Use  aria-required  and  aria-invalid  to indicate the status of the form.

  • Use the  aria-describedby  attribute to associate inputs with errors. 

In this chapter, you saw how to add accessibility features to forms. Next, let’s have a look at modal dialogs and carousels. See you in the next chapter!

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement