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Last updated on 8/30/22

Review Your Learning

We’ve reached the end of this course on Python testing, so well done! Before testing what you’ve learned in our final quiz, let’s go back through what you’ve achieved…

In the first part, you learned about different types of testing and why it’s important to perform testing. Then you identified which elements to test within our Calculator project and created your very first test. At the end of this part, you added unit tests to the project using Pytest and Unittest to practice using these two frameworks.

In the second part, you continued learning about Pytest, writing mocks to simulate object behavior and learning how to create unit tests for web applications using the Flask and Django frameworks in combination with Pytest. After that, you saw some tips to help with debugging your tests.

In part three, it was time to look at optimization. You added fixtures to your tests, organized tests into classes and checked the code coverage.

Finally, in part four, you completed your testing process with integration, functional, and performance testing. You saw the benefits of TDD and how to use it in your projects.

Keep Learning

Your learning doesn’t have to stop here. Here are some resources to develop your knowledge further.

📻 Podcasts

🔖 Articles

🎥 Videos

All good things must come to an end, and, unfortunately, this is true for our course! You’ve seen a number of concepts that will help you to manage your development process and avoid bugs in your code. Now that you’re an expert in testing, it would be remiss of me to leave you without one final quiz! Meet me on the next page and we’ll end the course on a high note!

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement