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Copy - Paste value from one tab to another

    26 juin 2023 à 15:10:30


    My issuse is the following : I would like you to write a google script. This script would allow to automate the following operation. In the tab Interview Tracker, when the value 7 - Offered is selected in the column Status (Column G), the value being on the same line of the column Role (column B) should be copied and pasted in the last row of the tab Offer Tracker in the column Role (column C). I would like rela time results. I can also tell you that The Interview Tracker Tab is composed of columns from A to J. The Offer tracker tab is composed of columns from A to G.

    I generated the following code but this does not work. Coud you please help me? Many thanks in advance.

    function onEdit(e) {

      var interviewTrackerSheet = e.source.getSheetByName("Interview Tracker");

      var offerTrackerSheet = e.source.getSheetByName("Offer Tracker");

      var editedRange = e.range;

      var editedSheet = editedRange.getSheet();

      if (editedSheet.getName() === "Interview Tracker" && editedRange.getColumn() === 7) {

        var editedRow = editedRange.getRow();

        var status = editedRange.getValue();

        if (status === "7 - Offered") {

          var role = interviewTrackerSheet.getRange(editedRow, 2).getValue(); // Column B

          var lastRow = offerTrackerSheet.getLastRow();

          offerTrackerSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 3).setValue(role); // Column C




    Edité par FélixMuzellec 26 juin 2023 à 15:12:00

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      26 juin 2023 à 16:49:50


      Le message qui suit est une réponse automatique activée par un membre de l'équipe de modération. Les réponses automatiques leur permettent d'éviter d'avoir à répéter de nombreuses fois la même chose, ce qui leur fait gagner du temps et leur permet de s'occuper des sujets qui méritent plus d'attention.
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        5 juillet 2023 à 14:39:51

        The code you provided looks mostly correct, but there are a few adjustments that need to be made. Here's the modified version of the code that should work for your requirements:

        javascript<button class="flex ml-auto gap-2" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: #d9d9e3; --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(69,89,164,.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 transparent; font-family: inherit; font-size: 12px; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px 0px 0px auto; padding: 0px; appearance: button; background-image: none; cursor: pointer; display: flex; gap: 0.5rem;">Copy code</button>
        function onEdit(e) { var interviewTrackerSheet = e.source.getSheetByName("Interview Tracker"); var offerTrackerSheet = e.source.getSheetByName("Offer Tracker"); var editedRange = e.range; var editedSheet = editedRange.getSheet(); if (editedSheet.getName() === "Interview Tracker" && editedRange.getColumn() === 7) { var editedRow = editedRange.getRow(); var status = editedRange.getValue(); if (status === "7 - Offered") { var role = interviewTrackerSheet.getRange(editedRow, 2).getValue(); // Column B var lastRow = offerTrackerSheet.getLastRow(); offerTrackerSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 3).setValue(role); // Column C } } }

        Please make sure to follow these steps to set up the script correctly:

        1. Open your Google Sheets document.
        2. Click on "Extensions" in the menu.
        3. Select "Apps Script."
        4. Replace the default empty function in the script editor with the modified code provided.
        5. Save the script (Ctrl+S or Command+S).
        6. Close the script editor.

        Now, whenever you select the value "7 - Offered" in column G of the "Interview Tracker" sheet, the corresponding role from column B will be copied and pasted into the last row of the "Offer Tracker" sheet's column C.

        Remember that the script will execute in real-time as you make edits in the "Interview Tracker" sheet. Also, make sure to double-check the sheet names ("Interview Tracker" and "Offer Tracker") to ensure they match your actual sheet names.

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        Copy - Paste value from one tab to another

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