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Confusion in Angular JS

    4 novembre 2019 à 9:49:25

    Hello Everyone,

    I just want to know how to use Angular JS with CSS in the sweb application. Can anyone give me some examples of that?  Also What is $scope in AngularJS? Anyone here is angular expert, Please suggest to me where can I improve our angular knowledge.

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      4 novembre 2019 à 14:39:52


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        11 novembre 2019 à 12:37:18

        CSS Classes are used by Angular, Here you can find how you can use them: 

        • ng-scope

          • Usage: AngularJS applies this class to any element for which a new scope is defined. (see scope guide for more information about scopes)
        • ng-isolate-scope

          • Usage: AngularJS applies this class to any element for which a new isolate scope is defined.
        • ng-binding

          • Usage: AngularJS applies this class to any element that is attached to a data binding, via ng-bind or {{}} curly braces, for example. (see data binding guide)
        • ng-invalidng-valid

          • Usage: AngularJS applies this class to a form control widget element if that element's input does not pass validation. (see input directive)
        • ng-pristineng-dirty

          • Usage: AngularJS ngModel directive applies ng-pristine class to a new form control widget that did not have user interaction. Once the user interacts with the form control, the class is changed to ng-dirty.
        • ng-touchedng-untouched

          • Usage: AngularJS ngModel directive applies ng-untouched class to a new form control widget which has not been blurred. Once the user blurs the form control, the class is changed to ng-touched.
        You can also learn angular completely from the given list.
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        Confusion in Angular JS

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