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java socket connects but don't send any text

    28 octobre 2019 à 18:33:05

    I'm using port fowarding to connect my java code to my python serveur but the  java code can only connect to hit, i think it might be cause, i try to do that my java code connects, send and receive a message from the serveur without closing it. So send to the serveur and after receive a message from the serveur. But after doing this modification now i can't send any message to it.I think the error his in java code but it might be in the python code. Thank to help me if you know the answer. 

     sock = new Socket( "public ip router", 1234);
                        printWriter = new PrintWriter( sock.getOutputStream(),true);
                        try {
                            printWriter.write( "hello world" );
                        }catch (Exception e){
                            System.out.println( e );
                        dis = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
                        final String message_entrant21;
                        message_entrant21 = dis.readLine();
                        Message232 = message_entrant21;

    and the serveur in python

                host, port = ('',1234)
                socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                while o==False:
                        socket.bind((host, port))
                        print("le serveur est démarré! o = true")
                    except OSError:
                        if(o is not False):
                conn, adress = socket.accept()
                data2= conn.recv(255)
                print("send the message")
                socket.sendall("hello to you")

    Edité par RaphaelScott 28 octobre 2019 à 18:35:39

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      28 octobre 2019 à 19:50:30


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      java socket connects but don't send any text

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