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JQuery test with wicket

    3 novembre 2014 à 15:39:25

    I have an ajaxEditableLabelWithIcon which is a ajaxEditableLabel with a modified HTML that contain an icon. When the user click this icon, the editor field become editable and when he click again, the content is saved. We did that using JQuery :
     function editOrSubmit(element){
        panel = element.parentElement;
       label = panel.children[0];
       e = $.Event('keypress');
          e.which = 13; // Enter key
          label.trigger(e); //submit the FormTester
       else{; //Wich make the label editable
    Now, I want to test it using JUnit. Since I can't directly click on the icon, I tried to create a javascript shortcut to the function, and then create a Robot to trigger the KeyPressed events :
     // defining flags
    var isCtrl = false;
    var isShift = false;
    $(document).ready(function() {
    // action on key up
    $(document).keyup(function(e) {
    if(e.which == 17) {
    isCtrl = false;
    if(e.which == 16) {
    isShift = false;
    // action on key down
    $(document).keydown(function(e) {
    if(e.which == 17) {
    isCtrl = true; 
    if(e.which == 16) {
    isShift = true; 
    // En cas d'appui sur ctrl+Shift+F9 en même temps, la méthode editOrSubmit est appelée
    if(e.which == 120 && isCtrl && isShift) { 
    var icon = document.getElementById("icon");
    It work well in a browser, but inside the test nothing happen ? Do you know why ?

    Edité par Maxime00 3 novembre 2014 à 15:40:18

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      3 novembre 2014 à 16:06:22


      I'll move your topic in a more appropriate forum (English section)


      Edité par max-om-93 3 novembre 2014 à 16:47:04

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      JQuery test with wicket

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