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    10 novembre 2010 à 18:41:41

    Bonsoir tout le monde, j'ai un petit soucie avec ma lightbox, rien de grave je suppose.
    Donc j'ouvre mon site avec firefox ça marche nickel. Par contre avec safari, et chrome le bouton close ne marche pas sur les grosses photos. Et sur Explorer sa me l'ouvre dans une nouvelle page.
    Comment ça se fait ?

    Merci d'avance de vos réponses.
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      10 novembre 2010 à 22:27:29

      Au moins le code javascript que tu mets sur ta page, ça pourrait aider à t'aider...
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        10 novembre 2010 à 22:52:35

        Ah ouai désoler. Complètement oublier.
        Donc le voilà, celui la, il et placer dans "CREATIONS.CSS" l'endroit ou y'a toute mes créations.

        #lightbox{	position: absolute;	left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 100; text-align: center; line-height: 0;}
        #lightbox img{ width: auto; height: auto;}
        #lightbox a img{ border: none; }
        #outerImageContainer{ position: relative; background-color: #fff; width: 250px; height: 250px; margin: 0 auto; }
        #imageContainer{ padding: 10px; }
        #loading{ position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 0%; height: 25%; width: 100%; text-align: center; line-height: 0; }
        #hoverNav{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: 10; }
        #imageContainer>#hoverNav{ left: 0;}
        #hoverNav a{ outline: none;}
        #prevLink, #nextLink{ width: 49%; height: 100%; background-image: url(); /* Trick IE into showing hover */ display: block; }
        #prevLink { left: 0; float: left;}
        #nextLink { right: 0; float: right;}
        #prevLink:hover, #prevLink:visited:hover { background: url(../images/prevlabel.gif) left 15% no-repeat; }
        #nextLink:hover, #nextLink:visited:hover { background: url(../images/nextlabel.gif) right 15% no-repeat; }
        #imageDataContainer{ font: 10px Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; margin: 0 auto; line-height: 1.4em; overflow: auto; width: 100%	; }
        #imageData{	padding:0 10px; color: #666; }
        #imageData #imageDetails{ width: 70%; float: left; text-align: left; }	
        #imageData #caption{ font-weight: bold;	}
        #imageData #numberDisplay{ display: block; clear: left; padding-bottom: 1.0em;	}			
        #imageData #bottomNavClose{ width: 66px; float: right;  padding-bottom: 0.7em; outline: none;}	 	
        #overlay{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 90; width: 100%; height: 500px; background-color: #000; }

        Et celui-là il et placer à coté de mes HTML.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Lightbox v2.04
        //	by Lokesh Dhakar -
        //	Last Modification: 2/9/08
        //	For more information, visit:
        //	Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License -
        //  	- Free for use in both personal and commercial projects
        //		- Attribution requires leaving author name, author link, and the license info intact.
        //  Thanks: Scott Upton(, Peter-Paul Koch(, and Thomas Fuchs( for ideas, libs, and snippets.
        //  		Artemy Tregubenko ( for cleanup and help in updating to latest ver of proto-aculous.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Table of Contents
            Lightbox Class Declaration
            - initialize()
            - updateImageList()
            - start()
            - changeImage()
            - resizeImageContainer()
            - showImage()
            - updateDetails()
            - updateNav()
            - enableKeyboardNav()
            - disableKeyboardNav()
            - keyboardAction()
            - preloadNeighborImages()
            - end()
            Function Calls
            - document.observe()
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Configurationl
        LightboxOptions = Object.extend({
            fileLoadingImage:        'images/loading.gif',     
            fileBottomNavCloseImage: 'images/closelabel.gif',
            overlayOpacity: 0.8,   // controls transparency of shadow overlay
            animate: true,         // toggles resizing animations
            resizeSpeed: 7,        // controls the speed of the image resizing animations (1=slowest and 10=fastest)
            borderSize: 10,         //if you adjust the padding in the CSS, you will need to update this variable
        	// When grouping images this is used to write: Image # of #.
        	// Change it for non-english localization
        	labelImage: "Image",
        	labelOf: "of"
        }, window.LightboxOptions || {});
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        var Lightbox = Class.create();
        Lightbox.prototype = {
            imageArray: [],
            activeImage: undefined,
            // initialize()
            // Constructor runs on completion of the DOM loading. Calls updateImageList and then
            // the function inserts html at the bottom of the page which is used to display the shadow 
            // overlay and the image container.
            initialize: function() {    
                this.keyboardAction = this.keyboardAction.bindAsEventListener(this);
                if (LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed > 10) LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed = 10;
                if (LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed < 1)  LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed = 1;
        	    this.resizeDuration = LightboxOptions.animate ? ((11 - LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed) * 0.15) : 0;
        	    this.overlayDuration = LightboxOptions.animate ? 0.2 : 0;  // shadow fade in/out duration
                // When Lightbox starts it will resize itself from 250 by 250 to the current image dimension.
                // If animations are turned off, it will be hidden as to prevent a flicker of a
                // white 250 by 250 box.
                var size = (LightboxOptions.animate ? 250 : 1) + 'px';
                // Code inserts html at the bottom of the page that looks similar to this:
                //  <div id="overlay"></div>
                //  <div id="lightbox">
                //      <div id="outerImageContainer">
                //          <div id="imageContainer">
                //              <img id="lightboxImage">
                //              <div style="" id="hoverNav">
                //                  <a href="#" id="prevLink"></a>
                //                  <a href="#" id="nextLink"></a>
                //              </div>
                //              <div id="loading">
                //                  <a href="#" id="loadingLink">
                //                      <img src="images/loading.gif">
                //                  </a>
                //              </div>
                //          </div>
                //      </div>
                //      <div id="imageDataContainer">
                //          <div id="imageData">
                //              <div id="imageDetails">
                //                  <span id="caption"></span>
                //                  <span id="numberDisplay"></span>
                //              </div>
                //              <div id="bottomNav">
                //                  <a href="#" id="bottomNavClose">
                //                      <img src="images/close.gif">
                //                  </a>
                //              </div>
                //          </div>
                //      </div>
                //  </div>
                var objBody = $$('body')[0];
                objBody.appendChild(Builder.node('div',{id:'lightbox'}, [
                        Builder.node('div',{id:'imageContainer'}, [
                            Builder.node('div',{id:'hoverNav'}, [
                                Builder.node('a',{id:'prevLink', href: '#' }),
                                Builder.node('a',{id:'nextLink', href: '#' })
                                Builder.node('a',{id:'loadingLink', href: '#' }, 
                                    Builder.node('img', {src: LightboxOptions.fileLoadingImage})
                    Builder.node('div', {id:'imageDataContainer'},
                        Builder.node('div',{id:'imageData'}, [
                            Builder.node('div',{id:'imageDetails'}, [
                                Builder.node('a',{id:'bottomNavClose', href: '#' },
                                    Builder.node('img', { src: LightboxOptions.fileBottomNavCloseImage })
        		$('overlay').hide().observe('click', (function() { this.end(); }).bind(this));
        		$('lightbox').hide().observe('click', (function(event) { if (event.element().id == 'lightbox') this.end(); }).bind(this));
        		$('outerImageContainer').setStyle({ width: size, height: size });
        		$('prevLink').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.changeImage(this.activeImage - 1); }).bindAsEventListener(this));
        		$('nextLink').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.changeImage(this.activeImage + 1); }).bindAsEventListener(this));
        		$('loadingLink').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.end(); }).bind(this));
        		$('bottomNavClose').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.end(); }).bind(this));
                var th = this;
                    var ids = 
                        'overlay lightbox outerImageContainer imageContainer lightboxImage hoverNav prevLink nextLink loading loadingLink ' + 
                        'imageDataContainer imageData imageDetails caption numberDisplay bottomNav bottomNavClose';   
                    $w(ids).each(function(id){ th[id] = $(id); });
            // updateImageList()
            // Loops through anchor tags looking for 'lightbox' references and applies onclick
            // events to appropriate links. You can rerun after dynamically adding images w/ajax.
            updateImageList: function() {   
                this.updateImageList = Prototype.emptyFunction;
                document.observe('click', (function(event){
                    var target = event.findElement('a[rel^=lightbox]') || event.findElement('area[rel^=lightbox]');
                    if (target) {
            //  start()
            //  Display overlay and lightbox. If image is part of a set, add siblings to imageArray.
            start: function(imageLink) {    
                $$('select', 'object', 'embed').each(function(node){ = 'hidden' });
                // stretch overlay to fill page and fade in
                var arrayPageSize = this.getPageSize();
                $('overlay').setStyle({ width: arrayPageSize[0] + 'px', height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px' });
                new Effect.Appear(this.overlay, { duration: this.overlayDuration, from: 0.0, to: LightboxOptions.overlayOpacity });
                this.imageArray = [];
                var imageNum = 0;       
                if ((imageLink.rel == 'lightbox')){
                    // if image is NOT part of a set, add single image to imageArray
                    this.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, imageLink.title]);         
                } else {
                    // if image is part of a set..
                    this.imageArray = 
                        $$(imageLink.tagName + '[href][rel="' + imageLink.rel + '"]').
                        collect(function(anchor){ return [anchor.href, anchor.title]; }).
                    while (this.imageArray[imageNum][0] != imageLink.href) { imageNum++; }
                // calculate top and left offset for the lightbox 
                var arrayPageScroll = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets();
                var lightboxTop = arrayPageScroll[1] + (document.viewport.getHeight() / 10);
                var lightboxLeft = arrayPageScroll[0];
                this.lightbox.setStyle({ top: lightboxTop + 'px', left: lightboxLeft + 'px' }).show();
            //  changeImage()
            //  Hide most elements and preload image in preparation for resizing image container.
            changeImage: function(imageNum) {   
                this.activeImage = imageNum; // update global var
                // hide elements during transition
                if (LightboxOptions.animate);
        		// HACK: Opera9 does not currently support scriptaculous opacity and appear fx
                this.imageDataContainer.setStyle({opacity: .0001});
                var imgPreloader = new Image();
                // once image is preloaded, resize image container
                imgPreloader.onload = (function(){
                    this.lightboxImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage][0];
                    this.resizeImageContainer(imgPreloader.width, imgPreloader.height);
                imgPreloader.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage][0];
            //  resizeImageContainer()
            resizeImageContainer: function(imgWidth, imgHeight) {
                // get current width and height
                var widthCurrent  = this.outerImageContainer.getWidth();
                var heightCurrent = this.outerImageContainer.getHeight();
                // get new width and height
                var widthNew  = (imgWidth  + LightboxOptions.borderSize * 2);
                var heightNew = (imgHeight + LightboxOptions.borderSize * 2);
                // scalars based on change from old to new
                var xScale = (widthNew  / widthCurrent)  * 100;
                var yScale = (heightNew / heightCurrent) * 100;
                // calculate size difference between new and old image, and resize if necessary
                var wDiff = widthCurrent - widthNew;
                var hDiff = heightCurrent - heightNew;
                if (hDiff != 0) new Effect.Scale(this.outerImageContainer, yScale, {scaleX: false, duration: this.resizeDuration, queue: 'front'}); 
                if (wDiff != 0) new Effect.Scale(this.outerImageContainer, xScale, {scaleY: false, duration: this.resizeDuration, delay: this.resizeDuration}); 
                // if new and old image are same size and no scaling transition is necessary, 
                // do a quick pause to prevent image flicker.
                var timeout = 0;
                if ((hDiff == 0) && (wDiff == 0)){
                    timeout = 100;
                    if (Prototype.Browser.IE) timeout = 250;   
                    this.prevLink.setStyle({ height: imgHeight + 'px' });
                    this.nextLink.setStyle({ height: imgHeight + 'px' });
                    this.imageDataContainer.setStyle({ width: widthNew + 'px' });
                }).bind(this).delay(timeout / 1000);
            //  showImage()
            //  Display image and begin preloading neighbors.
            showImage: function(){
                new Effect.Appear(this.lightboxImage, { 
                    duration: this.resizeDuration, 
                    queue: 'end', 
                    afterFinish: (function(){ this.updateDetails(); }).bind(this) 
            //  updateDetails()
            //  Display caption, image number, and bottom nav.
            updateDetails: function() {
                // if caption is not null
                if (this.imageArray[this.activeImage][1] != ""){
                // if image is part of set display 'Image x of x' 
                if (this.imageArray.length > 1){
                    this.numberDisplay.update( LightboxOptions.labelImage + ' ' + (this.activeImage + 1) + ' ' + LightboxOptions.labelOf + '  ' + this.imageArray.length).show();
                new Effect.Parallel(
                        new Effect.SlideDown(this.imageDataContainer, { sync: true, duration: this.resizeDuration, from: 0.0, to: 1.0 }), 
                        new Effect.Appear(this.imageDataContainer, { sync: true, duration: this.resizeDuration }) 
                        duration: this.resizeDuration, 
                        afterFinish: (function() {
        	                // update overlay size and update nav
        	                var arrayPageSize = this.getPageSize();
        	                this.overlay.setStyle({ height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px' });
            //  updateNav()
            //  Display appropriate previous and next hover navigation.
            updateNav: function() {
                // if not first image in set, display prev image button
                if (this.activeImage > 0);
                // if not last image in set, display next image button
                if (this.activeImage < (this.imageArray.length - 1));
            //  enableKeyboardNav()
            enableKeyboardNav: function() {
                document.observe('keydown', this.keyboardAction); 
            //  disableKeyboardNav()
            disableKeyboardNav: function() {
                document.stopObserving('keydown', this.keyboardAction); 
            //  keyboardAction()
            keyboardAction: function(event) {
                var keycode = event.keyCode;
                var escapeKey;
                if (event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) {  // mozilla
                    escapeKey = event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE;
                } else { // ie
                    escapeKey = 27;
                var key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
                if (key.match(/x|o|c/) || (keycode == escapeKey)){ // close lightbox
                } else if ((key == 'p') || (keycode == 37)){ // display previous image
                    if (this.activeImage != 0){
                        this.changeImage(this.activeImage - 1);
                } else if ((key == 'n') || (keycode == 39)){ // display next image
                    if (this.activeImage != (this.imageArray.length - 1)){
                        this.changeImage(this.activeImage + 1);
            //  preloadNeighborImages()
            //  Preload previous and next images.
            preloadNeighborImages: function(){
                var preloadNextImage, preloadPrevImage;
                if (this.imageArray.length > this.activeImage + 1){
                    preloadNextImage = new Image();
                    preloadNextImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage + 1][0];
                if (this.activeImage > 0){
                    preloadPrevImage = new Image();
                    preloadPrevImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage - 1][0];
            //  end()
            end: function() {
                new Effect.Fade(this.overlay, { duration: this.overlayDuration });
                $$('select', 'object', 'embed').each(function(node){ = 'visible' });
            //  getPageSize()
            getPageSize: function() {
        	     var xScroll, yScroll;
        		if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) {	
        			xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX;
        			yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;
        		} else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer Mac
        			xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;
        			yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight;
        		} else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari
        			xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth;
        			yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight;
        		var windowWidth, windowHeight;
        		if (self.innerHeight) {	// all except Explorer
        				windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; 
        			} else {
        				windowWidth = self.innerWidth;
        			windowHeight = self.innerHeight;
        		} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
        			windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
        			windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
        		} else if (document.body) { // other Explorers
        			windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
        			windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
        		// for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport
        		if(yScroll < windowHeight){
        			pageHeight = windowHeight;
        		} else { 
        			pageHeight = yScroll;
        		// for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport
        		if(xScroll < windowWidth){	
        			pageWidth = xScroll;		
        		} else {
        			pageWidth = windowWidth;
        		return [pageWidth,pageHeight];
        document.observe('dom:loaded', function () { new Lightbox(); });
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          11 novembre 2010 à 9:15:31

          Pour le code que tu as mis, je suppose que tu l'as récupéré tout fait, il y a donc de fortes chances pour qu'il soit bon.
          Ce qu'il faudrait savoir, c'est comment tu l'as intégrée dans ta page.

          Pour ma part, j'ai déjà eu des problèmes de light box, parfois simplement à cause de la façon dont je déclarais le css.

          Par exemple :

          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ton.css" />

          n'a pas toujours marché dans mon cas et je ne m'en sert plus alors que :

          <link rel="stylesheet" href="ton.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

          marche, d'après moi, mieux.

          Est-ce que ton javascript est bien déclaré sur ta page html ?
          Quel est le code que tu place au niveau du lien ou de l'image qui ouvre le lightbox ?

          Bref, je pense que tu devrais mettre ton entête html complète ainsi que l'endroit où se trouve le lien vers la lightbox... voir un lien vers la page qui pose problème.
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            11 novembre 2010 à 9:53:07

            Oui c'est un code que j'ai trouver sur internet, je ne connas pas le javascript.
            Donc pour le code que tu m'as donner c'est déjà comme ca sur ma page html.

            Donc voilà mes balises head

                   <title>HM - Portfolio</title>
                   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
                   <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="CSS/creations.css"/>
            	   <script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script>

            Voilà comment je met le lien avec mes images :

            <a href="images/creations/signatures/Mirror's Edge.jpg" rel="lightbox[signatures]" title="Mirror's Edge">
            	<img src="images/creations/signatures/Mirror's Edge.png" alt="Mirror's Edge"/>

            où :

            <a href="images/creations/wallpaper/Marvin Feu.jpg" rel="lightbox[wallpaper]" title="Marvin Feu">
            	<img src="images/creations/wallpaper/Marvin Feu.png" alt="Marvin Feu"/>

            Parce que quand j'essaye d'afficher une image de petit format avec safari ou chrome, tous marche nickel. Mais a partir du moment que je veux afficher un wallpaper par exemple là je ne peux plus cliquer sur le bouton close.
            Avec internet explorer rien ne marche, que ça soit petit format ou grand formats.
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              11 novembre 2010 à 10:28:25

              Déjà, les noms de tes images comportent des caractères spéciaux, ça ne le fait pas trop... :

              Mirror's Edge.jpg
              Marvin Feu.jpg

              Commences par corriger ça.
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                11 novembre 2010 à 20:38:54

                Mais c'est quoi le rapport avec la lightbox ?
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                  11 novembre 2010 à 21:37:37

                  Citation : bydont-25

                  Mais c'est quoi le rapport avec la lightbox ?

                  Ca explique peut-être pourquoi ie te l'ouvres dans une nouvelle fenêtre.
                  Ensuite, ça serait plus constructif de corriger l'erreur, de tester et de dire ce que ça donne.
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