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Sujet résolu
    10 juin 2007 à 12:53:55

    Bonjour alors voila, je suis dans une impasse...
    J'ai telecharger sur Gnome-Art le theme "Blue Heart"(qui a l'air tres bon :p ) mais je n'arrive aps a l'installer meme en utilisant le gestionnaire de themes... :s
    Bref je l'ai extrait dans : dossier personnel > (nouveau dossier)Theme

    Quand j'essaye de l'ouvrir il me dit format non valide :s (.png)

    Si c'est pas clair dites le moi j'éditerais

    Derniere chose j'ai deja recherché des dizaines de fois (google et recherche interne)

    (YEAH premier post :D )
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      10 juin 2007 à 13:02:12

      Si c'est un fichier PNG, alors il ne s'agit probablement que d'un fond d'écran !
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        10 juin 2007 à 13:19:44

        Mets juste le lien direct, ça marchera mieux :)

        Edit : C'est que la vignette là :(
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          10 juin 2007 à 13:26:12

          ? o_O Ok... Tu pourrais m'expliquer ce qu'est la vignette plz ? Erf pas tout compris

          Dans mon dossier "Blue heart" je n'ai que 1 fichier (ABOUT) et un dossier (gtk-2.0) j'entre dans le dossier et je n'ai que des images .png et un fichier (gtkrc) j'entre et j'ai ca :

          Citation : gtkrc

          # "BlueHeart" theme for GTK+ 2.x by Jean-Paul Bizet (
          # Most graphics are from Claudiu Christian Fofiu, the author of the original BlueHeart theme for GTK 1.x, E, XMMS ...
          # Part of this file comes from the GlossyP theme and from other themes.

          style "default"
          GtkWidget::interior_focus = 7
          GtkWidget::focus_padding = 1
          GtkButton::default_border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          GtkButton::default_outside_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          GtkRange::trough_border = 0
          GtkRange::slider_width = 15
          GtkRange::stepper_size = 13
          GtkPaned::handle_size = 6
          GtkScrollbar::min_slider_length = 30
          GtkCheckButton::indicator_size = 12
          GtkCheckButton::indicator_spacing = 3
          GtkMenuBar::internal_padding = 1
          GtkOptionMenu::indicator_size = { 15, 8 }
          GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing = { 8, 2, 0, 0 }
          GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE

          xthickness = 2
          ythickness = 2

          fg[NORMAL] = "#e5e5e5"
          fg[PRELIGHT] = "#cacaca"
          fg[ACTIVE] = "#e5e5e5"
          fg[SELECTED] = "#e5e5e5"
          fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#3f3f3f"

          bg[NORMAL] = "#4b4b4b"
          bg[PRELIGHT] = "#4b4b4b"
          bg[ACTIVE] = "#4b4b4b"
          bg[SELECTED] = "#4b6983"
          bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#4b4b4b"

          base[NORMAL] = "#888888"
          base[PRELIGHT] = "#4b6983"
          base[ACTIVE] = "#4b6983"
          base[SELECTED] = "#4b6983"
          base[INSENSITIVE] = "#4b4b4b"

          text[NORMAL] = "#e5e5e5"
          text[PRELIGHT] = "#cacaca"
          text[ACTIVE] = "#e5e5e5"
          text[SELECTED] = "#e5e5e5"
          text[INSENSITIVE] = "#3f3f3f"

          engine "pixmap"

          # Flat by default

          # image
          # {
          # function = BOX
          # }

          # handle

          function = HANDLE
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "handle-h.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = HANDLE
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "handle-v.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL

          # shadow

          function = SHADOW
          shadow = IN
          recolorable = FALSE
          file = "shadow-in.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = SHADOW
          shadow = OUT
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "toolbar.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = SHADOW
          shadow = ETCHED_IN
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "frame2.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = SHADOW
          shadow = ETCHED_OUT
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "frame1.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = SHADOW_GAP
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "frame1.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_start_file = "frame-gap-start.png"
          gap_start_border = { 2, 0, 2, 0 }
          gap_end_file = "frame-gap-end.png"
          gap_end_border = { 0, 2, 2, 0 }
          gap_side = TOP
          function = VLINE
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "line-v.png"
          border = { 1, 1, 0, 0 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = HLINE
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "line-h.png"
          border = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }
          stretch = TRUE

          # focus

          function = FOCUS
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "focus.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          # arrows

          function = ARROW
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "arrow-up.png"
          overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          arrow_direction = UP
          function = ARROW
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "arrow-down.png"
          overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          arrow_direction = DOWN
          function = ARROW
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "arrow-left.png"
          overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          arrow_direction = LEFT
          function = ARROW
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "arrow-right.png"
          overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          arrow_direction = RIGHT
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "toolbar.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          class "GtkWidget" style "default"

          style "button" = "default"

          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          detail = "buttondefault"
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "button-default.png"
          border = { 9, 9, 9, 9 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          state = PRELIGHT
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "button-prelight.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3}
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "button-pressed.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "button-insensitive.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          file = "button-normal.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "togglebutton"
          engine "pixmap" {

          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          shadow = IN
          file = "button-toggle.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          shadow = OUT
          file = "button-normal.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "checkradiobutton" {
          engine "pixmap" {
          function = FLAT_BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "highlight.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          class "GtkRadioButton" style "checkradiobutton"
          class "GtkCheckButton" style "checkradiobutton"

          style "optionmenu" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "button-normal.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4}
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "button-prelight.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4}
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "button-normal.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4}
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "button-insensitive.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4}
          stretch = TRUE
          function = TAB
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "option-menu.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE

          style "combobox" = "default"
          engine "pixmap" {
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "button-normal.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "button-prelight.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "button-normal.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = SELECTED
          file = "button-normal.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "button-insensitive.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = VLINE
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "null.png"
          stretch = TRUE

          style "radiobutton" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = OPTION
          shadow = OUT
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "option1.png"
          #overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          function = OPTION
          shadow = IN
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "option2.png"
          #overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          function = OPTION
          shadow = ETCHED_IN
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "option3.png"
          #overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE

          style "checkbutton" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = CHECK
          shadow = OUT
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "check1.png"
          overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          function = CHECK
          shadow = IN
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "check2.png"
          overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          function = CHECK
          shadow = ETCHED_IN
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "check3.png"
          overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE

          style "entry" = "default"
          GtkWidget::interior_focus = 1

          engine "pixmap"
          function = FOCUS
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "shadow-in.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "spinbutton" = "entry"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = ARROW
          function = BOX
          detail = "spinbutton_up"
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "spin.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          overlay_file = "arrow-up.png"
          overlay_border = { 10, 0, 7, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          function = BOX
          detail = "spinbutton_down"
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "spin.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          overlay_file = "arrow-down.png"
          overlay_border = { 10, 0, 7, 0 }
          overlay_stretch = FALSE

          style "scrollbar"
          engine "pixmap"

          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          detail = "trough"
          file = "trough.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          detail = "trough"
          file = "trough.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "slider-h.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          overlay_file = "thumb-grip.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "slider-h.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          overlay_file = "thumb-grip-prelight.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "slider-h-insensitive.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          overlay_file = "thumb-grip.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "slider-v.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          overlay_file = "thumb-grip.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "slider-v.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          overlay_file = "thumb-grip-prelight.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "slider-v-insensitive.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          overlay_file = "thumb-grip.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "stepper-up.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = UP
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "stepper-up-insensitive.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = UP
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "stepper-up-prelight.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = UP
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "stepper-up-pressed.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = UP
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "stepper-down.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = DOWN
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "stepper-down-insensitive.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = DOWN
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "stepper-down-prelight.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = DOWN
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "stepper-down-pressed.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = DOWN
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "stepper-right.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = RIGHT
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "stepper-right-insensitive.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = RIGHT
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "stepper-right-prelight.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = RIGHT
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "stepper-right-pressed.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = RIGHT
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "stepper-left.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = LEFT
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "stepper-left-insensitive.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = LEFT
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "stepper-left-prelight.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = LEFT
          function = STEPPER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "stepper-left-pressed.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = LEFT

          style "progressbar" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          detail = "trough"
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "trough-progressbar.png"
          border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          detail = "bar"
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "menubar.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "range" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          detail = "trough"
          file = "trough.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          detail = "trough"
          file = "trough-insensitive.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          detail = "trough"
          file = "trough.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          detail = "trough"
          file = "trough-insensitive.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "slider-range-h.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          #overlay_file = "thumb-grip-h.png"
          #overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "slider-range-prelight-h.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          #overlay_file = "thumb-grip-h.png"
          #overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "slider-range-h-insensitive.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          #overlay_file = "thumb-grip-h.png"
          #overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = NORMAL
          file = "slider-range-v.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          #overlay_file = "thumb-grip-v.png"
          #overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "slider-range-prelight-v.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          #overlay_file = "thumb-grip-v.png"
          #overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = SLIDER
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "slider-range-v-insensitive.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          #overlay_file = "thumb-grip-v.png"
          #overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL

          style "menu" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          detail = "menu"
          file = "menu.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "menubar" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          file = "menubar.png"
          border = { 3, 2, 2, 1 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "menuitem" = "default"
          xthickness = 4
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "menuitem.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = ARROW
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "arrow-right.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          arrow_direction = RIGHT

          style "tearoffmenuitem" = "menuitem"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = ARROW
          file = "arrow-left.png"
          stretch = TRUE
          arrow_direction = LEFT
          # image
          # {
          # function = HLINE
          # file = "cuthere.png"
          # border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
          # stretch = TRUE
          # }

          style "notebook" = "default"

          engine "pixmap"
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "ext-top.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = BOTTOM
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "ext-bottom.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = TOP
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "ext-right.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = LEFT
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "ext-left.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = RIGHT
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "extension-top.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = BOTTOM
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "extension-bottom.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = TOP
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "extension-left.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = RIGHT
          function = EXTENSION
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "extension-right.png"
          border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = LEFT
          # How to draw boxes with a gap on one side (ie the page of a notebook)
          function = BOX_GAP
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "notebook.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_file = "gap_top.png"
          gap_border = { 3, 2, 1, 1 }
          gap_start_file = "null.png"
          gap_end_file = "null.png"
          gap_side = TOP
          function = BOX_GAP
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "notebook.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_file = "gap_bottom.png"
          gap_border = { 2, 1, 1, 1 }
          gap_start_file = "null.png"
          gap_end_file = "null.png"
          gap_side = BOTTOM
          function = BOX_GAP
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "notebook.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_file = "gap_left.png"
          gap_border = { 1, 1, 2, 1 }
          gap_start_file = "null.png"
          gap_end_file = "null.png"
          gap_side = LEFT
          function = BOX_GAP
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "notebook.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_file = "gap_right.png"
          gap_border = { 1, 1, 2, 1 }
          gap_start_file = "null.png"
          gap_end_file = "null.png"
          gap_side = RIGHT
          # How to draw the box of a notebook when it isnt attached to a tab
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "notebook.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          gap_side = TOP

          style "treeview" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          # don't draw the focus around listitems
          function = FOCUS

          style "textview" = "default"
          bg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff"

          engine "pixmap"
          # don't draw focus around textview
          function = FOCUS

          style "tooltips" = "default"
          bg[NORMAL] = "#888888"

          style "ruler" = "default"
          engine "pixmap" {
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          detail = "vruler"
          file = "ruler-v.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          detail = "hruler"
          file = "ruler-h.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "handlebox" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          #function = SHADOW

          function = HANDLE
          recolorable = TRUE
          overlay_file = "handle-v.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = VERTICAL
          function = HANDLE
          overlay_file = "handle-h.png"
          overlay_stretch = FALSE
          orientation = HORIZONTAL

          style "flat" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = SHADOW

          style "list-header"
          #Comment out the ythickness setting below for thicker column headers.
          #ythickness = 0
          GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = "#7c7c7c"
          GtkTreeView::even_row_color = "#888888"

          engine "pixmap"

          #This image is used to draw the headers of columns in list views when they are
          #not selected.
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          shadow = OUT
          file = "list_header.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 1 }
          stretch = TRUE

          #This image is used to draw the column headers in list views when they are
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          shadow = IN
          file = "list_header-pressed.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 1 }
          stretch = TRUE

          #Does this do anything?
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          shadow = OUT
          state = PRELIGHT
          file = "list_header-pressed.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 1 }
          stretch = TRUE


          widget_class "*List" style "list-header"
          widget_class "*Tree*" style "list-header"
          widget_class "GtkCList" style "list-header"

          # This prevents Sodipodi from crashing while opening the
          # Object-Style dialog.

          style "unstyle"
          engine ""

          # recognizable pressed toggle buttons
          # SPIcons seem to erase the background first. That's why I can't use
          # the button style.

          style "SPbutton"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          shadow = IN
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "shadow-out.png"
          border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX

          style "panelbg"
          xthickness = 1
          ythickness = 1
          #bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel_bg.png"

          class "*Panel*" style "panelbg"

          style "panelbuttons" = "default"
          engine "pixmap"
          function = BOX
          detail = "buttondefault"
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "button-default.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          state = PRELIGHT
          recolorable = TRUE
          file = "button-normal-panel.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3}
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          state = ACTIVE
          file = "button-pressed-panel.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          state = INSENSITIVE
          file = "button-insensitive.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          file = "button-normal-panel.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          style "paneltogglebutton"
          engine "pixmap" {

          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          shadow = IN
          file = "button-pressed-panel.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE
          function = BOX
          recolorable = TRUE
          shadow = OUT
          file = "button-normal-panel.png"
          border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
          stretch = TRUE

          widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton" style "paneltogglebutton"
          widget_class "*Panel*GtkButton" style "panelbuttons"

          class "GtkButton" style "button"
          class "GtkRadioButton" style "radiobutton"
          class "GtkToggleButton" style "togglebutton"
          class "GtkRadioMenuItem" style "radiobutton"
          class "GtkCheckButton" style "checkbutton"
          class "GtkCheckMenuItem" style "checkbutton"
          class "GtkOptionMenu" style "optionmenu"
          widget_class "*Combo*" style "combobox"
          class "GtkEntry" style "entry"
          class "GtkOldEditable" style "entry"
          class "GtkSpinButton" style "spinbutton"
          class "GtkRuler" style "ruler"
          class "GtkScrollbar" style "scrollbar"
          class "GtkProgressBar" style "progressbar"
          class "GtkRange" style "range"
          class "GtkMenu" style "menu"
          class "GtkMenuBar" style "menubar"
          class "GtkItem" style "menuitem"
          class "GtkTearoffMenuItem" style "tearoffmenuitem"
          class "GtkNotebook" style "notebook"
          class "GtkTextView" style "textview"
          class "GtkTreeView" style "treeview"
          class "GtkToolbar" style "flat"
          class "GtkHandleBox" style "handlebox"
          class "GtkEventBox" style "flat"
          class "GtkPaned" style "handlebox"
          class "SPButton" style "SPbutton"
          widget "gtk-tooltips" style "tooltips"
          # prevent Sodipodi from crashing
          class "SPColorSlider" style "unstyle"

          style "metacity" {
          bg[NORMAL] = "#4b4b4b" # normal base color
          bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#4b4b4b" # unfocused titlebar background color
          bg[SELECTED] = "#4b6983" # focused titlebar background color
          fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#7bacb6" # unfocused text color
          fg[SELECTED] = "#e5e5e5" # focused text color
          fg[NORMAL] = "#e5e5e5" # focused icon color

          class "MetaFrames" style "metacity"

          # icons from "Industrial" theme

          style "icon-style"

          stock["gtk-goto-bottom"] =
          { "stock_bottom.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-goto-first"] =
          { "stock_first.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-goto-last"] =
          { "stock_last.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-goto-top"] =
          { "stock_top.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-go-back"] =
          { "stock_left.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-go-down"] =
          { "stock_down.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-go-forward"] =
          { "stock_right.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-go-up"] =
          { "stock_up.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-no"] =
          { "stock_cancel.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-apply"] =
          { "stock_apply.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-cancel"] =
          { "stock_cancel.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-ok"] =
          { "stock_ok.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-yes"] =
          { "stock_apply.png", *, *, *}

          stock["gtk-refresh"] =
          { "stock_refresh.png", *, *, *}

          class "GtkWidget" style "icon-style"

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            10 juin 2007 à 13:31:21

            Ah oui c'est fort probable en effet :D

            Sinon, il y a peut-être un fichier spécial dans ton dossier (je ne connais pas parfaitement le fonctionnement des thèmes, donc.. je suggère :-°)
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              10 juin 2007 à 13:34:19

              Il faut que tu indique l'archive non décompressée (le .tar.gz)
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                10 juin 2007 à 13:34:42

                Pas decompresser ?... Bon bha reDL
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                  10 juin 2007 à 13:37:25

                  Enfin, je faisais comme ça quand j'avais Gnome et ça fonctionnait très bien :)
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                    10 juin 2007 à 13:44:50

                    Merci beaucoup ca a tres bien marche ! (en plus le theme dechire :p ) a bientot et encore merci !!
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                      10 juin 2007 à 13:50:56

                      De rien l'ami ! Profite bien de ton thème ! ;):)
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