• 4 heures
  • Moyenne

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Mis à jour le 18/09/2024

Introduction du cours

At OpenClassrooms, we firmly believe that education should be easily accessible to everyone. We want to help people to find jobs they love and stay employable throughout their lives. To do so, we work hard to provide the best learning experience that combines the latest technology and years of education experience.

We have a unique history. The project started in 1999, when Mathieu Nebra, aged 13, began to write his first online course - for free! This hobby had a huge impact and ultimately became a company. It has helped millions of people to learn, find their passion, and land the jobs they have today. 

Would you like to work with us? Great! We have designed this course to help you understand what kind of company we are. How do people work here? What are the teams, and what do they do? How do we design the product to help people learn new skills and find jobs?

This course is a must-read for anyone wanting to join OpenClassrooms. We hope it will provide valuable insights into who we are and what we stand for!  😊

When you're finished with this course, we recommend you read our new course: "Introduction to the world of Education". It's especially useful if you're new to the Education sector! 🤓

Table des matières

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite