An important part of being a project manager is overseeing the team’s progress and making decisions to ensure maximum value. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the basics of project management, whether in a large company working with project managers, or in a smaller startup where it falls on your shoulders.
One of the major challenges within project management is making sure you do not start a project unless all of its parameters have been approved by the different stakeholders. Therefore, we will examine how to create a business case, conduct a feasibility study, and write a project charter.
We will also explore the four phases of the project management lifecycle, which will show you how to initiate a project, create a project plan, execute against that plan, and monitor progress before and as you close the project.
Plus, we will look at task breakdown, estimating project costs, and how to create a visual representation of a project's main delivery dates and milestones via a Gantt chart.