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Build Your First Web Pages With HTML and CSS

Learn to create your first web pages using HTML and CSS, the two most important languages on the web. No coding experience required!
DifficultéFacile10 heures
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Are you interested in making web pages? Look no further! In this course, you will learn how to use HTML5 and CSS3, the two types of code upon which all websites are based.

You don't need to have any programming skills yet in order to take this course! HTML and CSS are great entry points to the world of code and are necessary languages for any developer or web designer to know. Create your page's content with HTML, and make it look great with CSS. You'll learn all about these two languages and how they work together to render all your favorite websites.

Ready to start learning to build web pages? Sign up now!

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Distinguish between HTML and CSS and identify their separate uses
  • Recognize common HTML elements and their corresponding attributes
  • Explain how semantic HTML tags are used to structure a web page
  • Distinguish between block and inline elements
  • Use tags and attributes to identify key information within a page
  • Identify and use correct CSS syntax
  • Apply CSS to HTML elements



Tool required: a code editor



Emily Reese

Emily's from the US and lives in Paris, France. She's Head of the Technology Academy at OpenClassrooms.

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Mis à jour le 14/02/2025



Build Your First Web Pages With HTML and CSS

DifficultéFacile10 heures
Cours en libre accès