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Go Full-Stack With Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

Take your JavaScript skills to the back end with Node, Express, and MongoDB — build everything from secure web services to full-featured APIs, creating tools for front-end developers to interact with easily.
DifficultéMoyenne10 heures
Ce cours en libre accès vous intéresse ?

Is JavaScript still just a front-end language? Not anymore! With MongoDBExpress, and Node, you can take your JavaScript skills to the back end!

Starting with Node and Express, you will discover how web apps work on the back end. First, you will create different routes for the various functions you want to make available in your API. Then you will add MongoDB, a NoSQL database, to make your API fully dynamic and your data fully persistent.

Many similar courses push you into some front-end framework like Angular, React, or Vue. However, the front-end app in this course is already built! That means you can concentrate on building your API and watch it come to life, honing your back-end skills and leaving you free to choose your own path.

The app you will be working on is a straightforward online store. First, you will build an API to CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) items for sale. Then you will add authentication to your API to protect it and incorporate file handling to allow users to upload images. 

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Create a basic Express web server
  • Create a RESTful web API using Node, Express and MongoDB
  • Protect selected routes with token-based authentication in an Express app
  • Handle user files in an Express app

Et si vous en faisiez votre métier ?

Suivez une des formations diplômantes de notre école 100% en ligne, et transformez vos connaissances en compétences professionnelles.

  • Formations jusqu’à 100 % financées
  • Date de début flexible
  • Projets professionnalisants
  • Mentorat individuel



Will Alexander

Scottish developer, teacher and musician based in Paris.

Colleen Brady

Educator and English communication expert.

Créé par

Mis à jour le 21/02/2022



Go Full-Stack With Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

DifficultéMoyenne10 heures
Cours en libre accès