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Learn Programming With JavaScript

Build a strong foundation in web development by learning and practicing JavaScript, one of the major programming languages on the web. You'll even create a simple application!
DifficultéFacile15 heures
Ce cours en libre accès vous intéresse ?

To create computer programs or build the app of your dreams, you need to know how to code in a programming language. Apps rely on data and logic to make their magic happen, and that requires a programmer - you - to tell the computer what to do and how. But how do you actually write apps? Where do you start?

This course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of the JavaScript programming language and to give you lots of practice along the way! We'll look at:

  • How to structure and group information in your app with data types.

  • How to use programming logic so your app does what you want it to.

  • How to manage errors and make your app communicate.

  • How to write readable code so you can more easily modify, maintain, and share your apps. 

You'll apply all this knowledge to build real working features for a JavaScript app throughout this course. Ready to discover all the cool things you can do with JavaScript code?  Join us in the first chapter!

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Use data and data types in JavaScript
  • Manage program logic in JavaScript (conditions, loops, and errors)



Will Alexander

Scottish developer, teacher and musician based in Paris.

Olga Volkova

Fascinated by limitless opportunities in the universe of unknown. iOS engineer, interaction designer, entrepreneur, educator, writer.

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Mis à jour le 23/01/2025



Learn Programming With JavaScript

DifficultéFacile15 heures
Cours en libre accès