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Mis à jour le 28/03/2024

Create your first project

Let's create an application using one of the project templates included with Visual Studio.

Project templates save you time when setting up an application. You can start writing your application immediately without worrying about missing resources to get started. All of the available project templates display in the New Project window:

The New Project window displays Visual Studio's project templates.
The New Project window displays Visual Studio's project templates.

By selecting a project template, you let Visual Studio:

  • Create the folder structure

  • Load any necessary files

  • Load required reference libraries

Once you select a template, you have a complete application that can be executed without making any changes.

In this video, we'll create a .NET Core Console Application from a template, see what's included, and run it.

Let's recap!

  • Visual Studio comes with a variety of project templates to save time.

  • Templates include all the necessary files and reference libraries needed to create your application.

  • Using a template, you can start with an executable application.

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite