• 6 heures
  • Facile

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Mis à jour le 01/06/2023

Get the Most Out of This Course

Learn by Doing

This course covers theoretical concepts related to digital inclusion and accessibility, as well as practical techniques, exercises, and resources for evaluating accessibility and designing inclusively.

If your goal is to simply understand the concepts, you can read the course text and take quizzes to test your knowledge and skills.

However, the more you apply the knowledge in this class, the more you will get out of it! You can put your skills to practice by following along with the exercises. Parts 2 and 3 will guide you through a series of connected exercises that build on one another. In Part 2, you will assess a website's accessibility with the help of a testing guide and resources. In Part 3, you will design an accessible web page using a Figma mockup as an example. 

Let's get started!

Meet Your Teachers 

Photo of Lisa LiskovoiLisa is an inclusive designer and digital accessibility specialist. She is based in Toronto and works at the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, where she has the pleasure of learning, unlearning, and relearning all things related to digital inclusion. Her background is in psychology and visual design, and she's committed to putting people at the center of her design work, and helping organizations make their products more inclusive. 

She has created this course in collaboration with software developer Thomas Dimnet. 
 Photo of Thomas Dimnet

Thomas is currently the CTO of the SensCritique site. He previously worked as a front-end developer and then as a full-stack developer. He tries to put accessibility at the center of the production process and trains developers on these issues.

Exemple de certificat de réussite
Exemple de certificat de réussite