Create Your First AWS Server

Before delving into the murky depths of AWS, I’m going to give you a little taster. AWS is such a rich and complex offering that they’ve actually created a service to simplify using the other services! So, I think that’s a good place to start. We can then dig around in the depths at our leisure later on.

The service I’m going to tell you about is called Amazon Lightsail. It’s a simplified interface that enables you to set up your website in record time.

Launch Your First Server With Amazon Lightsail

Amazon Lightsail is the embodiment of cloud computing’s ultimate promise. A turnkey solution for launching a full-capacity website, able to handle as much traffic as one of the biggest websites in the world, in just two minutes.

This level of abstraction means you get less of the flexibility offered by some of the lower-level AWS services (e.g., EC2). However, because we’re just starting out in the world of the cloud, it’s the ideal environment for us.

Let’s try to create a server that can host a classic PHP website. Are you ready? Right, let’s get started!

Navigate to the AWS management console and search for the Lightsail service.

Lightsail on the list of services accessible from the console

We’ll end up at the Lightsail console.

Lightsail console
Lightsail console

Click on “Create instance,” change the region as required and select a preconfigured “LAMP” stack server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).

Selecting your instance location
Selecting your instance location
Creating an instance
Creating an instance

Stay on the same plan, which is free for three months.

Lightsail plans
Lightsail plans

Give your server a name so you can easily identify it and click on “Create instance.”

Create instance menu
Create instance menu

As promised, just two minutes later, our instance is ready to use!

The instance has a public IP address, routing rules and a suitable firewall, 20 GB hard disk, fully operational LAMP stack and so on. We can connect to the machine from the browser by clicking on the little terminal icon:

Lightsail dashboard
Lightsail dashboard

Here we can see the well-known htdocs directory, where we can place the PHP files for our website.

Connect to the machine from the browser
Connect to the machine from the browser

Of course, you can use your favorite SFTP client—FileZilla, CyberDuck etc.—to transfer multiple files at a time.

To do this, go to the “Connect” menu on your application:

Lightsail application “Connect” menu
Lightsail application “Connect” menu

Then click on the “Download default key” button.

SSH key for the Lightsail instance
SSH key for the Lightsail instance

Configure the SSH key in your favorite SFTP client, along with the IP address ( in this example) and the username (bitnami, in our case).

You’re now ready to add your PHP files!

If you want to back up your machine before making any big updates, Lightsail gives you the option of creating a copy of your hard drive. This copy is called a snapshot in AWS. Navigate to the “Snapshots” menu:

Snapshots menu
Snapshots menu

Click on “Create snapshot,” wait for 30 seconds and that’s it!

Creating a snapshot
Creating a snapshot

If anything goes wrong and you want to go back to the previous version of your website, you just need to restore your instance from this backup.

Restore a snapshot
Restore a snapshot

You can also monitor your instance’s performance by going to the “Metrics” section.

The “Metrics” section
The “Metrics” section

Choose the type of metric (1) that you want to check. For example, in the image above, we want to monitor outgoing network traffic. The peak at around 17:10 corresponds to the testing I was carrying out.

Congratulations! You’re now a cloud expert!

Okay, but what’s the difference between Lightsail and other more standard hosting services?

Lightsail gives you access to the robust reliability of AWS data centers but in a refreshingly simple way. For well-defined purposes such as creating a website or blog, Lightsail is highly efficient. You can easily add more machines or a database, and divert traffic to different machines, all in just a few clicks.

The simplicity comes at the cost of a lack of flexibility in environment configuration. It’s not possible to adjust the spec of a machine you’ve already created. All machines are exposed to the internet by default. An instance can only have one public IP address, and so on.

If you want more flexibility but with a similar level of automation, here’s a service that might be of interest: Elastic Beanstalk.

Create a Complex Server With Elastic Beanstalk

Navigate to the “Elastic Beanstalk” section and check which geographic region you’re in (have a look at the menu top right). This indicates where your servers will be running.

If one day you’re unable to find your servers in the AWS console, there’s no need to panic. Just check that you’re looking in the right geographic region!

Click on “Start,” then fill out the form on the page that opens.

You need to give a name to your application, which is the name of the project that you want to be hosted online. If you don’t have anything particular in mind and you just want to try it out with me, you can call it “Test.”

Defining the application name in Beanstalk
Defining the application name in Beanstalk

Next, you need to choose your application platform. You can choose between a number of platforms, such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, and Go. This will depend on which language you’ll be using to code your website.

Choosing an environment on Beanstalk
Choosing an environment on Beanstalk

Depending on which option you choose, Elastic Beanstalk will start up a preconfigured server to meet your requirements (which will save you time).

You’ll then be asked if you already have the code for the application you want to be hosted. If you do, you can send a ZIP file. If you’re just exploring, as I am here, you can leave “Sample application” checked:

Then click on “Create application.” A console is displayed showing how the server launch is progressing:

The console shows the server launch progress
The console shows the server launch progress

You’ll need to wait for a few minutes, as all these services take a little while to launch. When that’s finished, you’ll be automatically redirected to the home page of your application on Elastic Beanstalk.

Get to Grips With the Elastic Beanstalk Interface

Here’s what the home page of an Elastic Beanstalk application looks like:

Here you can see:

  1. the server status (all running fine, apparently!). If you have any issues, you can click on “Causes” to see the errors.

  2. the name of the application installed on your server. We’ve put a demo application on there, but we can send our project in a ZIP file if we want to.

  3. the server type. Here, we selected PHP, so Elastic Beanstalk has launched a Linux server with PHP installed on it for us.

  4. actions that are available to you. For example, you can relaunch the environment (which will restart the server), clone it to make a copy, or shut it down and delete it.

  5. your server’s web address so that you can test your application. Click on this to see the demo application using the server.

The PHP demo application using the server
The PHP demo application using the server

If the page is displayed, this means that your server is operating correctly and it’s able to send a PHP page. It’s nothing particularly special, but it does show you that it’s working.

On the left-hand side of the Elastic Beanstalk admin interface, there are some menus that will be of interest. For example, under “Configuration” > “Capacity” you’ll see that AWS has a default setting for the environment, to quadruple its size if you’re ever inundated with traffic.

AWS will scale your server’s capacity if there’s an unexpected traffic spike
AWS will scale your server’s capacity if there’s an unexpected traffic spike

But don’t worry, when the traffic returns to normal levels, AWS will take care of removing any excess machines.

I’ll leave you to explore the rest of the menus, but be careful, because when you’re starting out, it might seem rather complicated.

Server usage statistics in the “Monitoring” section
Server usage statistics in the “Monitoring” section

Elastic Beanstalk also lets you know when updates are applied to your environment. When a new version of PHP or the operating system is available, AWS will display a new “Change” button.

Changing the environment’s platform version
Changing the environment’s platform version

Choose the new platform environment version and click on “Save.”

Choosing the new platform version
Choosing the new platform version

What Next?

Elastic Beanstalk is designed to be simple. There aren’t actually that many options, but there are enough to launch servers for simple applications. I’d advise you to familiarize yourself with this service a little more before we go any further.

Behind the scenes, Elastic Beanstalk has generated an EC2 server and has done some configuration for us. If you return to the list of services, go to the “EC2” section and then select “Instances.” You’ll see the test server that you’ve just launched.

The EC2 server configured and launched by Elastic Beanstalk
The EC2 server configured and launched by Elastic Beanstalk

As I said, Elastic Beanstalk exists to simplify how other services, such as EC2 and RDS, are used. You can of course explore under the hood of these services and customize them, but be careful if you’re not sure what you’re doing!

Let’s Recap!

  • Amazon Lightsail creates preconfigured machines using a simplified interface. This makes it ideal for hosting websites, blogs, and e-commerce sites.

  • Websites can be backed up quickly by creating snapshots from the Lightsail interface.

  • An Elastic Beanstalk application is a collection of low-level resources within EC2 that can be easily managed from the single Elastic Beanstalk interface.

  • With Amazon Lightsail and Elastic Beanstalk, you can monitor your application’s performance using CPU usage and network request volume graphs. 

In the next part of this course, we’re going to start delving into the underbelly of AWS! So, are you ready to switch off autopilot and go manual?

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