Digital Marketer Programs


We have three programs to train professionals in the growing field of Digital Marketing: Our Apprenticeship, Bootcamp, and Pivot Path. Here you will see a list off the projects and titles for each, and then a list of resources.

The Bootcamp projects include:

  • Accompany an Energy Company in Understanding Marketing Solutions
  • Identify Target Customer Groups for a Line of Home Cooking Kits
  • Audit a B2B software company's website to optimize their SEO
  • Capture New Customers and Maximize Their Lifetime Value for the Online Store of a Furniture Company
  • 📺 Digital Marketer Trends Watch Project Guide - Link
    Introducing the Boost Path "Digital Marketer Trends" and its project skills

The Apprenticeship projects include:

  • Dive into your Digital Marketer Apprenticeship
  • Create a Campaign to Advertise a New Fragrance for a Luxury Brand
  • Improve the Design and Prepare the Launch of an SaaS Invoicing App
  • Help Ocean Heaven Build Their Social Media Strategy
  • Identify Target Customer Groups for your Company
  • Audit your Company’s Websites to Optimize their SEO
  • Capture New Prospects and Maximize their Lifetime Value on your Company's Website


The Pivot Path projects include:

  • Start your journey as a Data Analyst
  • 24 hours in the life of a Data Analyst
  • Improve your client's Social Media strategy
  • Conduct a public health study
  • Analyze your company’s sales 
  • Conduct a market analysis
  • Detect counterfeit notes 
  • Make an income prediction
  • Help your company visualize their progress
  • 📺 The Digital Marketer Path - Link
    A summary introduction of the Digital Marketer Path and how to excel at it
  • 📺 Digital Marketer Project 5 Demonstration - Link
    A discussion and description of Project 5 on the Digital Marketer Path with a focus on SASS
  • 📺 Digital Marketer Project 6 Demonstration - Link
    A description of Project 6 on the Digital Marketer Path


Here are some resources that can apply across our Digital Marketing programs:

  • 📺 The Digital Marketer Path - Link
    A summary introduction of the Digital Marketer Path and how to excel at it
  • 📺 Digital Marketer Trends Watch Project Guide - Link
    Introducing the Boost Path "Digital Marketer Trends" and its project skills
  • 📺 Digital Marketer Project 5 Demonstration - Link
    A discussion and description of Project 5 on the Digital Marketer Path with a focus on SASS
  • 📺 Digital Marketer Project 6 Demonstration - Link
    A description of Project 6 on the Digital Marketer Path
  • 📺 Using Data and SQL for Social Media projects - Link
    Our mentor demonstrates how data helps in all areas of the digital world, including social media. 
  • 📺 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Digital Marketing - Link
    A mentor presents the use of SEO to boost your client's presence online. valuable for many projects in our programs! 
  • 📺 Content Focus in Digital Marketing - Link
    A mentor provides a demonstration on how to craft content to maximize results