Web Developer Path


The Web Developer Path is one of the most popular training programs at OpenClassrooms. Recently we redesigned the Web Developer Path, so when looking at Project Webinars, please check if you are on our 7 project path (555) or the 8 project path (932). Questions? Just email us: http://oc.cm/contact-us

Be sure to check out our Coding Resources page for practice, tutorials, guides and more!

General Coding Webinars, good for any Web Developer

  • 📺 Setting up a Coder's Computer - Link
    Anyone interested in coding and development needs their browsers set up for efficiencies in this demo

  • 📺 Introduction to HTML and CSSLink 
    An introduction to these fundamental languages, good for any Developer path

  • 📺 Exploring GitHubLink

  • 📺 How to learn Javascript Link
  • 📺 Debugging CSS Layouts and JavascriptLink 

Introducing our new Web Developer Path (932)

Project Guide Webinars (Path 555)

Turn Mock-ups into a Web Page with HTML and CSS (This is Project 1 of the Bootcamp, Project 2 of the Web Developer and JavaScript REACT Paths)

  • 📺 How to do this Project, Start to Finish - Link
  • 📺 Introduction to HTML and CSS - Link
  • 📺 Exploring GitHub - Link
  • 📺 Tips and Tricks: Demos for finishing the project - Link


Integrate a Mobile Website with Animations in CSS (This is Project 2 of the Bootcamp, Project 3 of the Web Developer and JavaScript REACT Paths)

  • 📺 Introducing Project 3 - Link
  • 📺 Introducing CSS & SASS - Link 1   Link 2 

 Optimize and Existing Website (Project 4 of the 555 path)

  • 📺 How to do Project 4 in just 3 weeks - Link
  • 📺 Search Engine Optimization Tips for the project - Link

 Build an e-Commerce Website with JavaScript (Project 5 on the 555 path)

  • 📺 How to get started with Project 5 - Link
  • 📺 Project 5 Summary - Link
  • 📺 How to learn Javascript - Link
  • 📺 Debugging CSS Layouts and Javascript - Link

 Build a Secure API for a Review App (Project 6 on the 555 path)

  • 📺 Introducing the Project 6 Design - Link

 Build a Full-Stack Solution (Project 7 on the 555 path)

  • 📺 How to get started with Project 7 - Link
  • 📺 Learning REACT - Link
  • 📺 Sequelize and the Object Relational Mapper Project 7 - Link!



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