How to Be a Great Online Student

There is an art to learning online, and it has a lot in common with being a strong professional. You must manage your time effectively, create a network of resources, collaborate well with your peers and your mentor, set and meet your goals, and more! To aid you in this important skills development, we have collected the following resources. They are all worth a listen, so come back periodically and find something new to help you continue to become the best online learner!

Please note that we transitioned from Workplace to Slack as our student community in January 2023. Disregard any references to Workplace.

Our Welcome Webinar

General Learning

  • 📺 The Process at OpenClassrooms - [Coming Soon]
    A 4 minute video summary of the OpenClassrooms design
  • 📺 How to Research Responsibly - Link 
    Screenshot demonstrations on how to conduct filtered research to find answers quickly to any question
  • 📺 What is Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty? - Link 
    Defines originality and offers advice on how to reuse information without copying directly at work as well as school
  • 📺 How to Network Professionally - Link 
    Strategies for planting your network now so you can get a job later
  • 📺 How to Catch Up If You've Fallen Behind - Link 
    The best data-driven advice for catching up if you have fallen behind your study schedule

Mentorship and Assessments

  • 📺 Tips for Killer Mentor Sessions - Link 
    Strategies of how to make the most of your session time with mentors
  • 📺 How to Complete a Project, Start to Finish - Link 
    A step by step guide to our projects, with advice on how to move through efficiently
  • 📺 Getting Unstuck between Mentor Sessions - Link 
    Advice on how to proceed if you are stuck on a topic 6 days before your next mentor session
  • 📺 How to Give a Great Assessment - Link 
    A mentor's best advice on preparing to defend your project assessment
  • 📺 Find a Coding Buddy - Link 
    A workshop on the benefits of collaboration plus a review oof online platforms and connections with other people

Stress and Life

  • 📺 Dealing with Stress - Link 
    A psychology student's advice for combatting stress with active coping mechanisms
  • 📺 Soft Skills: Teamwork - Link 
    A summary of the best strategies to build team work skills now that you can use in your professional life later
  • 📺 Avoiding Burnout - Link 
    A focus on stress when combining studies with full time work
  • 📺 Time Management and Accountability - Link 
    Tips on managing your time effectively and motivating yourself after a long day at work
  • 📺 The Psychology of Procrastination - Link 
    An explanation of how the mind avoids stress and hard work and how to power through it
  • 📺 Back to School Study Tips - Link 
    Advice on returning to school after a break in your studies
  • 📺 New Years Resolutions (and goal-setting) - Link 
    A focus on setting resolutions that work, for general goal-setting and New Year Resolutions.

We hope these are useful resources! You can come back to check for new additions at least once a month. If you have suggestions for topics or important links, please contact us at

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