IT Technician Path

We have multiple programs designed to help you become an IT Technician / Tech Support / Help Center expert. These include our Bootcamps, our Apprenticeship, and our Pivot Path for career transitions. While those may sound very different, many of the projects appear on all three programs. Therefore, be careful to match the project title to the resource you are watching. Unsure which one is yours? Here is the syllabus for each:


The IT Technician program has 8 projects, and the path can be broken up into three sections: 

  • Projects 1 and 2: get you used to the OpenClassrooms platform and the style of skills required for for this path
  • Projects 3-5: Begin building virtual networks, virtual computers so you can simulate and solve tech issues
  • Projects 6-8: Learn how to apply your skills to a customer-facing role and finalize your skills

Of all the projects, the Project "Deploy IT Equipment for a Start-up" is the most challenging, because you have to build the network and computer before running your solution - and if the solution doesn't work, you have to start all over. That can be frustrating! We recommend doing the projects out of order so you tackle Project 3 after finishing a few more projects. Doing Project 3 last is going to make it much more successful! Or you can go ahead and use these webinars to help you get started:


Webinars for the project Deploy IT Equipment for a Start-up

  • 📺 IT Support P3 virtual network demo - Link

  • 📺 IT Support P3 virtual machine demo - Link

  • 📺 IT Support P3 WDS and WSUS - Link

Webinar for the Project Develop the IT Infrastructure of an SME
  • 📺 IT Support P4 Network and Network Topology - Link


IT Technician Resources

  • 📺 IT Bros Deploy Windows 10: Tutorial - Link
  • 📺 IT Bros SysPrep Windows 10 and 11: Tutorial - Link
  • MST Webcast WDS Install and Configure WDS - Link 1   Link 2 
  • 📺 RoboCopy, A demo of the Best Windows Backup - Link
  • 📺 Yolinux VNC (Virtual Network Computing) installation and tutorial - Link
  • VNC Viewer setup for Windows Video Tutorial - Link
  • Check Your Logs: WSUS - Link
  • Check Your Logs: WDS - Link
  • Installation and Configuration of DHCP Win 2019 - Link
  • 📺 Eli the Computer Guy introduces the OSI Model - Link
  • 📺 Eli the Computer Guy introduces TCP/IP and Subnet Masking - Link
  • Introduction to Networking the basics: Modems, Routers, Firewalls, VPN, Switches, Wireless Access Points, Network Cabling, Clients, Devices, and Servers - Link 




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