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Insertion professionnelle

Develop Your Career Plan

Do you want to find a new career path or boost the one you're currently on? Develop a personalized career plan step-by-step and open the door to your next opportunity!
DifficultyEasy6 hours
Interested in this free-access course?

Before you dive in, you should be mindful of your existing skills as you begin to define your career plan. Exploring the job market will be so much easier that way!

First, look at your professional development to recall your achievements, list your skills and evaluate your strengths. In other words, take note of everything you’ve acquired through your professional and personal experiences so far.

Doing this will strengthen your confidence in yourself and your talents!

As the adage goes, “If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you can’t know where you’re going.”

Based on this assessment, you’ll then be able to determine your career plan. You will be able to not only identify your target profession, but also your preferred industries, type of company and regions or countries. Your plan should of course be adapted to your personal ambitions as well as your skills, experiences and abilities.

Lastly, you’ll explore the job market to find out what it can offer and what may suit you best. The aim is to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. There are many moving parts in the work world. It’s up to you to monitor job offers, observe trends, take risks and meet new people. All this will help things fall into place and allow you to find what's right for you.

Learning outcomes

  • Stay up-to-date on the job market and professional opportunities
  • Describe the job market in a way that is relevant to your career plan


Prerequisites: None! This course is open to everyone.



Alexandra Beraldin

University lecturer and arts administrator, main fields of research include rhetorical thought and digital humanities

Joelle Salou

Consultante RH et coach - Diplômée d'Ecole Supérieure de Commerce

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Last updated: 1/23/2025


Insertion professionnelle

Develop Your Career Plan

DifficultyEasy6 hours
Free-access course