Cushion elements with padding

You'll often want the border of an element to be pushed out from the element's contents itself. Borders can visually suffocate your elements, and it would be nice to let them breathe!

You can see the difference in spacing between an element's contents and its below. There's more space on the right:

Additional space around the right-hand element
Additional space around the right-hand element

Padding is the space between an element's contents and border. It is still within the element itself, not around it.

An element's padding and border
An element's padding and border

Unlike many other CSS properties, padding is not inherited from parent elements. You must explicitly set it on the elements where you want it.

How to set padding

Setting padding is as simple as giving the padding property a space value via:

  • pixels

  • em/rem

  • a percentage.

Here's the example we'll use in this course, which currently has no padding:

Example with no padding
Example with no padding


<h1>Desserts are good!</h1>
<p>Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet caramels marshmallow powder chocolate bar. Jujubes halvah chocolate sweet roll croissant muffin muffin. Apple pie jelly beans caramels apple pie pudding sugar plum candy icing. Soufflé marshmallow icing jelly brownie donut icing muffin halvah. Bear claw powder chocolate topping chupa chups. Cotton candy pie halvah. Gummies cake fruitcake cotton candy candy pudding cupcake brownie. Chupa chups danish brownie gummi bears dragée.</p>


body {
font-family: Futura;
h1 {
color: #B33C86;
border: 10px solid #B33C86;
p {
color: #190E4F;
border: 5px solid #190E4F;

Let's add some padding!

Setting padding in pixels

Adding padding in pixels is a great way to set padding that never changes. Regardless of the text size the user has set, the padding will always be shown at the same size.

Select your element, declare a padding property, and set it to a numerical value in pixels:

h1 {
padding: 10px;
p {
padding: 10px;
Example with 10px of padding
Example with 10px of padding

Setting padding in em/rem

You can also set padding as an em or rem value. The padding value will then be relativeto the element's text size. If an h1 has a font-size of 32px, 1em of padding would be 32px. If a p has a font-size of 16px, 1em of padding would be 16px.

Setting padding with a relative unit like em or rem means that if a user has a default font size set in their browser, your design will be relative to that font size. This could allow for more design consistency.

h1 {
padding: 0.5em;
p {
padding: 1em;
Example with 0.5em and 1em of padding
Example with 0.5em and 1em of padding

Setting padding via percentages

You can also set padding as a percentage value. The percentage is relative to the widthof the containing element. This is a bit abstract, so stick with me.

Take the following example of a paragraph within the body of your page:

<p>My paragraph</p>

Say that:

  • the body of the page is 850px wide.

  • the paragraph inside the body is 300px wide.

If you set padding: 10% on the paragraph element, the paragraph's padding will be 85px (10% of 850px); not 30px (10% of 300px).

To calculate your ideal padding value as a percentage, here's some easy math:

padding as percentage = desired padding in pixels / width of containing element * 100

In our previously used example, a body contains the heading and paragraph. Because the body is 500px wide, the h1's padding (5%) will be 25px. The paragraph's padding (3%) will be 15px.

h1 {
padding: 5%;
p {
padding: 3%;
Example with 5% and 3% padding
Example with 5% and 3% padding

Setting multiple padding values

You'll often want to set one vertical padding value and another horizontal padding value.  Let's take the case of buttons; it's a little too intense to have 30px of padding on every side of a button (top, right, bottom, and left):

Too much padding
Too much padding

It would make more sense to have more padding on the left/right sides of the button and less on the top/bottom sides:

Reasonable padding for a button
Reasonable padding for a button

You can set top, right, bottom, and left padding values in that order:

p {
padding: 5px 30px 5px 30px;

If your top/bottom values are the same, and your left/right values are the same, you can also just set two values: one for the top/bottom padding and another for left/right padding.

p {
padding: 5px 30px;

Here are different padding values and their results:

Padding values and their results
Padding values and their results

In the middle example, the same result is achieved in both lines of code!

Your Turn

Add padding of your own in the following interactive exercise. Start off by adding a padding value of 3% to the  h1  element and a padding value of 5% to the  p  element. Then, feel free to experiment further with padding values in pixels or em or rem units! 


  • Padding is the space between an element's contents and border.

  • Set padding by using the  padding  property and setting a space value in pixels, em/rem, or percentages. 

  • Multiple values for  padding  can be set by changing TRBL (top, right, bottom, left) margins.

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