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Last updated on 12/2/19

Test Your Application

Test Your App on Azure

This should be an easy process. The database you used to test your app locally is now online, along with your app. Unless there are issues with your connection string or the change you made to the Startup.cs file, everything should function exactly as before.

Test your app by logging in using the credentials you set up when you first registered. Your watchlist, if you have one, should display. Test the menu items by clicking each one, and verifying the navigation is working as you expect.

Next, add some new movies to the database. Then add some of those to your watchlist. When you have movies and a watchlist, rate a few of your movies. Continue testing the features until you are satisfied that everything works as desired, making any necessary corrections.

Finalize Your Live App

The last step for your application at this point is to correct any lingering display issues that you may have noticed during testing. Since your app is built with Bootstrap, it’s mobile-ready. It’s a good idea to test it for multiple screen sizes to ensure things look the way you want.

There are two ways you can go about this process. First, you can resize your browser window and see how the pages behave. This is adequate during initial testing, but if you’re going to make your app publicly available, you need to test it using emulators for mobile devices.

Fortunately, Google Chrome and other browsers have such emulators built into their debugging features. In Chrome, press F12 to bring up the debugging environment. In the menu bar, on the left-hand side, you’ll see an icon representing mobile devices. This is the toggle button for the emulators. You can also get it by pressing Ctrl + Shift + M.

Toggle button for the emulators
Toggle button for the emulators

For example, the following image shows the Bootstrap template I chose displaying within an emulator for the iPhone 6/7/8 models:

Bootstrap template displaying within an emulator for the iPhone 6/7/8 models.
Bootstrap template

To try different emulators, select them from the dropdown menu on the top left of the emulator display menu.

Let's Recap!

In this chapter, you worked on some final details for your app:

  • You’ve now published your app to Azure online, and you’ve tested its functionality by adding movies and personal ratings to the database as well as your watchlist. 

  • And finally, you tested the appearance of your app for multiple devices using the device emulators in Google Chrome’s debugging tools.

You’ve completed the project! How does it feel? Pretty good, right?

In the last chapter, we’re going to talk briefly about some additional things you might consider for your app to make it more useful, or even marketable if that’s the direction you want to go with it.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement