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Design the Logical Model of Your Relational Database

Ready to store your application's data? Let's cover the basics of SQL and design the structure of your first relational database with an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
DifficultyEasy4 hours
Interested in this free-access course?

Relational databases, which use Structured Query Language (SQL), are used in a wide variety of applications!

Building an effective and reliable database starts with good design. This is the foundation for a stable and long-lasting data collection and storage system.

Learning how to design a database is essential for back-end developers but can be useful for front-end developers too, as understanding how data is collected and stored will help you create better websites!

In this course, you will learn about the elements that make up a relational database: entities, attributes, and data types. You'll learn to manage the relationships between records of data with primary keys and foreign keys and by respecting database integrity constraints. You'll practice designing and representing these relationships with an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Lastly, you'll learn to reduce redundancy and optimize the stability of your database through normalization

Join me in this course, and you’ll be able to design almost any database with a little practice!

Learning outcomes

  • Distinguish relational databases from NoSQL databases
  • Describe the elements of relational databases
  • Manage the structure of a relational database



Victor Wilkinson

Software developer and adjunct instructor currently working on a VB6 to VB.NET software conversion for FBE Associates.

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Last updated: 1/23/2025



Design the Logical Model of Your Relational Database

DifficultyEasy4 hours
Free-access course