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Last updated on 5/6/22

Create Customer-Centric Marketing Content

Now you have identified your target audience, you need the right content to show them.

Focus Your Production on Customer-Centric Content

Production teams know the product well, but you really need in-depth knowledge of your customers along with a dynamic picture of your target audience. What you probably have is:

  • Technical description

  • Sales offer

  • Price list

  • Purchase or subscription agreement

But this content probably comes from a legal, technical, or strategic perspective and is not right for your marketing communications.

Address Customer Needs in Your Communication Messages

To create irresistible content, talk to customers by addressing their needs at these three stages:

  1. Stimulating need for your product or service.

  2. Raising awareness of your product or service.

  3. Responding to, for example, a Google search query.

You need to produce customer-centric content for a customer-centric marketing campaign.

Select the Right Channel

It's essential to match the right content to the right audience and deliver it through the proper marketing channel - such as email, web page, SMS, or mobile app.

In either case, some customers might never respond to emails but might welcome a push message from a mobile app. Some customers may even have different preferences at different times.

You need to keep all this in mind when you create your content - and decide how to show it to customers.

Let's Recap!

To create irresistible content, you need to:

  • Focus on producing customer-centric content.

  • Match it to the customer's needs at the time they view it.

  • Select the best channel to reach the customer.

You are now in a position to create customer-centric content to address customer needs. In the following chapter, you will see more elements to orchestrate your communication as part of a marketing plan.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement