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Last updated on 4/1/22

Help Users Navigate on Your Site

Navigation allows users to browse a site and move between pages. Even the most complex dashboards use this system.

In other words, navigation menus are critical to all users. As a result, menus must be:

  • Usable with a mouse, keyboard, and mobile phone.

  • Understandable. It should be clear which page the user is currently on and which other pages they can navigate to. If there is a secondary navigation menu, such as a dropdown, the behavior and functionality should be clear. 

In this chapter, you will:

  • Build robust navigation for all types of users.

  • Manage the interaction and the possible status changes of a navigation menu.

Build a Robust Navigation System

The proper use of HTML5, compliance with acceptable development practices, and the use of ARIA attributes allows the creation of fluid, complete, and intelligible navigation for a wide variety of users.

Use Proper Tags for Navigation

First, let’s take a look at some good and bad practices and their impacts on navigation.

Structuring Navigation With HTML

Building accessible navigation requires the use of the following tags:

  • The  nav  tag, which will declare this block of elements a navigation menu.

  • The  a  tag, which will declare the element as a navigation link.

  • The  ul  or  li  tags, which declare a list and are included in the  nav  tag.

Navigating on Mobile Devices

For mobile navigation, there are two things to remember for now.

First, the hitbox must be large enough to allow navigation.

In other words, the clickable surface (or pressable surface if you are on a mobile device) must be large enough to be used by a diverse range of users to be accessible. For example, older adults, users with motor difficulties (e.g., stroke victims), and people with vision loss need a larger area than the average user.

The second thing to remember is the famous hamburger menu. This type of menu is very popular in mobile navigation. We will return to this a little later in this chapter.

Use ARIA to Improve the Navigation's Accessibility

In the previous chapter, we discussed the construction of semantic navigation using HTML. Let's now add ARIA attributes to make the interaction more precise when using assistive technologies.

The Navigation Role

As you saw earlier,   role ="navigation"  can be used in addition to a  nav  tag. The advantage of adding it is to increase compatibility with assistive technologies, especially older ones.

The "aria-label" and "aria-labelledby" Attributes

If you have several navigation sections, you can use the  aria-label  and  aria-labelledby  attributes to label your navigation menus, clarifying each navigation region's specific purpose on the page for assistive technology users. 

The "menubar" and "menuitem" Roles

If you are working on a complex interface, such as a dashboard, you might need to create a menu bar.

To build it in an accessible manner, you need to use the  menubar  and  menuitem  attributes. The first allows you to declare the block (or container) as a menu and then define options within the menu as menu items.

Manage Your Different Navigation States

Once you have your navigation structure, make sure that you clearly communicate the menu's state to assistive technologies, including:

  • Providing feedback to the user regarding the current page, which is sometimes only evident through visual cues. This information should also be available to assistive technology users.

  • Managing the states of collapsible content, such as dropdown and hamburger menus.

  • Supporting keyboard interaction of all navigation content, including dropdown menus. 

Provide Feedback on the Selected Item and the Current Page

Identify the Current Page

The first method for identifying the current page uses the ARIA attribute aria-current.  In the example below, the current page is always a pull request page. Note the aria-current="page" attribute, which indicates to assistive technologies that this page is the one the user is currently on.

<nav aria-label="Global">
    <a aria-label="Pull requests you created" aria-current="page" href="/pulls">
        Pull requests
    <a aria-label="Issues you created" href="/issues">
    <div class="mr-3">
        <a href="/marketplace">
    <a href="/explore">

The second method to describe the current page is to transform the  a  tag of the current page into a  span  and add  invisible  text (hidden using CSS) to indicate this. It’s more of a workaround than using  aria-current , but it can be useful in cases where the aria-current attribute isn’t supported. 

In the example below, the current page is a pull request.

<nav aria-label="Global">
    <span class="current">
        <span class="hidden">Current page:</span>
            Pull requests
    <a aria-label="Issues you created" href="/issues">
    <div class="mr-3">
        <a href="/marketplace">
    <a href="/explore">
Change Visual States on Hover and Focus 

It is also essential to give visual feedback for interactions. To do this, use CSS and its pseudo-class.

The pseudo-classes that you need for navigation links are:

Manage the Dynamic Elements of Your Page

Navigation menus can be simple, such as the one above, but they can become complex as your site grows. Let’s work through a more complex example, with different levels of navigation nested in dropdown menus.

Once again, we’ll use ARIA attributes to communicate the functionality and state of the navigation.

The "aria-haspopup" Attribute

This attribute notes that a particular control reveals additional pop-up content. It can indicate that the navigation menu contains a submenu.

The "aria-expanded" Attribute

The aria-expanded  attribute is often used with the  aria-haspopup  attribute. In the example below, the  aria-expanded  attribute lets the user know whether the navigation menu is open or closed.

        <a aria-haspopup="true"  aria-expanded="false" id="bd-versions">
        <div aria-labelledby="bd-versions">
            <a href="/docs/4.4/">Latest (4.4.x)</a>
            <a href="https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/">v4.3.1</a>
            <a href="https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.2/">v4.2.1</a>
            <a href="https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/">v4.0.0</a>
    <!-- new li tag with other links goes here -->

Whenever you use  aria-expanded , you should also use the aria-controls attribute, which allows the element to control its state with the same ID. It essentially establishes a programmatic relationship between the control (in this case, the navigation item) that opens additional content and the content it controls (in this case, the other pop-up content).

Let’s see an example of these two attributes together in the hamburger menu example.

The Case of Hamburger Menus
The three horizontal lines stacked vertically.
A hamburger menu.

You would use this on mobile devices, but not exclusively. You may also find it in desktop navigation, for example, when users enlarge content to make it easier to see.

Like any control, this button should be accessible with a keyboard, have visible focus, and communicate its states to assistive technologies. Because it collapses and expands content, which typically slides from the side of the screen, you need to add an  aria-expanded  attribute to it, as we did with dropdown navigation, and an  aria-controls  attribute to establish the connection between the hamburger menu button and the menu content.

In the example below, the button controls the block of elements with the  toggleNavbar  ID. Note that there is an  aria-label  used to give the button an accessible name.

    <div id="toggleNavbar">
        <!-- content of the navigation menu goes here -->
        <button aria-controls="toggleNavbar" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">

Use Breadcrumb Navigation

Before moving to practice, let’s look at breadcrumbs.

To create accessible breadcrumb navigation, you will need:

  • A  nav  tag or ARIA role=”navigation” to indicate that the region is a kind of navigation block. 

  • An  aria-label  attribute to define the block as a breadcrumb.

  • An  aria-current  attribute to specify the current page.

<nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
        <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Library</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page">Data</li>

Also, notice that the use of an ordered list (ol) enables the nesting elements.

Now it's the time to practice and complete our navigation menu!

Tonight in Gotham: Implement a Navigation Menu

As you saw in the previous part, our project includes several navigation menus. Two in the header, and one in the footer.

The navigation menus indicating their zones. Header/banner contains three zones: main navigation, search and profile navigation.
Header navigation menus.
The footer navigation menu indicating its zones. Footer/contentinfo contains one zone: footer navigation.
Footer navigation menu

In the project code, you will see that the regions are identified with  aria-label  attributes:  aria-label="main navigation",  aria-label="profile", a  ria-label=""footer navigation". Also, all links use  a  tags.

Now, look at the main navigation menu. The first item is the Batman icon. We'll take a closer look at the accessibility of images and icons a little later in the course.

The icon is embedded in an  a  tag. To communicate the destination of the link, use the  aria-label  attribute.

Lastly, remember to give visual feedback to the user about the interaction.

If you look at the CSS file associated with this project, you'll see the following rules:

  • In the first code snippet, the SVG of the Batman icon changes color on focus and hover.

  • In the second snippet, the text in the navigation menu changes to a heavier  font-weight  indicating that the user is on a navigation item by making it bold.

.header-svg:hover {
    background-color: #000;
.header-svg:hover path {
    fill: #FFEA94;
    stroke: #FFEA94;
.header-navigation-item:focus {
    font-weight: 700;

These rules allow you to give the user visual feedback when an icon is in focus or hovered over, which is particularly helpful for people who rely on the keyboard for navigation. Remember, accessibility is not only for people with vision loss. It's about helping all users browse your site.

Now let's take a look at the dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the header. You control this interaction with JavaScript, which you can find in the  app.js  file. To make this interaction accessible, keep in mind the following:

  • The profile button uses an  a  tag with the attributes  aria-haspopup  and  aria-expanded  to semantically indicate the presence of a dropdown menu and communicate its current state.

  • The dropdown button and the links within it have all CSS rules for hover and focus to indicate when they are selected.

We haven't discussed the  aria-current  attribute because the project has only one page.

However, if  you were on one of the navigation subpages, you could do so with the following technique (seen earlier in this chapter):

<li class="header-navigation-item">
    <a aria-current="page" href="#">Work</a>

This technique is also useful when you have pagination links, such as those that appear in multiple page search results. You can enclose all numbers within the pagination in a  nav  element, add aria-label="pagination" and add aria-current="page" to the search results page number the user is on.

Let’s Recap!

  • A good navigation menu uses good semantics: take advantage of  nav  and  a  tags.

  • Enhance your navigation menu with the  role ="navigation"  attribute.

  • Use the ARIA  haspopup  and  aria-expanded  attributes to describe the states of your navigation menu where appropriate.

  • Finally, change visual states on hover and focus.

Next, we’ll focus on content and how to make it accessible, starting with examining the accessibility of images.

Example of certificate of achievement
Example of certificate of achievement