Test Your Code With Chrome and Firefox DevTools

In this chapter, you'll be using the Chrome and Firefox developer tools — affectionately known as the DevTools — to analyze a page from the OpenClassrooms website!

Explore the Inspector - HTML

From an OpenClassrooms web page, find out what the HTML inspector looks like on your web browser:

Let's start by opening https://openclassrooms.com/en/paths in Chrome:

Open Classrooms - Parcours
OpenClassrooms - Paths

To inspect this page's structure, you're going to need the Elements inspector. On Windows, use  Ctrl+Shift+C  . On macOS, use  Option+Cmd+C . The inspector will open at the bottom of your screen.

To make things easier to read, I prefer to anchor the DevTools on my screen's right-hand side. You'll find the option in the "Customize and control DevTools" menu:

Customize DevTools
Customize DevTools
Re-anchored DevTools
Re-anchored DevTools

As you hover over various lines of code, the corresponding elements are highlighted on the displayed page. For example, hover over this line:

<div id="oc-header" data-widget="header">...</div>

The page header will highlight:

Highlighted header
Highlighted header

This highlighting tells you that the line you're hovering over corresponds to the page header. Let's dive further into the structure of the header by clicking on the arrow next to the line:

Open the header
Open the header

You'll notice that the  div  element contains a single child: a  header  element. The structure of this page is such that there are multiple single-child elements. In the screenshot below, I opened them all until I found one with the multiple child elements that you see in the header:

Dive into the structure
Dive into the structure

If you hover over the various children here, you'll see elements highlight on the page, letting you know which line of code is responsible for which visual element:

Highlighted logo
Highlighted logo
Highlighted menu
Highlighted menu

You can also find the line responsible for an element by right-clicking that element, then clicking Inspect. Try it out on the text that says "Discover our paths catalog:"

Right-click + Inspect
Right-click + Inspect
The corresponding code
The corresponding code

You can also activate inspection on selection, which allows you to hover and click on page elements to inspect them:

Inspect on selection
Inspect on selection

Explore the Inspector - Styles

Now find out what the style inspector looks like on your web browser:

You can also use browser inspectors to view and modify the code responsible for a page's styles, which define the appearance of its elements. If you have changed your selection since the previous section, reselect the "Discover our paths catalog" text element. In the lower half of the Inspector, you should see the Styles section:

On Chrome

Styles inspector - Chrome
Styles inspector - Chrome

On Firefox

Styles inspector - Firefox
Styles inspector - Firefox

In the Styles inspector ("Styles" in Chrome, "Rules" in Firefox), you can filter the various styles to find exactly what you want to modify.

Let's say you want to change the white color of the selected text. In the filter field, type "color," and look for the  color  rule, which contains a small white square and the value  rgb(255, 255, 255)  :

On Chrome

color - Chrome
Color - Chrome

On Firefox

color - Firefox
Color - Firefox

Clicking on the value for  color  allows you to modify it. Try typing  red  , and watch the element change in the main window:

Red color
Red color

Study the Console

One of the other DevTools you will use very often is the Console. The Console provides you with vital information about how your projects run, especially if they encounter a problem. You can access the Console from the DevTools header:

On Chrome

Access the console - Chrome
Access the Console - Chrome

On Firefox

Access the console - Firefox
Access the Console - Firefox

As a front-end developer, you can make messages appear in the Console. For example, the developers at OpenClassrooms show a message warning users about the dangers of Self-XSS attacks. The attacker convinces the victim to paste malicious code into the Console.

There are warnings linked to the source code at the time of writing - and an error!

Error in the console!
Error in the Console!

Activate Mobile Mode

Roughly half of all web traffic today is on mobile, so as a front-end developer, you will need to test your project's appearance on several different devices. Find out how to handle the mobile design:

The DevTools let you simulate several types of mobile devices. You can activate mobile mode from the DevTools header:

On Chrome

Mobile mode - Chrome
Mobile mode - Chrome

On Firefox

Mobile mode - Firefox
Mobile mode - Firefox

After activating mobile mode, the active part of the browser window changes shape, allowing you to see the great job the OpenClassrooms developers have done! Their design works correctly in mobile view:

Responsive design
Responsive design

In mobile mode, the browser toolbar lets you choose the type of mobile you are simulating, its orientation, and you can even limit bandwidth to simulate a bad mobile connection!

Mobile mode options
Mobile mode options

Let's Recap!

In this chapter:

  • You analyzed web page structure with the inspector.

  • You found and modified an element's style.

  • You discovered the Console.

  • You used mobile mode to simulate browsing with a mobile device.


Now you're ready to assess what you've learned with the quiz I've prepared for you!

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